Solving algebra-based word problems doesn’t have to be difficult. This article explains the key ideas behind elementary algebra and then offers 20 sample word problems (with solutions) to help you practice.
Working smarter, not harder, means leveraging a variety of methods to increase productivity. This article discusses 10 ways to boost efficiency and improve job satisfaction.
These days many parents struggle with help their kids learn “new math.” This article describes why there is an emphasis on learning mathematics in a modern way. In addition, it offers some practical tips to help parents learn, grow, and understand these modern methods.
Mathematics plays a crucial role in modern education. Read on to learn about the history of the benefits of math.
Follow the adventures of Milton and Abby as they chase the Fire-Faced Ghost through the Lost Tomb of Shekel Town.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? How about a bear or a hummingbird? Learn what your sleep preferences say about your personality.
A magic square is a special mathematical construct where the rows, columns, and diagonals all add up to the same number. These squares have found their way from the history books to the modern era where mathematicians continue to study them. This article explores a brief history of magic squares.
Do you want to know the secret to making the perfect steak? This article takes a deep dive into all of the nuances of what it takes to grill a world-class steak.
Did you know that modern organizational theory has identified six distinct leadership styles? In this comprehensive guide, we'll examine the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Solar power technology is improving at an ever-increasing rate. In this article, we explore five emerging technologies that are primed to change our energy future.
A cognitive bias is something that can cause you to have a distorted or warped perception of reality. Unfortunately, we are all susceptible to cognitive biases. This article explores some of the more common ones.
Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are vital to surviving in our complex world. By studying mathematical concepts and employing logical reasoning, we can become better thinkers.
We live in a stressful world that demands more and more of our attention each day. The pressure to perform and achieve greatness has never been higher. We are stressed out. Fortunately, with some conscience effort, you can apply one or more of these nine methods to improve your mental state of mind.
I've learned many things by observing others and by experiencing my own personal weight loss journey. Here are 10 things I wish I'd known about from the beginning.
How much water to bring for a hike is a vital part of planning one. Learn about factors affecting hydration, plus get recommendations based on research.
I have been writing articles and online content for more than 10 years. During this time, I learned many things that I wish I would have known when I started. In this article, I detail some of the most important lessons I have learned.
Many industries have been disrupted by the increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology. Here are the top eight that have experienced an AI revolution.
Believing in yourself is one of the most important things that you can do to ensure that you will achieve your goals in life. Understanding the characteristics of belief is key to learning how to believe in yourself at a deeper level.
Drinking alkaline water is the latest health craze. Alkaline water is reported to have many benefits, however, is there any truth to the statements found on the bottle?
Governments are used to building mega-projects to solve problems such as flooding. However, there is a paradigm shift towards building smaller, more economical and sustainable solutions to this problem. This article explores the concept of decentralized flood control.
Cities of the recent past were designed with a car-centric focus. However, modern communities will focus on walkability and convenient access to the most needed services.
Do you have a bunch of old USB drives lying around and aren't sure what to do with them? In this article, you will learn ten great ways to put old USB memory sticks to good use.
As an essential macronutrient, a healthy diet must include plenty of protein from high-quality sources. But what if you don’t eat meat? Is it possible to get good protein from plants? Yes! There are dozens, if not hundreds, of healthy, vegetarian-friendly, plant-based proteins available to eat.
Whether it's high school or college, your grade point average (GPA) is an important measure of academic success and performance. Here's how to calculate GPA.
Learn about several common myths about leadership that still plague the workplace today.
Working with others in an office environment can often be stressful. For managers, supervisors, and employers at large, finding ways to reduce drama and stress in the workplace can lead to happier employees, improved morale, and better outcomes.
No one can deny the growth of video gaming and the eSports industry. Nowadays it is possible to become a professional gamer with the ability to earn all the respect and accolades that typically go with physical sports. This article focuses on the top games that professional gamers play today.
To advance your career in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, you must obtain certifications and become affiliated with professional organizations. The article explores some of the top certifications and professional organizations in the field of GIS technology.
Did you know that there are hundreds of varieties of pears? Learn about the common varieties as well as their health benefits.
When it starts raining, have you ever wondered where the birds go? This article explores several theories about how birds deal with the rain.
This article explores 12 of the most exciting emerging robotic technologies coming to your future home. Consumer technology has improved significantly in recent years and we are closer than ever to having robots in the home.
In business and in everyday life people wield varying levels of power. Where does power come from and can you get more of it?
Do you want to gain an edge in the workplace? Not only will these six crazy productivity hacks enable to get more work done than everyone else, you'll get plenty of stares from your coworkers as well!
Sales and marketing strategies for businesses must adapt to the internet age. Business interactions are now a two-way street. It's more important than ever to ensure that your business has high-quality content online while also working to maintain an excellent reputation.
Deep learning technology has many applications and has already revolutionized the way we do many things. This article explores four areas where deep learning has made significant advancements: image classification, data processing, deepfake technology, and video games.
George Washington Carver had both a challenging upbringing and a distinguished career. Having been credited with more than 400 inventions, his contributions to agriculture, science, and education will never be forgotten.
When solving division problems, it can be challenging for students to learn how to interpret the remainder. With these 40 example division problems, you can learn more about four possible ways to interpret the meaning of the remainder.
Today, we are using water at a much faster rate then the natural systems can replenish it. There is plenty of waste and much room for improvement. Here are three ways that can help to solve the water problems of today.
Effective transportation management and design is imperitive to improving the safety of the general public while also saving money. In this article, a number of factors and considerations are discusses regarding transportation management and design.
Sound is energy in the form of vibrations or oscillations. Noise is a term we use to describe unwanted sounds.
A capable team is essential for achieving successful business outcomes. However, teams are dynamic, and there are a number of situations that can result in a team's demise. This article focuses on ten reasons why teams fail and how to deal with those situations.
Most people understand the importance of protein but, finding a budget-friendly source of this important macronutrient can be challenging. This article discusses the top inexpensive sources of protein to improve your diet and nutritional intake.
Selling on eBay these days is more challenging than ever. However, with a little ingenuity and outside-the-box thinking, you may be able to build an eBay business. Here are 70 surprising things to sell on eBay.
Eleven ideas of things kids can do when it's time for them to get off their screens.
Lithium-ion battery technology has enabled the mobile technology revolution and the electric car movement. However, there are many problems with this technology, and researchers have turned their sights toward sodium instead.
Earning a regular income from writing on HubPages is not easy. However, with motivation and the right approach, it can be done. Here are several pieces of advice for new and veteran writers based on my personal experience on HubPages over the last few years.
Driving your car until it reaches 200,000 miles is becoming more common these days. By beginning with a reliable car and following these tips, you can reach this coveted milestone as well!
A dentist’s primary job is to maintain the overall health of your mouth. However, if you really think about it, a dentist can actually help you to lose weight.
When a massive pimple forms on your face it can be very embarrassing. Tell your family, friends, and colleagues about it can add to the embarrassment which is why this article offers up several plausible stories that you can tell to explain what happened to your face.
Finding a reliable auto repair shop can be a challenge. By using these simple tips, you'll be able to get your car repaired without feeling like you've been ripped off.
Learning to barbecue the best tasting meat that you've ever had starts by understanding these three key concepts. Great barbecue requires good quality ingredients as well as cooking the meat properly by using the right fuel source.
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy is an emerging technology that has reportedly been used to mitigate a wide variety of conditions and ailments and apparently comes with few or no side effects. What is this mysterious technology? Is it really all it's cracked up to be? Can it help you?
Interested in learning if the keto diet can work for you? I tried it for 7 months and learned quite a bit about what works and what doesn't. Here's a detailed account of my experience.
Test your brainpower by trying to solve these 20 lateral thinking puzzles. They will have you scratching your head and thinking way outside of the box!
Home ownership comes with the responsibility of maintenance. Avoiding necessary repairs can cost you in the long run. Here's why it’s important to maintain your home and property.
When you "burn" fat to lose weight, where does the fat go? When answering this question from a biochemical perspective, the answer becomes surprisingly simple.
Introducing children to the right kind of technology can help prepare them for the future.
Ground modification and improvement are often necessary to prepare the ground for a foundation to support a building or other infrastructure. This article explains nine different deep-ground modification techniques and how they are used.
The ketogenic diet is a popular low-carb diet designed to help you lose weight quickly. Here is a list of my top 20 foods to eat while on the ketogenic diet.
Most people these days utilize a freezer to store food for the long term—but does it save you money? This article factors in the costs of electricity, groceries, and more to help you decide what makes economic sense for your family.
The common perception is that working in an office is safe and free from dangers. However, the truth is that offices can be very dangerous to your health. Here's why.
There is a myth going around that eating healthily has to be difficult and expensive. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this article, I share several tips to help you eat healthy while also saving money.
Understanding percentages and learning how to calculate them is a fundamental skill of mathematics. This article describes how to calculate a variety of types of percentages that are used in our world each and every day.
Years ago, I was plagued with terrible sleep quality, which left me tired almost all of the time. After employing these tips, my sleep quality improved, and I started performing better in all aspects of my life.
Doctors and scientists have long known the health benefits of walking. With the recent focus on walking and getting more steps, should this mode of travel even be considered exercise? The truth depends on a number of factors...
The modern human diet, especially in America, consists of foods rich in three substances that have been proven to contribute to obesity and disease. Due to the high concentration of these substances, eating highly processed foods may be considered poisonous to your health.
Own a fitness tracker and looking for ways to improve your step count? Here are 30 tips to get more steps each day.
By making small changes to your routines and habits, you can learn to lose weight and live a healthy life.
"Future Perfect" provides a powerful and innovative view of the world that uses technology to form the basis for a more efficient and more localized political system in the future.
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a software application that can store, manipulate, and display location-based data. This article explains some of the basic concepts and theories behind GIS.
Our increasingly technologically dependent society is undergoing a paradigm shift towards isolationism in an upcoming era called the "Virtual Age."
PENS, or percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is a pain-management technique that combines the benefits of acupuncture with electrotherapy.
Comparing the top two methods for helping an organization to change.
System Dynamics models are often used to simulate a variety of complex systems in relatively easy to understand terms. This modeling approach has many purposes that stretch beyond the college campus.
Every computer model is an abstraction of realty. This is by definition. Models are usually designed to represent reality but it is not reality itself.
Yum! Brands focuses their multidomestic strategy on building recognizable brands that people "trust and champion." Here are the 10 strategic decisions that they use to help ensure global success.
Many years ago my great grandfather introduced me to the best barbecue that you could ever imagine. Barbecue brought our family together and created memories that will live with me forever.
The issue of taxation is something that will always be contentious among society - I doubt there will ever be a time when a tax is consider fair and equitable by all inhabitants of society.
Land subsidence caused by groundwater withdrawal poses a significant threat to governments, businesses, and the general public.
Materialism is consuming society at a rate never experienced before. What does this mean for our future?
Technology has had a profound and mostly positive impact on our world. This brings up a number of questions that we must answer. Can this trend continue? Is it sustainable? At what cost?
Retailers are becoming increasingly adept at taking your money without you even knowing it. Arm yourself with the knowledge of their techniques so you can keep more of your cash.
Prepare yourself for another journey exploring the world of cats through the lens of mathematics.
Who knew that cats and math would go so well together? Learn about the mathematics of stacking cats, cat piles, and even "cat"enary cables!
How many cats fit into the trunk of a Honda Civic? Learn the answer to this and other fun math problems involving our favorite feline friends!
Learn about how Albert Camus reflected his personal life within his most famous works, The Stranger and The Plague.
Learn about how the emergence of consumer grade 3D printer technology will initiate the downfall of society as we know it.
Making a meal for a large crowd of people is no easy task, especially when it comes to figuring out how much food to make. Here are some tips for estimating food quantities for your next get-together.
Ever wonder if a room gets smaller when you paint it? The answer may surprise you.
America's everyday heroes are people that may normally go unnoticed through everyday life, however, they are never forgotten and by no means unappreciated.
Want to know what exactly makes a hero? Learn what characteristics set heroes apart from the rest of us.
Ever wondered how many M&Ms can fit in a container, such as a mason jar or bag?
If you're strapped for time then a daily lunch break is all you need to get in a great workout that can potentially revolutionize your life.
Which animals are the fastest runners when you scale their speed to compensate for their body size? The results may surprise you.
In this article, I analyze my shoe-wearing habits to determine how durable they really are.
Regression equations are frequently used to predict a result based on a given input. Here, I show you how easy it is to create a simple linear regression equation from a small data set.
In this article, I will explain step-by-step how to replace a water coolant outlet (sometimes called a coolant air bleeder) on a 2006 to 2009 Dodge Charger with a 2.7L engine. This guide does not cover the RT, SRT, and SXT trims.
For most of you who are already familiar with ArcGIS 10 (and its extensions, 3d Analyst & spatial Analyst), converting between different digital elevation model formats is a no brainer. For example, it would be fairly simple to convert a raster...
Evaporation can have a serious effect on your pool; here are several ways that you can estimate your pool's evaporation rate.
Don't you just love food? In today's society, food is cheap, easy to store and transport, and available to the consumer anytime. So how much food do we really eat, and how has that changed over time?
Nerd is a word that often used to describe an individual who is characterized as being intelligent yet is socially inept. But what characteristics make a person a "nerd" and how do you know when you are one yourself?
In addition to seeing improvements on older weaponry, warriors and soldiers experienced the creation and the use of many new technologies including explosives, revolvers, and automatic machine guns.
When you want to know the distance between two locations, it's not quite as simple as pulling out a map and laying a ruler on it. In today's technologically advanced world, there are many mathematical methods that can be used by a geographic information system to accurately calculate distances.
From the lack of rain during times of drought to the dangers of floods when we receive too much of it, rainfall impacts everybody. So just how is a storm's rainfall depth measured, obtained, and reported to the public?
Since the introduction of slavery in the Americas in the early 1600’s, Christianity has had a powerful effect on the African American culture. When the European settlers discovered the communities in Africa, they saw opportunities for advancement...
Are you driving your car beyond the 100,000-mile mark? Here are the maintenance and services you should invest in at this moment in your car's life.
Many geologic hazards can cause extensive property damage and even loss of human life. Mass wasting is one such hazard. Learn about the types of mass wasting and their causes.
Combined with strong motivation and a disciplined approach to managing your money, the following jobs can help you start climbing the ladder of success without the benefit of higher education.
These five benefits of using a solar water heater will make it easy for you to go greener in your everyday life.
It is truly amazing to think about how water has so many unique and amazing properties. But just what is it about water that makes it so versatile, useful, essential, and unique?
Water harvesting is a great way to help curtail your dependence on municipal water to irrigate your landscaping. If you are thinking about constructing some swales, micro-basins, or even rain barrels to capture rainfall, it would be wise to estimate the anticipated amount of rainfall that you...
Have you ever considered the power potential of the human body or a raindrop? Learn five strange methods that could become integral ways for civilization to generate electricity.
The uses of math for the layperson are essentially endless. No matter whether you are a struggling student, a homeowner, or someone simply trying to lose weight, math is the universal language that has something to offer everyone.
An accurate Digital Elevation Model is one of the most important elements needed to perform a GIS analysis. But what exactly is a DEM, how are they created, and how is this information stored and represented in the computer?
Did you know that it may be your choice of major and not the economy that's potentially holding you back? If you're thinking about going off to college, but aren't sure what to major in, consider the versatility of the following degree programs.
Geographic Information Systems are making their way into every profession and field of study. This technology is a powerful tool that allows us to manipulate data and do things that would have otherwise been impossible.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to determine your body fat percentage without the use of expensive scales, special devices, or traveling to see the doctor? Here are five methods that you can use to estimate your body fat percentage at home.
Knowing the common methods that these criminals use to illegally obtain your information can help prevent you from becoming a victim. So just how do these cowardly criminals steal your identity?
As a licensed security guard with your own company, you will have the freedom to choose when and where you want work. If you're thinking about starting your own security business and aren't sure where to start, here are some great tips for you.
Modern technology has afforded us many choices when it comes to residential plumbing. Each pipe material has some inherent advantages and disadvantages associated with it. This article compares cast iron, copper, PVC, CPVC, and PEX pipes.
Many people already realize the importance that recycling has on our society and way of life. However, if you still need more convincing, here are five big reasons you need to start recycling today.
Obtaining continuing education and training is something that will prove beneficial to all people currently employed or seeking a new job. From the unemployed construction worker to the top level business executive, maintaining your credentials and...
As the climate changes, our groundwater supplies are suffering significant losses. Increases in droughts, land subsidence, and sea level rise all pose a major threat to this precious resource. Here are some trends and facts regarding our ground water supplies and how it relates to climate change.
If you're not careful, making one of these 5 common mistakes could severely hamper your efforts to make money writing online. In no particular order, here are the most common mistakes made by internet article marketers.
Environmental, economic, and social sustainability are key to the survival of our society. Let's examine the three spheres of sustainability and how these interrelated concepts ultimately affect you and society as a whole.
Halloween is just around the corner and that means it's time to break out with the holiday arts and crafts projects. In this article I will show you how to make a family of Jack-o-lanterns fit to decorate a anyone's home or office.
Without change, our dependence on petroleum and coal for power could someday lead to society's demise. But why wait for the inevitable when we can enact change now? Here are nine sources of renewable energy that could potentially change how we power our future.
The Walnut Street Bridge over the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, PA, is a pedestrian bridge with a unique history. It has existed in its original form for over 120 years.
Ever wondered how long a new propane tank will last on your grill? Or how much gas you have left? Here is a way that you can calculate your estimated usage time with a simple formula I created.
Thinking critically about the ads that we see can help us discern many things about it. These things can help us determine the trustworthiness of the ad as well as if it is a scam or not.
Did you know that there are devices out there that can create water out of thin air? Atmospheric Water Generators may be our solution to solving the world's water crisis.
Knowing the spatial relationships between you, your customers, and your suppliers can have a profound effect on your profitability.
Americans use over 80 billion Aluminum cans each year. What would happen if each person living in the USA reduced their consumption of aluminum cans by only 1 per week? This article analyses the possible results of such a question.
Farmers use a variety of potentially toxic chemicals to prevent pests from consuming our food. Unfortunately, many of these chemicals can be bioaccumulated in our bodies or biomagnified through the food chain. Over time, some have the potential to cause severe adverse health effects in humans.
Would you know how to create a fire if you didn't have any matches? In this article, I discuss 18 different methods that you can use to create a fire when resources are scarce.
A great photograph can literally improve the viewer ship, quality, and overall feel of your websites, blogs, and internet articles. Here is a long list of free creative commons licensed image, picture, and photograph websites. Hopefully after checking these sites out, you will never have to worry...
When doing push-ups, do you know how much weight you are lifting? In this article, I calculate the percentage of your bodyweight that is lifted during a regular or inclined push-up on a chair or countertop.
All of the processes and activities on this Earth can be categorized into six main spheres or systems. This article explores these systems and how they interact with each other in an effort to better understand humanity's impact on the environment.
Overuse of our groundwater resources has resulted in an ever prevalent problem of Earth fissures. As a property owner or potential buyer of land, there are several things you need to know about these large cracks in the ground in order for you to make an informed decision.
When making investments in tangible goods, it is always wise to consider the long term monetary cost of owning it. This article discuss the concept of life cycle costs and how it can be used to determine the true cost of ownership of a large building.
Here is a detailed analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's famous short story, "The Cask of Amontillado." This story of a vengeful murder is still popular today, more than 150 years after it was published.
Illegal street racing is a growing trend, and has been since the advent of the automobile, but in recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of street races. This article examines the possible causes behind illegal street racing.
Advertisers have always pushed the edge when it comes to getting the word out on a product. Here are 5 tried and true advertising gimmicks that are guaranteed to coerce the consumer into spending their money.
The evaporation and transpiration, or evapotranspiration, of water are a small but vital part of the hydrologic cycle. What exactly are these processes, and how do scientists measure them?
Has your access to cheap, clean, and uncontaminated water been suddenly interrupted in a disaster situation? Here are three different ways to make water safe for use when resources are scarce.
Hard water is a main contributor of the deterioration of our water distribution infrastructure. Removing the hardness causing minerals using lime and soda ash is a fairly simple process that has been used to treat water for over 150 years.
Rainfall is a type of precipitation that occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into droplets that can no longer be suspended in the air. Precipitation will occur when an air mass has cooled enough to allow the the water vapor to condense into a liquid.
This how-to repair guide details the steps necessary to replace the brake light switch on a Chrysler 300 (2005-2009), Dodge Charger (2006-2009, or Dodge Magnum (2005-2008). This guide may not necessarily cover the RT, SRT, and SXT trims.
Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in America? More than 1,500 people a day die from skin cancer; only heart disease causes more deaths [1]. What's more interesting to note is that this type of cancer can be prevented by...
In this article I will discuss several ways that you can charitably recycle many everyday items that you probably have in your home right now.
Carbon sequestration, also known as carbon dioxide removal, is the process of capturing CO2 gas from the atmosphere or a manufacturing process and injecting it into an underground storage reservoir.
Many of the tribulations in this world can be traced back to the basic problem of scarcity. In economics, scarcity is a fundamental problem that controls market conditions. Scarcity is also a key driver of technological advancement, specialization, and wars over resources.
When people make the transition from being a 'worker' to becoming a supervisor, they are often both eager and apprehensive about their new found power. They may have earned their turn to supervise, but may lack the skills necessary to become a good...
Whether its to go get a gallon of milk, drop off the kids at soccer practice, or go to work, most of us drive a car everyday. And every day that we travel, we are likely to drive on a road that was paved with asphalt. Asphalt is a by-product of...
Why do advertisers so often use exaggerations of real images to convey messages and sell their product? Advertisers are in competition with each other; the winner is the one who sells there product to you. They can increase the odds of making a sale...
We make decisions every day that affect our lives and the lives of others. These decisions may involve anything from deciding where to eat dinner to how to prevent a nuclear catastrophe. Some decisions, such as choosing a dining location, are...
CWanamaker We all know that matter is something “that takes up space and has mass.” So, is antimatter something that doesn’t take up space and has no mass? Well, not really. The basic definition ofantimatter is “A form of matter that is...
Road rage and aggressive driving in America is an ever-prevalent problem. Each year, up to 33% of car accidents, deaths, and injuries are caused by road rage (NHTSA). Find out why so little is being done to deal with this problem and learn how to prevent and diffuse road rage incidents.
Moore’s law basically states that the capabilities of our technology will double every 18 months. But what does this mean for humanity? Where will we go and how has it impacted society?
Life without technology is unimaginable for most people. Every device that we have ever created has significant impacts to humanity in general.