In this article we will look at the role of racism in the Abortion Industry, the claim that Planned Parenthood is the only place that poor and minority women can receive non-abortive medical health care such as mammograms, ..
In this article I challenge the narrative that the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973 made abortions legal and therefore safe, and that the abortion industry is truly for women’s choice even if that choice is to choose life.
If you’ve been paying attention to Social Media and the “controversy” surrounding passing of Election Integrity Laws you have heard passionate cries from certain members in Congress such as Schumer and Pelosi cry “Voter Suppression!” and “This is Jim Crow!”, etc.
This is my final article in this series. There are of course many more amendments that I could cover, however, I reason why I wrote this series was to wet you the readers appetite to do your own research on the subject and to come to your own conclusions not to tell you to believe the same way I do
During the days after the Emancipation Proclamation and the passing of the 13th Amendment the Southern White elites spewed on by the Democratic Party and their hired thugs the Klu Klux Klan or K.K.K. for short toiled long and hard to keep the recently free slaves in their place. Thus, it was nec
In Part 3 on the Amendments of the Constitution we are going to cover Amendments 9 to 13.
If you had the chance to read part 1 of this series you should have been challenged by the question “Do you really know what the Amendments of the U.S. Constitution really say and why should you care?’ In this article we will cover in detail Amendments 4 through 8.
Who Is Really Occupying Whom? Are those who are claiming now to be Palestinians since ancient times the real indigenous people of what is called by some Israel and by others Palestine or are THEY the foreign occupiers and colonizers? Are the...
It has been assumed that Christianity is an European-White cultural based religion, and therefore it is perfectly o.k. to bash the Christian faith but is that true? Here is a little quiz to see how much you know or think you know about...
When I was much younger whenever anyone asked me if I considered myself Conservative,Lliberal or Moderate--although I agreed in responsibility, being faithful and so forth, I refused to call myself a Conservative. After all, if you said you were a...
If you listen to the retoric of the progressives you may belive that those of us who call ourselves traditionalist are a bunch of toothless hics who believe that the World is flat or some other nonsence. But what are traditional values? Here...
Dear "Progressives", I've heard that some of you don't like the Bill of Rights. That you would like them dumped. Which ones do you find horrific and what would you have in their place? For example: Would you rather that the I Amendment...
I s what you may have been taught by your professors or teachers, or what you have heard quoted by politicians about the Amendments of the U.S. Constitution correct? Have they been honest with you or have been just trying to promote their own ideology?
Shooters of the mass shootings were Liberal Progressive Democrates
Why is it when little Johnny or little Jane quietly bows his or her head to say a silent prayer before they eat their lunch at school, or quietly reads their Bible during recess they are guilty of violating "Separation of Church and State"? But if...