A very short nonsense poetry collection
I am writing this hub because I came across a fellow hubber's hub on Islam vs Christianity or vice versa. I felt that I needed to say something about the topic of Religion.
Poem I came up with in a tattoo parlour.
Post it heart I am
A poem, about him, in a form of another. I experienced something yesterday which I think will stay with me forever.
Merry Christmas to all HUBBERS Leptirela
This Hub I dedicate to the Love of my life. We all have someone out there , BELIEVE
The truth will win
And, here we go again it's like a merry-go-round with excuse after excuse. (admit it) I am beginning to feel my fall as I stare at his words bewildered at how much feel he possesses yet lies to himself. Sleepless should be my name,there I go...
This year I decided to select a few of my fave songs of the Eurovision Song contests for Bosnia
Relationship issues, trust being the most important- why is it so hard to find?