A young boy forges his character in one dangerous and dramatic confrontation with his step-father. Is he too young to live with the consequences?
Is kissing the Blarney Stone to receive the "gift of gab" worth it, despite being the "#1 Germiest Tourist Attraction in the World?" Grab your sanitizer and judge for yourself. This is no blarney!
See The Zimmers: funniest and oldest rock band singing The Who's "My Generation." Living life to the limit with 3 hilarious Golden Ingredients: Laughter, Loving, Lending a Hand.
Fear of falling is reduced when you know how to get up if you have a fall. Catch your breath, check for injuries, take your time. Call for help using an emergency alert necklace or a cell phone.
If you have a senior in your life you would like to help, you must read this. The real facts about the dangers of falling for seniors. Here is a concise list of what can be done to reduce a senior’s risks of falling and to provide vital recommendations for seniors to incorporate in their life...
Fine dark chocolate melting on your tongue produces exquisite sensations of intense pleasure that absolutely outshine a passionate kiss. Learn what is in chocolate that makes us want to bliss out in divine ecstasy.
Feeling excruciating pain when someone leaves. Unless you have lost someone you truly loved, it is hard to understand how unbearable this pain can be.
Eye Candy - Inspirational Snacks. Motivating photos and inspiring quotes create fireworks for the brain and rhapsody for the soul.
A smart Guide to removing dangerous fall risks in a senior's home, with important recommendations on how seniors can avoid falls and serious injuries in the home.
With all the same fears we may face today, God reduced Gideon to almost total helplessness to show how, even in the darkest of situations, we can trust God to provide a wonderful future for us.
Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the hardest things in life to do. The more you love the pet the closer you become, and the closer you become the more difficult it is to say goodbye. The two of you have had such a great life together. You have so many warm memories and so many photographs,...
Aliens release a magnificent power so one man can work 853 years to help them go home. Beautiful and inspiring short story.
Wealth through wise money management is a promise of God. Spending and investing wisely leads to financial freedom. Dishonest practices lead to ruin. The choice is ours. We choose to trust God.
It's a promise: having prosperity and riches overflowing in all areas of our life. Just Understand and Follow the 7 Steps to Riches beyond Your Expectations. It is so true and it is so easy. It works.
Love Poem. Feeling the pain when someone says goodbye. Plunging into the darkness of unbearable hurt when remembering the promises of love. Blaming the unfaithful lover then experiencing the exquisite joy of vengeance. It hurts when someone leaves.
Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasures of all kinds, not just sex. Lust is the insatiable drive for sensuality, for more and more experiences of power and pleasure, where self-worth and self-esteem are augmented usually at the expense of others.
Part of feeling young as a senior today is maintaining your sense of independence. Being able to continue to do many, if not most, of the things you used to do is one of the best ways to continue to feel young.
When we make major decisions based on how we feel, rather than what we believe, we are creating an idol of ourselves. Our pride tells us we are greater than God.
Laser Eye Surgery No Fear - A step-by-step guide to the Lasik procedure.
It is the way the seals are slaughtered that upsets people. It is inhumane and it should be stopped. There has to be a better way to harvest seals. Adorable baby seal photos only. Safe to view.
African Elephant Ivory or Synthetic Ivory-How to Save these Intelligent Animals. When there is a beautiful alternative in synthetic ivory no one should allow the continued slaughter of elephants.
Save That Tiger! is funny but written with a tremendous regard for animal rights, conservation of species, and in particular, the efforts made to prevent the extinction of tigers. Please do your part.
The joy of expressing the essence of a subject, learning the brush strokes and mix of paint on the brush, and finding balance and harmony in our life.
We learn by mistakes. Getting a warning is a golden opportunity to make things right. So be grateful.
God exists and is the authority in my life because I choose to believe he is. This is no longer a "leap of faith" for me but an internalized belief that is as strong as "rational" evidence.
Oprah Winfrey, Dalai Lama and Jim Morrison have all known great pain in their lives. How do they use these trials? Trials hurt and they're not fair. So what's the purpose for trials in our life?
I had to give up my beautiful cat, and it still breaks my heart. I know where he is, but I cannot see him. Those are the rules of cat adoption.
My cat KC is the perfect example of the loving, intelligent and talented cat that every cat lover thinks they have.
KC received a blood transfusion from a similar looking cat, that saved his life. KC and Eliot are now Blood Brothers. .
KC is a very special cat who gave so much joy to those around him. See his Big Foot paws, how he helps with dinner, his boxing technique, and be sure to see KC and his trains.
We were put on this earth for a purpose designed by God. Part I is about not having time to even think about Finding Purpose to Our Lives.