Haiku poem describing a day at the beach that starts out fun but comes to an end sooner than was planned.
Many angels come and go in life. Whether sent by God in a moment of need to lend a helping hand, or those on a more permanent assignment who are beside us every day continually enriching our lives. Did you know you may be entertaining angels while you are unaware?
Learn how to make a variety of delicious banana split desserts, from the cool traditional kind, to a warmer more gooey treat. Includes lots of topping suggestions to create your own one of a kind banana ice cream sundae.
Find out what the point of social networking on Facebook is all about. Learn what to do, how communication is the key, what the number one most important strategy is, why you shouldn't play the games, and the reason you should share a lot.
I would do nearly anything for a photo of a black bear, even join an adventuresome crowd on a chase to catch up with one.
Humorous tale about getting through a difficult and stressful day at work when coworkers are absent and you are filling in for the supervisor, arranging coverage for staff that are out, balancing the office's workload, and making sure all tasks get completed timely.
A short story told to children of American Servicemen stationed in Spain who attended the Church of God during a Christmas time worship service. The story of Christ's birth is recited by a young boy to his mother.
Provides guidance for snagging photos from the Public Domain and Creative Commons. Includes information on licensing images by attribute. Also references favorite photo sharing sites for obtaining free pictures or selling your own snapshots.
This delicious recipe for Pork Chili Verde was passed down to me from my mother. Ingredients needed: pork butt, lard or oil, onion, garlic powder, tomatoes, parsley, green chilies, garlic cloves, chicken paste or broth, cornstarch, and water. You can also add Serrano peppers and jalapeno slices...
As a child I loved when mom baked her fabulous saltine cracker pie with it's creamy and delicious cream cheese and cherry pie filling topping. Nothing quite measures up to this scrumptious dessert.
We don't have to face life's struggles alone. God's power is available to us when we pray and ask Him to help. He wants us to talk to him and invites us to have a personal relationship with Him.
Visit Chattanooga's best tourist attraction, the Tennessee Aquarium. Enjoy Ocean Journey, River Journey, the Butterfly Garden, River Gorge Explorer, and IMAX 3D Theater. Discover the alluring sea life of the coral reefs and the mesmerizing creatures of the deep seas.
Six things to do on HubPages to help grow your fan-base and attract more followers to your hubs.
When everyone is giving their opinions and telling you what you need to do, sometimes it's difficult to hear God's voice through the constant chatter of all the others.
Women and men have different needs. while a woman longs to be cherished and loved, a man's deepest desire is for respect.
We are not alone. God's protection surrounds us always. He commands His angels to guard and care for us. We are safe even though there's a battle going on around us in the spiritual realm, one that we don't notice because it's unseen.
Tall Bearded Iris Growers - Hobby Gardeners Guide. Learn how to plant and care for tall bearded irises. Includes tips on planting care and instruction, fertilizing and using mulch, weed and pest control and prevention, hybridizing iris and collecting seeds from pods, where to purchase TB irises,...