So, having been without cable for a couple of years, I just now heard about the Dunn case... here's my take on the information I have so far....
In 2013 I made a lot of choices that varied from very good to so bad I need to write a textbook on DON'T DO THIS.
To any person who sags, I and many like me are BEGGING, please stop... you look like you cannot dress yourself and...
You may or may not have heard of Shane Koyczan, a spoken word poet from Canada who turned a difficult life into something absolutely beautiful. I want to share what he has inspired for myself.
Every time you turn around in the US, you hear about rights and equality and how proud we are as a country to have those, but to stab at that fact, if you take a hard look at today's issues, we don't.
Many of us suffered them as children, and some even suffer them as adults, be they in child or adult form, they aren't hard to spot. Bullying is an unacceptable thing in any culture.
Throughout my relationship with my childrens' father, I suffered from several kinds of abuse. In 2009 things escalated and I was finally gripped with so much fear it was time to leave.
We all have our favorite characters in all kinds of media, from books to television to movies. I felt like I could share mine and why I love them so much and explore what makes them so good.
I have had an idea for homeless veterans and families for quite a while. This is a basic rough draft idea for these shelters that are fully self-sustaining, green temporary homes.
Using empty, abandoned lots for urban, organic farming would be good for everyone in several ways.
A few statements on the problems with the current educational system, and what causes some issues with people writing in an educational setting.
Tipping has become somewhat of a major social issue in our modern society. Some believe that it is undeserved, and they could not be more wrong.
Being a single mother dealing with a dead beat dad, I have found myself on assistance more than once in the past five years of being single. I am not proud of the stereotypes, but I will admit to it.
When you feel trapped in a relationship with someone who abuses you, it can feel hopeless. There is help.
These videos. This man makes a huge difference in one man's life. VitalyZDTV inspired me with these actions. Let's let Vitaly and Martin inspire all of us to do something as beautiful as this.