The rest of the story. part two of Astral Projection with Precognition. I meet an accident specialist guy, as well as a road angel mechanic in a futuristic way. Focus 21 is a space of no time or all time. I was getting my first taste of All Time, with a hint of how accidents can happen
This is a precognitive OBE. You could say clairvoyance of an event was riding shotgun in this out of body experience (OBE.) The thing about precognition, I would always brush off the precognition aspect because it didn’t fit into my belief system that we could see into the future. happened
At age 27 I delivered newspapers to a resthome and would use a skateboard when the halls were clear. Years later I would come once a month to entertain the old folks with singing and playing the Omnichord. I met a man there who would come and dance with the folks. I think he was an angel
This is about an ongoing relationship spanning over 30 years, which occurs in the astral fields of another dimension where all is energy and the form and symbols relate to our thoughts and emotions as concerning who we are and our capabilities to communicate on this level.
Boy meets Girl on a first date. Only the date happens in a dream world. Said dream world occassionally overlaps into reality. Story unfolding is an ongoing piece in progress, not a fictional account but reads like one.
This would be about the process of writing your first book while wondering if you will actually be able to finish it. It is about a guiding influence in the room, a guiding influence of mulitiple spirits, of whom I'd asked for help. They, whomever they were, did not let me down.
What if past, present & future are really one single timeline in truth? This is a short, true story of a para, or beyond normal event. If life is about discovering who you are versus what who you want to be, this might be a glimpse into another dimension.
Looking into a future time on earth by intuitively looking at the trends as it is now. A way of keeping positive with an eye towards viewing the creative potential of man.
In an age of disinformation and cover ups of the truth, people are dying, and this is covered up so that the NWO can continue to decimate our constitutional rights.
The author is calling out for wisdom, logic and the Love of God, to the Americans and to the world.
The Spirit of America cannot be killed although our bodies can be laid under as casualties of a war; bodies dying does not kill a nation and what it stands for, nor how it was born fighting for the same rights we now defend as it was in the civil war. Government overreach is actually evil.
Its an exciting time to learn how politics works whether of a corporate policy or Republican ideals. Yet it is certainly difficult to learn these things on Facebook when being censored.
This piece started out as poetry and ended up as meditation while reflecting on lock down and society in general, it drifts to our dependence on an unseen but felt God
War strategy rules
Spirituality mixing with politics produces some interesting scenarios, both sobering and inspirational
Some years after reading ACIM, a student tests the material to see if it's true.
The author returns to a location in time and space 60 yrs ago when she lived next to a firehouse in Sacramento, CA. The nostalgia was heavy and bittersweet with memories. Everything had changed, and I might add, for the better.
Alysia writes about the paranormal most often, relating personal experiences. This story is about losing a spouse and then receiving some contact now and then with that spouse which makes the parting a little less painful.
The death of a self image could come about when there is closure in a relationship whereby the role you were playing, within any group, or family setting is no longer necessary, due to the closure, in which there could be many examples of closure. A self image is what gets generated normally in life
The man asked me to keep to love no matter what happened. This then is an article attempting that. No effort is futile. It is a study in personal relationships in the general sense.
A performer in the karaoke scene gets hit on by a youngster half her age because she encouraged him to perform a song and dance number for the sake of musical expression.
A piece about our sexuality as a human race. It is primal and it's here to stay, but we can take it to a new level just by eye contact.