Anyone can be more than the life that they were born into... I did and you can too. One thing most people don't know about me is how much I had to fight to be 'more than I was born into'. Alcohol, drugs and violence were all around me when I was younger. But not as an adult.
Years ago, my husband and I 'bought the farm', to say the least. Actually, it was a few acres that was nothing more than a bit of land and a whole lot of dreams... but I changed that!
The emotional turmoil that abandonment can cause can last moments, days or even decades. Were you abandoned by a parent? Partner? Friend? Or... by chance: did you need to abandon someone in our life? There are so many kinds of abandonment -- all of...
Teenagers are known to sometimes walk their own paths in this world. They are known to throw caution to the wind and make poor choices, choices of which I am living proof.
Recycling in todays world, to ensure a sustainable earth for tomorrow is everybody's responsibility, young or old, male or female. Recycling in todays world now goes way beyond paper and bottles.
Enjoy that café feel? Sitting at a little bistro table, sipping a sweet late and enjoying the moment in all simplicity? You can create that feeling in your very own home...
So you are going after a new employment position? Then you have landed in the right place to get some pointers before you are pointed to the door after a bad interview!
We get up, get ready and head out to start our work day and bring the bacon home. What if that place of employment is also our place of misery and unhappiness? What then??
Most of my life my hair was extremely long! The kind of long where my hair settled below the waist line of my pants. Why did I let it grow to such lengths? And why did I chop it off? He is my story.
Backyard chickens bring more than a tasty addition to the breakfast table... They also bring a sense of freedom, freedom to help sustain yourself...
Go back twenty, thirty or longer, back to the good old days where things were less electronic and much more personal. Families shared evening dinner together, elders were people to cherish, respect and care for.
With todays world being at huge environmental risk we need to stand up and take action! Knowing where we stand and what options there are is the first step for a better tomorrow!
SAVE YOUR CHILD TRAMA! Names are bestowed to us by our parents & we have no choice in the matter... No one deserves the punishment of going around with a name like Woody Held - real name, true story!
Most people think about investing in their futures by saving and investing in stocks, bonds or RRSP's. How about considering something that is proven to increase in value through the decades in coins?
Pocket weighing you down? Or a Treasure in your Pants! Sometimes you never know! But don't worry, it's easy to find your treasures that are hiding in plain sight - plus, they make great investments!