In this article, we’ll examine some practical ways to save money in college. From budgeting your money to cutting unnecessary expenses, there is something in this guide for everyone.
Heading off to college does not mean that your carbon footprint has to increase two shoe sizes while you are there. The school supplies, clothing, furniture, and personal care products that you buy while away at college can all have an impact on your carbon footprint so tread lightly
Cookie cutters can be a parent's best friend. It does not take much effort to press a sandwich, fruit, or vegetable into a fun shape. Chopping food into fun designs can encourage your child to consume them
Strategic voting occurs when a person chooses to vote against their preferred candidate in an attempt to keep a less desirable choice from attaining office. People participate because they feel it will increase the odds of a party with their preferred principles and policies winning that seat.
The conservative plan was a simple one. They wanted to make the Liberal speakers appear inept and incompetent. They wanted the House of Commons cloaked in negativity in direct opposition to Justin Trudeau's commitment to sunny ways. How were they to do this? A simple game of distraction.
This young politician did something so astounding that even I, with my skeptical country attitude, had to sit up and give credit where it was due. Justin Trudeau had to earn my respect and that was something that he certainly did.
Unfortunately alcohol abuse is an aspect of college life that doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Many students will lose their chance at a higher education due their drinking during these...
Why is He Still Here? He has been allowed to continue to demean the United States political system with Racial Slurs, Derogatory Comments, Bullying and Name Calling
Houseplants not only help to create a cheerful and relaxing atmosphere, but they can help to clean the air as well.
Experts recommend that you review your Will every three to five years or sooner if you undergo any major lifestyle changes that might possibly affect the contents of your current Will.
Kids have a whole lot of energy to begin with but just add sugar and ask them to sit still for a couple of hours in a confined space and see what happens. It really isn't a pretty picture. Bored kids
A twelve year old girl is a wonderful mixture of little girl and teen which makes her one of the most delightful children to shop for. She still keeps her favorite toys but has so many other interests
What truly fascinated us throughout our visit was this museum's interactive play stations for children. These little play stops for kids are one of the most delightful features of this dinosaur museum
When you are diagnosed with a rare illness like Myositis Jo-1 antibodies, Antisynthetase syndrome, your diagnosis can be confusing as well as more than just a little frustrating. Myositis is rare...
Sometimes plagiarism occurs due a lack of knowledge as to how an article or image should be properly cited. Occasionally the plagiarism is intentional. No matter what the circumstances are the act of
The air that you are breathing inside your home may contain formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, asbestos, lead dust, sulfur dioxide, radon gas, as well as other numerous pollutants. It...
That nasty old January depression can work its way into your mood without your even seeing it approaching. It just seems to creep right in but don't let that depress you, it can happen to anyone. You are not alone in the January blues.
It would appear that fruits and vegetables basically seem to share the same characteristics. So which foods are a fruit and which are a vegetable...
Grandmothers know that butter is a food product that can be used for far more than just baking. As young mothers they discovered exactly how important butter was for a number of tasks in the home...
This shortbread cookie recipe is unique from others in that the dough does not need to be refrigerated – meaning this shortbread is much quicker and easier to prepare than most recipes.
One simple smile has the power to calm fear, insecurity, hurt, and anxiety. It has the power within it to change the world because smiles are contagious. There is a lot of power in a smile
Canada's national languages, symbols, and traditions were formed through the unique circumstances which this country developed under. Canada is a bilingual multi-cultural country. Multiculturalism
Hiking up to an old fire lookout gives a magnificent view of the Steeples Range of the Rocky Mountains. This hike is one of many outdoor opportunities in Cranbrook, Canada's sunniest city.
The 2009 H1N1 virus or swine flu had a large number of people concerned about this possible pandemic illness. This influenza outbreak was different from others because very few had existing antibodies to protect them. Then we learned that this virus could mutate to create a distinctly new flu
This low cholesterol Banana Cream pie recipe means that having high cholesterol is not going to make you give up on dessert. Quite the opposite in fact. You can go ahead and have seconds this pie is
Rhubarb is a large-leafed plant with edible stalks that grows like a bad weed anywhere that it gets the opportunity to be planted. It is a very hardy perennial and can be frozen for later use.
Looking for the full scoop on green tea and its ability to help reduce belly fat? Well pour yourself a nice strong cup of green tea and sit back down to read why this beverage helps to reduce fat...
Bright red in color with a thick skin and a burst of flavor pomegranates are touted as an antioxidant rich super food. A fruit with many health benefits they are seedy so drinking the juice...
Learn how iceberg lettuce got its name and all about its history, nutritional facts, and more.
Grab your vinegar and baking soda. It's time to clean that scaly teapot.
I have my superstitions, and this is my little tale of a certain New Year's Eve superstition which I stumbled upon as a child—and one which there unfortunately seems to be absolutely no way to forget.
We find it in the candy section of the grocery store, we eat it as a sweet snack and hand it out with Halloween treats. Yet this treat has many health benefits and detriments to its consumption that many people are unaware of
Where mucus is concerned, too much of a good thing is not a good thing. You drown in the very fluids that your body produces to protect you from harm. Fortunately, there are natural treatments to help.
Magazine articles touted the amazing health benefits of soy as a healthy protein food choice. Now new studies question if soy products are as safe as we have been led to believe. Dangerous or...
E-waste or electronic waste as it is commonly known is becoming one of the largest disposal problems of our generation. The influx of potentially toxic waste into landfills has governments scrambling
Allergies to black pepper do occur and if you are one of the individuals who suffers from this allergy than this article is for you. Pepper is one of our most common spices and allergies to
Although all foods contain calories some foods take so much energy to digest that your body burns up the calories from them in the process of consuming them. These are called Zero Calorie Foods...
Henna is a natural hair and beauty product used by people throughout the world. The property found within Henna that makes it desirable as a beauty product is the reddish dye within the plant's leaves
Metals are not something which our body usually needs but copper is one of the few metals which our body does require to maintain optimum health. But like all the other little components that keep...
Older Teflon-coated pots, pans, and bakeware contain a known carcinogen: perfluorooctanoic acid.