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Dana Strang (DanaTeresa)

Joined 12 years ago from Ohio

  • 99
  • 341
  • 188
  • Cats Are Just Furry Toddlers

    Cats Are Just Furry Toddlers

    5 years ago

    Toys everywhere, the pitter-patter of little feet, fussy eating habits. Is it a cat or a 2-year-old? Sometimes they are pretty much indistinguishable.

  • 65

    The Old Shed - poem

    11 years ago

    My brother was a great amateur photographer. This poem was inspired by a trip he made taking photos from the passenger seat of a car. He passed away Dec 2012 from CF. His photos and spirit live on.

  • 48

    Suave Professionals vs. Salon Brand Shampoo - which is better?

    11 years ago

    In an effort to save money I switched from using salon brand shampoo to various drug store brands and finally settled on Suave Professionals. This article explains why.

  • 29

    A Romantic Story Part Four - The next day

    4 years ago

    This is a continuation of my Romantic Story - a series of scenes involving a couple completely, romantically, and passionately in love. She stirs. Enjoys the softness of the sheets, the stillness of the room. It feels like a dream. She stretches...

  • 14

    A Romantic Story Part Three - The Evening

    4 years ago

    This is Part Three of an evolving series of Romantic Stories. Each scene works on its own, as well as in the series. You are welcome to start here, or you can begin with the first. You will find the links to the first two scenes by scrolling down....

  • 16

    A romantic story part two - The Lake

    4 years ago

    This story begins with two lovers sharing an intimate meal that ends with a kiss. You can read it first, or enjoy this and then go back to see how it began. After what seems like an eternity, their lips part. Slowly. If you were to ask them, they...

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    A romantic story part one - The Dinner Date

    4 years ago

    He leads her to a small table in a quiet restaurant. A late hour for dinner, most of the tables are empty. He pulls out her chair. She sits. He sits across from her. The only light is from a few well placed candles. A waiter approaches and, without...

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    Turn a Negative Comment into Something Positive

    5 years ago

    I think its safe to say that everyone likes to be complimented. It makes us feel good. You would be hard pressed to find someone complaining or stressed out over a nice thing someone said. We like to feel good. The opposite also is true. We do not...

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    Can You Get a Tattoo While Pregnant?

    2 years ago

    There are many things to consider when getting a tattoo, including the cost, style, artist, location, and, last but not least, time. There are certain situations in which you should never get a tattoo. Learn about the potential dangers of tattooing at the wrong time.

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    What to Do With a Bad Tattoo: Cover It? Remove It? Why Not Reinvent It?

    2 years ago

    What do you do if you have a tattoo that is faded, was a bad idea, or perhaps no longer fits your lifestyle? There are options for hiding or removing your tattoo. Or, you can reinvent it into something great. This is worth checking out, even just for the photos!

  • 105

    My Inbred Cat

    12 years ago

    I have an inbred cat. His parents are brother and sister. From the moment he was born I knew he was, let's just say special. This is his story.


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