In this article we are trying to suggest that humanity would be better off if there was only one religion, so that people could not pretend to fight on religious grounds.
In this article, we are talking about what we would like to see happen in the world, so, this Christmas, we wish for better things to come, may God help us to achieve that.
Imagining God spiritual life force in the universe, and how all spiritual things are linked together. Then how we can save ourselves, by praying and believing in God and Jesus Christ.
In this article, we are imagining how God of the future can be described, since we believe that we need a single God to represent all existing religions.
This religious review, aims to shorten the religious theory that we have written already. Our aim is that one day, we should be able to say all important religious things in a fewer articles.
To believe in God, we must be connected to God, therefore, we must imagine how we come from God and how we return to God when we die, because Our souls can be immortal. But it can depend from what we do during our lives.
In this article, we want to describe God in a way that most existing religions could accept, so that the entire world can live life in peace.
Using what we know and our imagination, we want to describe how humanity may believe God of the universe could be like. You see, today we need a Super-God that can link all existing religions together.
Our views about the coronavirus and what is happening in the world today. These things maybe happening for a reason, they can be the beginning of the new religious world order. It is just a thought.
Here we are discussing, that God may not exist the way that we believe God is today. But we need God; so, we are imagining that in the future, we need a Super God that links all existing religions together.
This is a religious article that wants to point out, that even the pope believes that some change in religions are necessary, so he tries to befriend the Muslims, since they believe in the same God.
This article is a linking article between the positive spiritual life-forces and the negative spiritual life-forces of the universe. We are writing it to continue our description of the spiritual world.
These are my views about God and religions, it is a sort of summary, where I want to point out that the existing religions are not doing their best. They can be modified and set up better.
Talking about Father Christmas and what it means to us, some of the origin of Christmas, and some of the changes that have taken place and the possiblity could be changing in the future.
Religions sometimes have the opposite affect that we wish they would have, so, we wonder what is wrong with them, we have our doubts and we wonder if God exist and why these killings happen.
In this article, we state our religious point of view, where we are trying to come up with a religious solution that could unite all existing religions together. We hope we can say something useful.
A review about religion, and how world events and religions play their parts, so, we are looking at the pope in Colombia, and some world events that could be connected to religions.
We believe that we need to believe in God and religions, but at the same time, humanity needs to modify religions in such a way that they are compatible with most existing religions.
Talking about religions and the need that we have for religions, what religions can do for us, some religious mistakes of the past and present, some comparison about religions.
Here again we are talking about religions and how they affects our lives, we talk about epiphany and other religious things, and also how this modern pope Francis is guiding his religion.
We talk about Christmas and the importance of this event in the western religious world, we hope that the rest of the world would copy us, since it brings positive things to humanity.
We are talking about religions and what it does to humanity, we are talking about the pope and his leadership and how it compares to other religious groups and other religious things.
We are continuing to write more religious articles, hoping that we can connect our religious articles better, because we believe that they deserve more attention, and keep our hub pages site active.
Here our religious beliefs are taking us to review what we have always believed in, in the hope that we could find a better way to understand God and our mystic nature that we feel within.
Here are some religious discussions that could help link our previous religious hubs to the existing religious somehow, because our religious theory is not following the existing religions.
This is how we would like to see God of the universe described in the future, as it could help to eliminate extremism in religions. God is only a spiritual force that gives life to every living thing.
This article is about our religious spiritual beliefs, which they would belong to the other world that we call the world of the dead, here we would like to describe how this spiritual world exists.
God of the future that exists for everybody is what we are trying to describe here, it is important that this God fulfil a role that is able to bridge the past with the future.
We believe is about our religious beliefs, where we are trying to suggest to the world that religions could be changed, so that they can offer a better service to the religious community.
Where we discuss if God exists and what sort of God is more likely to exist, we are also writing about which God is more likely to exist and why it is so.
Here we discuss our sins in the eyes of God, we have chosen the three main sins and how they could effect most of us; there is no way that God would take part in our sins or condone them easily.
Let us try to follow the pope and comment at the same time about his visit, we believe that overall it is a courageous thing what the pope is doing, but will it work, who knows?
Here we are talking about our spiritual beliefs and how they have helped to form religions and also how they could continue to help to modify modern religions.
Religion and philosophy discussions, aimed at reviewing religions, this could be the continuation of our religious articles, but its aim is to make them more readers friendly by shortening them.
In these religious articles we are trying to suggest that there are ways that the world could be saved from unnecessary sufferings, if religions are modified.
I feel that my God is crying, because of what is happening in the world today, as there are some maniac that like to kill and they want to kill in God's name.
We are here talking about religious wars that seem the worse of any wars, because it involves people beliefs, and the beliefs are the spiritual inner part of people and hard to change.
In our religious study, we are in search of God and religious truths, while we might be thinking that there is no God, we don'd want to admit it openly, in case we are wrong.
Believing in God and religions is our nature, we cannot escape it because it is our own ways of thinking that brings us to believe in God and spirituality, so we would be better off to accept them.
We believe there are several religious issues that need to be looked at and perhaps modified, so that religions can continue to have a major role to play in the future for the benefit on mankind.
This religious theory is based on the facts that man needs God and religions, so there is this need to review the existing world religions in such a way that they would be able to serve humanity.
Praying for God love we have called this hub, because we know that if we love God and follow God, then God will love and help us, we must stay with God since that is the only way for God to help us
When even the pope resigns and this has never happened before, then we are lead to believe that it is the sign of the time, it is the sign of the time because things are going to change in the future.
Did this flood in the days of Noah really happen? because there are reasons to believe that if it did it was not as universal as it is reported in the Bible, here are some of the facts.
In the beginning we say when we talk about many things; but if we talk about God and the universe, this should not be so, because they have been there all the time, so, there is no beginning or end.
Circle one negative, or the abyss, it is the place where all the waste of the negative spiritual energies of the universe end up, it is very vast and we might call it the third dimension.
Lucifer domains stands at the other end of the universe and it is separated from God's life forces by the abyss. So that the energies of the universe flow around in a never ending circle so to speak.
This is the Dying souls circle, because the souls that reach this circle will soon die in the abyss, this is the third circle negative if you count from the abyss and is run from the negative angels.
The Israelite exodus from Egypt is a very important part of their religious history, since in the Sinai desert most of the Israelite law were in a way written, starting from God Ten Commandments.
God creation of Adam and Eva is doubtful and also other things written in the Bible creation. This does not mean that God did not create man, may mean God created man with the help of Mother Nature.
These Hell tormented souls that we describe here are supposed to be in another dimension, or in the other world so to speak, in this hub we are trying to describe what this could be like.
Praying here our Heavenly Father with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying because I am mentally visiting and describing Hell. May God guide and protect me from the forces of evil? Amen.
The sixth circle negative of the universe is part of a continuous imaginary view of the spiritual circles of life energies that could exist in the universe and in the end they form a cycle.
Religious theory of Reconciliation of the Universe is a theory that will try to bring all religions together, it could be achieved if we believe that God is a spiritual life force linking everything.
There are religious disagreement in the world today, so in these religious writings we would like to find a way, if that is possible, on how to come up with a religion that everybody could agree.
I have dreamed about God; God touched me and said, 'this man is a bit old but so what', as if whatever I had to do it would make no difference. I believe it is the most important dream of my life.
Religions for the future, in the future God and religions could be different from today, because today existing religions may have to change just like the old religions did in the past.
Man needs God, but God is seen in different ways from different people, but the way we see God does not matter here because man needs God anyhow.
This is a public forum discussing idealistic issues, written for the benefit of all humanity; the aim of this forum is to find a way how to discuss many issues and then about religious reconciliations.
At this point of time, the stage is half set for the entire world to see, read these articles and you might have to agree that we are at the beginning of a new religious Era .
This is our theory of God of the Universe within the life cycle of the universe; God is the positive and constructive life force that guides the universe residing at the center or at the top of it.
Alternative theory of the creation of mankind. How God could have intervened during evolution to select man has his favorite creation.
In a very simplified way we are describing God and the nature of the universe, and then describe how God spiritual world could exist according to our beliefs in order to reconcile religions.
I am setting the stage for the entire world to see, and when you read these pages you may have to agree, this is the golden door of golden opportunity that God will give to you and to all humanity.
God of the Universe description I have called this article, because I am describing the future God of the universe, that can unite religions and overcome the religious problems that we have today.
Everything that is living in the universe is there because is part of God-life-force, nothing alive exists if it is not part of God, because God is life and the life essence of the whole universe.
Greetings to the author of, Reconciliation of the Universe, the angel said’. Putting great stress on the word universe, while he was pointing with his index finger and his raised left hand to the sky.
Believing in God with our own religious theory that may be able to solve some of today religious problems, by suggesting religious views of how the religious world could be one day.
We need God guidance and help, so that we would be able to find our own way about, on how to reason within our own minds in order to find our own ways, about what we are, what we were, and we will be.
Prayer, and religious discussions I have with my friends, whom are trying to help me to write this religious theory. So here are some prayers and religious discussions that I have written.
People prayer to God. Our Lord God, with my personal concerns I come to you praying God-Most-High. Master of the universe and life giver of every living thing, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins.
Revelation at the end of the Bible is one of the most scary religious articles; most religious people believe that the end of the world will come according to what is written in the Bible.
We need God and religions, it has been so for a very long time, we would not live that well with no religions, because people like to believe, belong and to stay together, religion does just that.
Prayers for Beginning Reconciliations. This article: is the beginning of a religious theory that aims to connect all existing religions together, because we believe that there is only one God throughout the universe.
Personal spiritual dreams and cosmic dreams about God and other religious dreams could be coming from the cosmos, and to dream about God is one of those dreams that will stay with you all your life.
We all dream during our lives and the dreams that we dream have a meaning of their own together with our personal experiences, of course we all would like to know what our dreams mean, can we do that?