Today I celebrate motherhood. Any woman who contributed in her own unique way to the building of character has a deep understanding of the essence of "motherhood" It takes a village to raise children. Whether you are a birth mother or a spiritual mother. Happy Mother's Day!
One day I heard the word "broken or, broken pieces" and, over a five year period pieces dropped in my spirit completing this poem in a form of a puzzle. Maybe this happened because I wasn't ready to deal with what the poem was trying to reveal. For some it takes time to mend the broken pieces.
When I first penned this poem I named it "My Nappy Hair." After a few critiques a voice in my heart advised me to change the name of my poem, because I wasn't describing "My Nappy Hair" but describing a woman who had become comfortable in the skin she was in.
Everyone will come to a point in their life when they will wonder "why" fortunately, the answers lies within. The road of discovery is a road of truth, a road of healing, a road of reconstruction.
Praising can be difficult when you are going through a storm, and even harder, if you feel left on a sinking ship. God never promised the road would be easy only to never leave nor forsake us.
Capricorn women are often considered difficult, but understanding is everything. Here are some firsthand insights about improving your interpersonal relationship with a Capricorn woman.
The church has been a strong foundation for believers. With the advancement in modern technologies and the popularity of televangelist's does this mean, out with the old and in with the new?
One of my favorite songs is Michael Jackson's "Man in the mirror." There was a time when I didn't like who I saw in the mirror. But today, all that has changed.
The mind is a battlefield. The stronger the faith, the more serious the attacks become. The closer you get to your blessing the more fervent the attacks are. A must read for all believers.
As the spiritual man is awakened and grows into maturity, he is more sensitive to his sinful nature. Then, the struggles begin, between the spirit that desires to do good, and the flesh that doesn't.
One of the biggest lies ever told was "words don't hurt." They certainly do hurt. But we don't have to be discouraged. In fact, allow discouragement to do the opposite and encourage you instead.
In this article you will learn how positive thinking produces spiritual medicine. Spiritual medicine provides healing for the soul.
The Potter's vision was to create a perfect world and fill it with all that His heart desires. Unfortunately, His perfect plan was foiled. But a true visionary always has a backup plan.
Thinking positive produces words that are uplifting and encouraging bringing life to the soul. Sometimes this can be hard to do when you are not feeling your best.
This is a poem generated from a longing and thirst for God. This seed planted in me produced two fruits, this Lyrical poem which you are about to read, and a song I wrote called Sweet Living Water.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" Learning the gift of discernment helps us to look beyond flattering words, to the motive that lies beneath.
The eyes are an amazing tool. You can see beauty and ugliness, with the same eyes based on how you perceive things at the time. 'Wonder's of creation' is a contrasting poem of the good and the bad.
We've all seen things that left us wondering. Why is there is so much pain? Why is the world filled with cruelty? And where is God in the midst of this? A broken spirit will inspire change.
In these tough times having a prayer life is more important than ever. " For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against powers, against forces of darkness.
Living your life to the fullest is the true key to happiness. Purge yourself free from bitterness, fear and rejection, and live the life you're meant to live; one of prosperity.
Sometimes a special someone can bring joy into your life and no matter how things ended or how much time has passed you still think of them from time to time.
The opening of my eyes made me conciously aware of things I took for granted everyday.
There comes a time when we all began to search for the meaning of life and our purpose in it. Understanding the truth of responsibility and accountability, healed me mentally and spiritually.
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I say a woman bathed in love has the ability to appear beautiful to every eye that lands on her.
The worst thing about having uterine fibroids is the emotional toll experienced every month. Read about my experience dealing with these conditions. Women, know that you are not alone!
You can't always judge someone by a smile. A smile can be deceiving, a heart can be treacherous, but the eyes are the windows to a person's soul.