goody7 profile image68


Joined 14 years ago from over there under the sycamore tree

  • 19
  • 293
  • 487
  • Not Just Another Ghost Story

    Not Just Another Ghost Story

    9 years ago

    I realize that there are as many ghost stories out there in the world as there are automobiles driving up and down our highways, but this is not just another ghost story.

  • 11

    Restless ghost on the move

    9 years ago

    A collection of four different scarey stories about the tales of the spectral, and supernatural. Each of these scarey tales takes place in the deep south. They are all about restless spirits who are on the move, and manifesting themselves elsewhere.

  • The Grim Side of the Grand Canyon

    The Grim Side of the Grand Canyon

    9 years ago

    The Grand Canyon is a breath taking mystical place that encompasses over 250 miles through multiple states. Millions of visitors come from all over the world to see this fascinating and splendid wonder in person for themselves. Considering the vast...

  • The hub pages most unbelievable story - Chapter two

    The hub pages most unbelievable story - Chapter two

    9 years ago

    This is part two of a true ghost story, which is unbelievable at best. It surpasses the "Amittyville Horror" by leaps and bounds. This super natural story has a total life of it's very own, and this is an actual account of what is still going on today in a house that was originally built back in...

  • The hub pages most unbelievable story

    The hub pages most unbelievable story

    9 years ago

    This is a true ghost story, which is unbelievable at best. It surpasses the "Amittyville Horror" by leaps and bounds. This super natural story has a total life of it's very own, and this is an actual account of what is still going on today in a house that was originally built back in the 1800's.

  • How to select a winning hub page profile name & photo

    How to select a winning hub page profile name & photo

    9 years ago

    The first two things that someone notices when they visit your hub is your hub page name and profile photograph. That's why it's rather important to give some thought, and choose the the right name and photograph from the very beginning. The wrong...

  • 4

    Fire engines, fire engines, and more fire engines

    9 years ago

    The grand history of organized firefighting gets it's roots from all the way back to the times of ancient Egypt, if not farther back in time. Back then hand operated water pumps might have been used to fight fires. Here's a look at some of the beautifully painted fire engines from around the world.

  • Tips on getting those 17 different hub page accolades

    Tips on getting those 17 different hub page accolades

    9 years ago

    This is an over view of all 17 of the Hub Pages accolades. Here you will find a detailed description of each of these special colorful accolades, and you will learn how you can earn an accolade.

  • Timeless stories on the hub pages

    Timeless stories on the hub pages

    9 years ago

    The hub pages are full of all kinds of different wonderful stories. There is absolutely no subject matter that has been left untouched here on the hub pages. But there's something which I've noticed that keeps a reader interested in a story, and I...

  • Hub page comments

    Hub page comments

    9 years ago

    A good day always begins with a cup of coffee, and comments from your wonderful readers here at the Hub Pages. A comment on the hub pages can really make or break someone's entire day. I have over one hundred wonderful comments to date as I'm...

  • A horrible place with a dark past

    A horrible place with a dark past

    9 years ago

    It's a very horrible place with an even darker past, and it's a place on this earth like no other. The gates forever hold the hatred and horrors of a time gone mad in this world that we live in. Dachau was one of many Nazi concentration camps with...

  • The Tobacco War - Cigarettes vs. Chewing Tobacco

    The Tobacco War - Cigarettes vs. Chewing Tobacco

    9 years ago

    The comparison of these two tobacco products is very interesting to say the least. On one hand we have the highly controversial cigarette. Which is constantly under the gun from the government, who has took it upon themselves to say it's bad for...

  • How NOT to leave a comment on the hub pages

    How NOT to leave a comment on the hub pages

    9 years ago

    On the hub pages leaving comments for one another is always second nature. It is also very important to leave comments for our fellow hubbers. The hub pages has even recently changed the commenter accolade to include eight different levels, with the...

  • What's in a number?

    What's in a number?

    9 years ago

    Today I became a little curious about that little number that is down in the bottom right hand corner of my hub page profile picture. Today it says I have a score of 85. Sounds great at first, but as I started scrolling down the list of hubbers I...

  • The Superb owl of the Hub Pages

    The Superb owl of the Hub Pages

    9 years ago

    The first order of business is to congratulate all of the 32 winners of the very first Hub pages Hubbie awards. This really was the Super Bowl of the Hub Pages. However instead of one every year like in the NFL, it was a total of five years in the...

  • Ghostly places @ Ghost Central (Winner of the Feb. 2nd 2011 hub-nugget's contest)

    Ghostly places @ Ghost Central (Winner of the Feb. 2nd 2011 hub-nugget's contest)

    5 years ago

    This is one of the largest collections of ghost stories that you'll ever see on the Internet. All of these super natural tales are packed into the very popular ghost central. If you don't believe in ghost today, then prepare to have your world turn inside out.

  • History of the Goody family

    History of the Goody family

    9 years ago

    There's a very long proud history of the Goody family which goes all the way back to the period of this country's civil war. Most of us can't read or write, so our parents just gave us all numbers for our names. That's how I became to be known as...

  • Great hubs are written by even greater hubbers

    Great hubs are written by even greater hubbers

    9 years ago

    It takes a very special person to write a hub here on the good old hub pages. It takes a great person and their imagination to write a great hub. Writing isn't something that should be taken for granted. Yes it's true that you have to be educated...

  • Life is for goodys

    Life is for goodys

    9 years ago

    Life is good, or at least that's what everyone out there in the world says. Life is what you make of it, and it can only get better. I figured it was way past due that I get evolved in the hub pages like the rest of my happy family, and start...


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