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Seckin Esen

Joined 12 years ago from Ankara, Turkey

  • 22
  • 268
  • 357
  • Coronavirus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Basic Protective Measures Against the New Coronavirus

    Coronavirus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Basic Protective Measures Against the New Coronavirus

    4 years ago

    The outbreak of a new type of virus called Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China has caused a global concern. It has spread to almost all the countries in the world since it started to be seen in Wuhan, China in December, 2019. This article informs you about protective measures against the coronavirus.

  • The Universe, Galaxies, and the Milky Way

    The Universe, Galaxies, and the Milky Way

    6 years ago

    All of us live in the Milky Way, located in the universe; however, most of us may not know what these terms really refer to. The aim of this article is to define what the universe, galaxies and the milky way mean, and to answer the most commonly asked questions about these terms.

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    The Audio-Lingual Method

    8 years ago

    This article attempts to define the characteristics of the Audio Lingual Method, which is a teaching method used in teaching foreign languages.

  • The Adverse Effects of Genetic Engineering

    The Adverse Effects of Genetic Engineering

    9 years ago

    Creating new plant species by manipulating their genes with the help of genetic engineering has the potential to have some adverse effects on human health, farming and environment.

  • Contribution Of The Materials To The Learning Process

    Contribution Of The Materials To The Learning Process

    9 years ago

    This article focuses on how the materials should be prepared, used and evaluated in order to make the language lessons more effective. The purpose of this paper is to issue the contribution of the materials to the learning process for both teachers and learners.

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    Pitch in English Pronunciation: Definition and Examples

    15 months ago

    What is pitch and pitch range? How is pitch used, and how does it affect the meaning of the utterances? Here are some suggestions for English language teachers on how to teach correct intonation and pronunciation.

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    Code Switching: Definition, Types, and Examples

    15 months ago

    This is an explanation of why people use code switching, an introduction to types of code switching with examples, and suggestions for teachers teaching a foreign or second language.

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    Stress And Intonation in English: Contrastive Stress

    17 months ago

    This article attempts to explain what contrastive stress is and offers suggestions for English language teachers on how to teach it to students.

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    Ellipsis - Definition And How To Use It Properly

    8 years ago

    This article explains what ellipsis is, where it is used, what kind of ellipsis makes sentences less easy to understand, what unstressed words are left out, and how to teach English using ellipsis.

  • Will Genetic Engineering Change Humanity?

    Will Genetic Engineering Change Humanity?

    9 years ago

    Due to the recent progress in genetic engineering, many scientists believe that in the future, parents will be able to design their children. This may bring up some social and moral questions.

  • How To Become A Quick Learner

    How To Become A Quick Learner

    8 years ago

    Quick learners have certain proper skills which are basic for anyone to learn and master with practice. Some helpful tips and ways to increase your learning ability are mentioned in this article.

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    School Learning and Assessment

    5 years ago

    Assessment is an improvement process. It is a vital part of education and there are many qualities of a good assessment such as being reliable, encouraging and suitable to the students’ abilities.

  • How to Promote Creativity in Classroom

    How to Promote Creativity in Classroom

    5 years ago

    There are many things that teachers can do to encourage creativity in class which include increasing motivation, providing a comfortable environment, and encouraging group discussions.

  • The Mayans and The Aztecs

    The Mayans and The Aztecs

    11 years ago

    Mayan and Aztec civilizations were two of the largest empires in Latin America. There are many similarities between the two different mythologies. They both grew corn, placed a lot of importance on sacrifice, and had similar creation myths. In this article, we are going to discuss the theories...

  • Can Animals Sense Earthquakes?

    Can Animals Sense Earthquakes?

    5 years ago

    What causes animals to sense an earthquake? Scientists are certain that animals are sensitive to changes in the earth and that studying their behavior can be useful in the prediction of earthquakes.

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    Facts About Countries

    9 years ago

    Every country in the world has its own specialties. It's a good way to start learning basic facts about a country if you are interested in visiting it. Here are some facts about 57 countries.

  • Generating Electricity At Home

    Generating Electricity At Home

    5 years ago

    Generating energy is no longer as hard as you think because the rate of using natural energy sources is getting more and more common and the price of the equipment needed to set up these systems is decreasing. It is now possible to generate our own electricity with the help of solar panels and wind...

  • How to Protect Yourself in a Lightning Storm

    How to Protect Yourself in a Lightning Storm

    11 years ago

    Lightning is a massive discharge of atmospheric electricity which can occur suddenly and without warning. Although it kills lots of people every year, most lightning related deaths are preventable. It’s important to know how to protect yourself when a lightning storm begins.

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    Can Biofuels Replace Fossil Fuels?

    5 years ago

    Biofuels are alternative energy sources produced from plants like corn, sugar cane or other crops. It is explicit that biofuels which are used to meet our energy needs will become major contributors to energy supply in the modern world, but there has recently been a debate over its benefits. The...

  • The Methods Of Saving Animals From Extinction

    The Methods Of Saving Animals From Extinction

    9 years ago

    Protecting animals from extinction is an important issue to think about. It is definitely true that the interference of human activity with wildlife is one of the primary reasons for making some species endangered. Today, everyone knows that we must make sure every species is preserved. There are...

  • Research or Teaching Methods

    Research or Teaching Methods

    4 years ago

    There has been a debate over whether universities should concentrate on research or better teaching methods.

  • Countries I Have Visited: Ukraine

    Countries I Have Visited: Ukraine

    5 years ago

    "I actually felt nervous on my first flight to Lviv in April, 2012. Because it would be my first trip to Ukraine. I was flying to a country whose culture or people I didn't know. I even didn't have any idea about their alphabet. However, when my plane landed at the Lviv international airport, nice...


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