Yes... Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods. Which means it's that time of the year. Time to saddle up the trusty ol' lawn mower and get busy. I had spent many a warm moment during this past fall digging up stands of nasty crab grass... that...
I read a purdy good Hub a while ago, about slang here in the Lone Star State, and I thought to myself, "Huh? Maybe I can help to educate folks that ain't from our neck of the woods on the way Texans really do talk." 'Cause we may sound funny to...
Genetically Modified corn, a.k.a. GMO or GM corn, is corn that has been genetically engineered to be herbicide resistant, or Roundup ready. Roundup is a herbiicide. Roundup kills plants. Roundup is poison. GMO corn lives through being sprayed with...
A composting toilet, in a nut shell, is a toilet that uses no water to flush. Instead it produces compost. A wonderful book to read is The Humanure Handbook. Find it at the link below. ...
To some Native Americans corn, beans, and squash are known as the Three Sisters. When planted together as companions, corn is in the middle, next beans around the corn, then squash near the beans. The corn will grow tall and give the beans a...
When you decide to grow vegetables, fruit, or herbs in containers, you will be limited only by your own imagination! Almost anything can serve as a container to grow something you wish to have. Growing your own produce is a really good way to...
Growing your own vegetables can be a great way to get free food!
I have been writing Hubs about obtaining and using free, wild food recently. So I think I would be lax if I didn't also write a Hub about being very careful about what a person forages from the environment. Always, always, always KNOW WHAT YOU ARE...
I have heard it said that if you are lost in the wilderness and find a stand of cattails, you have hit the jackpot! Cattails can provide you with not only food, but also with fuel, because you can burn the dried, old growth from the year before. ...
The ancient Romans celebrated the festival LUPERCALIA from February 13th to 15th, in a very special way. It being the Romans, after all, there was alot of drinking going on. The men would sacrifice goats and dogs on this happy occasion. While...
A good question might be "Where can you not find dandelions?" These weeds pop up just about everywhere and are a real pain in the patootie to get rid of. Remember blowing the pretty puff balls off dandelions as a kid and making wishes? Well that...
Crawdads are a native fresh water crustacean, that look just a whole lot like little lobsters, because they are in the same family. Crawdads live mostly in fresh running water, so brooks, streams, creeks, and rivers are where they will be found.... Fishing with a trot line is just a real easy way to wet alot of hooks with just a couple of people. It's kind of a "set it and forget it" way to get several fish without spending all day... Chicory, a perennial (comes back every year) herb plant with a blue to lavender flower is a great free food that can be found growing wild...
There is free food all over the country, growing wild, and ready for harvest. The varities of wild food are just about endless, and can be either plants or animals. When harvesting wildlife for the dinner table, make sure you obtain the needed...
You will need: One gallon of Prickly Pear fruit, rendered to 4 cups of juice 4 cups of sugar 2 packages of fruit pectin Water A large pot for boiling the ingredients A larger pot to boil the jars Gloves and tongs Prickly Pears are a...
The human race collectively, right now, has failed. And I realize that is a broad statement. But our race is playing God. Actively and passively. This is happening through the arrogance of the scientific community, which is basically left unchecked...
Egypt has been in crisis since early February, when street riots broke out following an earlier riot in Tunisia. The purpose of the Egyptian revolt was to overthrow of the 30-year-long regime of Hosni Mubarak. On February 12th Mubarak did, in fact,...
We live in a finite world in many aspects. There are X amount of areas to grow and produce food. (I mean, you can only chop down so many trees, in so many areas, to use those areas to plant crops, or graze stock animals, before there are no more...
Growing older and looking back, I find myself remembering the dreams I held so dear at certain times in my life. Dreams I somehow managed to to turn into reality. Dreams I only dreamed of, but never achieved. I finally realize at this late date,...
In my own garden I use more than one natural pest repellant with success. Garlic and onion spray being a couple of my favorites. They are easy to make, use and even store well in the fridge. But now, I want to talk about another useful home remedy...
The most freedom I've ever known was riding Smokey. We were both just kids when we met. But he was probably more mature than me. He was just a plain ol' grade horse, and coming 2. There was nothing fancy or...