"Far Cry 5" is Ubisoft's 2018 entry in its notorious open-world series. Warning: spoilers lie ahead.
Square Enix's episodic adventure game "Life Is Strange" is a thrilling journey that takes place over the course of five episodes. Warning: spoilers ahead.
Looking back, it's easy to see that there were positive and negative aspects of the "Andromeda" installment in the "Mass Effect" series. Warning: spoilers ahead.
Kyrat is a much different land than the one we visited in "Far Cry 3". Let's talk about why that sucks. Warning: spoilers ahead!
From missing flights to doomed Everest summits, these books are sure to put some hair on your chest.
Since this was one of the latest free games available through Microsoft's "Games with Gold", I thought I'd give "Dishonored" a shot. Warning: spoilers lie ahead!
The factors that drive this issue are resolvable, and the effects that it has on the international community are too large to ignore.
Ever heard of DIM or milk thistle? Check out these five awesome remedies and their medicinal purposes.
You'd be surprised at what you can learn from "Dragon Age: Origins." Contains possible spoilers for any who haven't played.
An addendum to the previous hub, "Where We Came From", about the origins of some puzzling social and emotional behaviors.
A brief foray into evolutionary psychology, our roots, and an explanation of some puzzling modern day behavior.
Yes, it is perfectly normal to fight with your significant other. But did you know that the occasional argument is a sign of a healthy, positive relationship?
This is an ode to the psychotic yet charming villain Vaas Montenegro, who taught me more things than I would like to acknowledge. Warning: spoilers lie ahead!
An open letter about acceptance, forgiveness, and moving on.
A brief history of the cold, as well as ideas for home remedy treatments.
Documenting my first ghost tour in Gettysburg, a historic town famous for its secrets.
Inside information about the disorder, the diagnosis, and ways to combat the symptoms through natural means.
Advice and tips on how to save money in little (and sometimes big!) ways.
A collection of advice and suggestions for those trying to quit indefinitely.
Learn about the historical background of the Great Depression and how families survived through frugality and food consciousness.
A not-so-ordinary approach to explaining the origins and practices of Halloween.
This hub examines the difficulty of performing random acts of kindness during times of economic stress, and debates the possibility of such acts becoming altogether "things of the past."
An investigation into cannibalism at sea, its history, and effects upon those who resort to it.
A review of Bioware's "Mass Effect," including opinions and firsthand observations.
An insight into the atrocities committed at Auschwitz from an eyewitness's perspective.
Sometimes, the old adage "opposites attract" isn't exactly true.
Ways to cope with difficult and annoying family members.
A place of haunting beauty, the battlefields of Gettysburg are sights that those of every age can take solace in.
Detailing my experience with a residential treatment facility for children and adolescents, and why I will never go back.
An interesting find by the community dumpster leads to an intriguing investigation into an old and beautiful painting.
Examining the difference between simply traveling and full cultural immersion.
A simple memoir dedicated to the past life of my youngest sister, before her addictions took hold.