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Joined 13 years ago

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  • An Honest Review of Making Passive Income Selling Online

    An Honest Review of Making Passive Income Selling Online

    5 years ago

    Selling Online with Ebay can be tricky. Over the last 5 years I have tried several different ways to make money online. In this blog post I will cover how I tried to make money online with Ebay. Making extra money online is possible. Compare my experience with reselling versus drop shipping.

  • Alternative Medicine:  Folk Tales or Real Medicine

    Alternative Medicine: Folk Tales or Real Medicine

    5 years ago

    Imack Institute How did people survive thousands of years without all the advances in modern medicine? Were they generally healthier? In recent years there seems to be a disease for every problem the body faces, and modern medicine has found, and...

  • Tips and Tricks on How to Lose Weight

    Tips and Tricks on How to Lose Weight

    5 years ago

    These are few tips and tricks I have learned over the years between anatomy/physiology classes and health classes. These tips have helped me to maintain a balanced weight. Diet Soda v.s. Regular Soda v.s. Water: This used to be my biggest...

  • Chlorine Tablets for Swimming Pools

    Chlorine Tablets for Swimming Pools

    5 years ago

    Tripadvisor.com Buying pool chemicals can be a little confusing. There is almost no way to read the labels and actually know what each ingredient is and what it will do to the water chemistry. As far as pool chemicals go you get what you pay for. ...

  • Tax Season Is Just Around the Corner

    Tax Season Is Just Around the Corner

    5 years ago

    Sassyginger.com Christmas isn't here yet, but I'm already pulling my hair out. Being self employed I'm already turning my piggy bank upside down, checking my jean pockets, counting all my change, and going through stacks of receipts. I am a small...

  • One Week as a Biker Part 3

    One Week as a Biker Part 3

    5 years ago

    In part two I covered what it felt like to be a biker. Our first night in Florida was not what I had expected. Because my dad had asked me if I wanted to go only a few days before we were actually leaving I just assumed were were going to be...

  • One Week as a Biker Part 2

    One Week as a Biker Part 2

    5 years ago

    In my first hub posted about being a biker for a week I explained how the bikers are like the modern day musketeers, and how most people just leave them alone, and mind his/her manners.  The manners part is something to this day I still can't get...

  • One Week as a Biker

    One Week as a Biker

    5 years ago

    LayoutSparks.com One year after graduating high school my dad was planning a road trip on his bike to Florida.  I was in my second semester of college and was taking all my courses online. I knew my dad was planning a road trip, he did this a...

  • Cheap Wedding Decorations Using Christmas Supplies

    Cheap Wedding Decorations Using Christmas Supplies

    5 years ago

    One thing that caught me off guard this year when walking around stores was all the beautiful colors Christmas decorations come in.  I'm engaged, and after calculating the cost of getting married my fiance and I decided to be engaged for about two...

  • Proposing: Don't Sweat It

    Proposing: Don't Sweat It

    5 years ago

    When asking a woman to marry you there is one thing that absolutely cannot happen, Sweat. Literally, Do not sweat when asking this question, if I were asked to marry someone who did not have good hygiene I would probably say no. On a more serious...

  • Refusing To Go To College

    Refusing To Go To College

    5 years ago

    the Wandering minstrel What is wrong with our system of education today? Why is it that high school students are pushed into going to college? It may be a great idea for those who want to be doctors and lawyers. I definitively do not want someone...

  • Holiday Gifts: The Toaster Oven

    Holiday Gifts: The Toaster Oven

    5 years ago

    The toaster oven has been on the market for years; however, at first I thought it was a very impractical invention. Why buy a toaster oven when I already have a working full size oven? Recently however, the digital display went out on my oven, and...

  • Accepting Your Daughter-in-Law

    Accepting Your Daughter-in-Law

    5 years ago

    This is not meant to be a mother-in-law bashing article. There are many great mother-in-laws out there. I just hope that this article will give some comfort and/or enlightenment to some. I would like to dedicate this to all the wonderful...


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