Autumn is my personal favorite season. Let's explore seven reasons why I feel this way.
"Set Point" theory simply refers to your body's tendency to return to a natural, biologically determined weight range. It can be overcome. We will explore ten tips to help guide you on your journey.
Daylight Saving Time was created to do exactly what the name implies: create savings. Specifically, it was intended to save energy. But that is no longer the case.
Email can be a friend or a foe. It's up to you to take action and manage your email so that your inbox doesn't get out of control.
Leadership requires knowledge, skills, and abilities that must be honed and developed over time. Learn about the six common characteristics that all effective leaders share.
Never leave home without your sense of humor.
Even with COVID-19 looming, sometimes you just need a getaway. Here are a few tips to make it successful.
Stalled by COVID-19? Stymied by children at home, constant access to snacks, or no gym access? You can still make progress on your weight loss goals! Here’s how.
Everyone has their own take on how to make the best use of Zoom. These are my own personal tips after a couple of years of using it.
Once upon a time, the world was set upside down by COVID-19. And along with that, we have a bunch of new vocabulary words and phrases, as well as old words being used in a new way.
For as long as humans have gazed up at the stars, there has been the desire to one day leave the Earth, and live on one of those distant specks of light.
What’s up with WW’s new colors? They’re just a way to guide you to a customized plan that is the best match for your particular weight loss journey. Think of it as Noom for people who aren’t married to their smartphones.
Want to avoid going into (deeper) debt this Christmas? You don’t have to break the bank to celebrate the day.
I recently traveled to Phoenix, Arizona on my own. I had an excellent trip. I also had a horrible trip. It all depends on how I choose to look at it.
Most people I know have a “To Do” list. I believe that there’s great value in having a “To Don’t” list as well.
This article covers how to develop learning objectives for your training presentation. This skill is critical because the learning objectives serve as the driver for all your subsequent training activities.
Sometimes life sucks, and people close to you just up and die. If you’re going to move forward, it’s up to you.
Noom is advertising all over the place, promising a “new” approach to weight loss. I decided to see how it stacks up against my old favorite, Weight Watchers (WW).
Sometimes you just need to drop the ball, on purpose. Newsflash: overworking isn’t the answer to happiness.
I am so tired of hearing people (mainly politicians and celebrities) give apologies, which are nothing more than rationalizations for bad behavior. Obviously, they don’t know how to properly apologize. So, here is a tutorial.
So you’re thinking about going on the “Keto” diet because of all the hype. Take the weight off fast, and never be hungry! You think you’ve read enough, and you’re ready to begin. Be careful, because what you don’t know about it just might kill you.
In the past, many New Year’s resolutions involved dropping a few pounds. Today it seems everyone has jumped on the “Tidying Up” bandwagon.
Weight Watchers recently announced a new approach to their program. They call it WW, for Wellness Wins. Want to know what that’s all about? Read on.
Ever since Pandora opened her box letting all manner of evil escape into the world, mankind seems bent on causing each other pain. What remained in the box was hope, that expectation that causes us to act rather than persist in despair.
Like most of us, you’re trying to take off a few pounds. You probably think that means eating in restaurants is off limits, but you’d be wrong. Here are some tips to help you enjoy dining out, even if you're on a diet!
Politics today is looking less and less like adults having dignified and important conversations, and more like a playground filled with spoiled brats and sore losers. And I don’t mean Donald Trump.
As a woman, I truly wanted to believe Dr. Ford. Sadly I can’t, and here’s why.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is not a diet, in the narrowest definition of that word. It is actually an eating pattern that is gaining popularity in health and fitness circles.
Weight Watchers (WW) Freestyle has been around for a while now. It’s probably the most “livable” WW program yet. That’s not to say you would pass up a few tips and hints if they were offered, right?
Saying you want to change is one thing. Actually doing it is something else entirely. It requires focus, discipline, and follow-through.
Taking off some weight doesn’t need to be a complex, expensive, time-consuming, overwhelming process with pages of strict guidelines to follow. As I see it, there are just five things you need to do differently in order to lose weight.
There is so much advice out there; it’s difficult to know where to start. That’s why I’ve compiled this very basic list of do’s and don’ts for slimming down for summer – or anytime really.
When we lose a loved one, sometimes we get stuck blaming ourselves for things that were not our fault.
As they say, truth is stranger than fiction. The “Snake Diet” is a real thing. Apparently the name was originally meant as a joke. In my opinion, this fad diet is just that.
There’s nothing wrong with taking medication, but it’s not the answer for everything. In fact, medication typically shouldn’t be the first thing to try for weight management.
If you live in the Midwest, you probably don’t get to go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City all that often. But never fear, there are still some fun casinos right here on the Great Plains.
We have all been there. The word we meant to say didn’t come out right. Then there are those people who misuse and mispronounce certain words regularly. Here are a few of my pet peeves.
Every year, thousands of people commit to taking off some weight. Unfortunately, after only a few days or weeks, many of those same people have given up. Let’s look at some common reasons why.
The day after the Super Bowl, many American men turn their attention to expanding waistlines and the buttons that won’t stay closed. What’s the best way to get back in shape for summer? Read on.
The holidays are over (you recall that blur between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day don't you?), winter is still going strong and you feel trapped inside. How can you fix the winter funk?
Have you wondered about using the South Beach diet? Here is a side-by-side review of South Beach with another well-known program: Weight Watchers Freestyle.
Weight Watchers Freestyle is good for even the most basic cook. You can even stay on program while not cooking at all (or very little).
Women worldwide are saying, “Me too.” We, as a civilization, have reached a tipping point. This makes me wonder: Where is the “line” when it comes to sexual harassment?
As a veteran Weight Watchers member, I know that they roll out a new program every year or two. This one is the best yet, in my opinion.
Christmas can be a magical time of year. It can also be challenging, particularly in case of serious illness or the passing of a loved one. Here are my thoughts on finding peace during the holidays.
You've heard of Bitcoin, but you have no idea what it is. Perhaps someone's explained it to you but it still makes no sense. Don't worry. Here's what Bitcoin is and how it works, in terms that anyone can understand.
There is so much hype on TV about the various commercially available diet programs. Here is my head-to-head comparison of Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, to help you sort it out.
Why I love Donna Brazile, and why you need to buy her book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House."
Whatever happened to, “Have a Nice Day?” Our society seems to have “progressed” from merely being impolite, right past rudeness, and on to outright aggressive and vile language and behavior.
The election is over, people. For Hillary, it’s the “one that got away,” and she can’t seem cope with it. Now she’s trying to explain away her defeat. If you’re having trouble too, this may help.
Tried in the court of public opinion, and apparently for predominantly monetary reasons, Fox News Channel personality Bill O’Reilly was “let go” from his job on prime time cable TV. So, now what?
Brainstorming is unique to human beings. It’s one way we unleash our creativity. Here are some tips to get the most out of your brainstorming session.
On a diet? Since every calorie counts, let’s talk about how to savor your choices.
There are so many options for weight loss, with advertisements for diet products and programs on every TV channel. Still, the truth is that you don’t really need to buy a “program” to lose weight.
Do you have to be a redneck to enjoy the Daytona 500? Not ready. However, knowing more about it will probably help you enjoy it more.
People feel obligated to spend a lot of money on some symbolic gesture of love on Valentine’s Day—but take heart! There are still ways to celebrate without breaking the bank.
The bottom line is that no matter how good a program might appear to be on TV, the best weight loss program is the one that YOU will use consistently so that you can achieve your weight loss goal.
New Year’s Resolutions are cliché. How about a New Year’s Plan instead?
During this holiday season (and really all year long), doing good is one reliable way to lift your spirits. Read on for surprisingly simple suggestions.
Do you constantly over-plan your day, and feel like a failure even though you’ve accomplished quite a bit? You’re not alone.
Life goes on. We must all find a way to recover and heal from yet another divisive election. Here are my thoughts on this process.
How do we “cut through” all the filth in today’s Presidential race? Read on for a quick analysis of your choices.
So, what do you do after you’ve been President and First Lady of the USA, and have tasted the supreme power and influence? You find a way to extend it, of course. Enter the Clinton Foundation.
Trustworthy? Honest? These are not words associated with most politicians, and definitely not with the two front-runners in the 2016 Presidential Race. My question: Who is the lesser of two evils?
Citizens of the United States once prized American Exceptionalism and being a World Power. Today we are more concerned with political correctness and following our friends on Facebook.
I am so very tired of the media “interpreting” the news for me. What happened to fact-based reporting?
I feel it is necessary, at this point in the electoral process, to size up the candidates on something other than hairstyles and clothing choices.
Feeling stuck? You’re not alone. Read on for some helpful ideas on getting “unstuck.”
An unprecedented number of people have left California during the last decade, with a net population loss of more than 1 million people. Why? I can’t speak for everyone, but here are my reasons.
Too much of business education teaches individual topics, without regard for how everything fits together. Here is my idea for an alternative approach.
I love to write Haiku, and I’ve even had two published. These, however, were “rejected” by the good people who publish Haiku in their journal. I have decided to give them new life here on HubPages.
La Jolla is a wonderful place for a weekend getaway from LA. Here are the details of our last trip.
Sucked in by the image of a lone horseman on a foggy lane, a story spun out of control. It became a game between friends. Just a little fun to put a smile on your face.
You’ve seen the TV ads with Oprah. So, what exactly is new with Weight Watchers?
Pipe Dreams: 7 Pipelines of Career Success is a well-written, thoughtful book, with key questions to consider at the end of each chapter. It is a great way to help you take charge of your career.
I’m going to reveal a gigantic political truth, but you’re going to need to suspend disbelief for a few moments. If you can do that, I think you’ll appreciate what you are about to read.
I started writing this story about six months after my first husband passed away, as a way to help me "process" my grief. I hope to help others by sharing it here.
Slang expressions and “insider” lingo will always be part of the corporate culture, but there are a few words and phrases that make me cringe when I hear them.
How difficult or how easy marriage may be, is in large part the result of how mature you are, and how well you select your partner.
Observations of an “amateur” football fan – if there is such a thing.
Hillary and Benghazi is old news. The “pay to play” allegations are far more corrupt, and may be what finally closes the chapter on Hillary’s candidacy.
Publishing an EBook on Amazon Kindle Direct is probably easier than you might think. Let me walk you through the basic steps.
Something to think about before you write your New Year’s Resolutions.
Phoenix, Arizona has a lot to offer for the traveler, particularly when the weather gets cool around November.
American football players have some pretty eccentric behaviors. But fans don’t seem bothered in the least.
Some basics about Halloween (Samhain), for those who want to know just a little bit more about the holiday.
Thinking about taking a river cruise, but you’re not sure you’d enjoy it? Here are some details from my recent trip that may help you decide.
Are there presidential royal families? Is Hillary destined by blood to become president? Prepare yourself for some interesting facts about American politics.
Are you preoccupied with work, even when you are not physically there? You may be suffering from telepressure.
Is too much “stuff” weighing you down? Want to find more joy in the simple pleasures? Read on.
Does Bernie Sanders have it right? Or, what do you really know about democratic socialism?
Feeling overwhelmed by too many things needing improvement in your life? Try this simple, but effective technique.
For those of you who do not attend Church regularly, I thought I would take all the mystery out of it for you.
Feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated? Here are five quick tips to help simplify your life.
Here are my personal observations on how to increase focus and concentration, and get more done.
Just a few words on the importance of putting things in perspective.
Ever stumbled over the “he said” or “she said” issue? Here is some practical advice.
Want to make sure your training course has tests that are valid and legally defensible, and the passing scores are fair? This method will definitely help.
Want an instant productivity boost and stress reduction technique all rolled into one? Follow this one step, and you are going to see your life and your work in a new light.
Tired of living in perpetual chaos? Here are some ideas to jump-start yourself to a more organized life.
The first day of Spring is also known as the Spring or “Vernal” Equinox. You know that means the weather will be heating up, and vegetation will bloom. But what else do you know?
St. Valentine's Day is over. Time to start thinking green, and I don't mean the lottery. But there’s more to St. Patrick’s Day than wearing green and drinking beer.
Wouldn’t it be grand if we knew how to give people what they needed, in order to keep everyone happy and productive? Then there would be no need to “deal with difficult people,” because everyone would get along, right? This article discusses how we might do exactly that.
Having problems with procrastination? You’re not alone. Why not put off what you’re about to do, and read this article now. Yes, you just read that.
Have you ever sat through a lecture or video that was painfully disorganized or contained lots of irrelevant information? They probably had never heard of Instructional Systems Design.
I think you’ll find that it’s easier to maintain balance and focus if you have a little mnemonic tool to remember what’s important. And, it will give you a leg up on your New Year’s resolutions!
Most employers form a first impression during the first seven seconds of an interview. Do you know how to make them count?
Don’t just dive into an MBA program before considering all the options.
With a little preparation and planning, meetings can be a valuable, if not indispensable part of the work week.
Prioritization is essential in any business. These questions will help you prioritize your instructional design (or virtually any other) projects.
Training design always seem to take longer than the client expects. Here is a proposal that breaks down the design to individual tasks, and also allows for variables unique to the project.
Standing up in front of a group and talking is feared more than death, if the surveys are to be believed. By following these ten tips, you can take control and overcome your anxiety.
Here are a few guidelines on when to use E-Learning, and when to stick with classroom training.
Recognizing the range of different learning styles will help learners improve their experiences, and help instructional designers do their jobs more effectively.
Setting personal improvement goals has never been easier.
What is the difference between education and training? And what about professional development? How can understanding the distinctions help me with planning my learning? Read on.
Another argument for increasing your knowledge, skills, and abilities using online learning.
My favorite tips for Instructional Designers and Trainers, to maximize the effectiveness of your training programs.
Evaluating the results of a training program (or lack thereof) is an essential step for every training design. Here are a few thoughts on the topic.
These five observations will shed some light on why Instructional Design is still relevant, even in today’s world of fast-paced e-learning interventions.