Would you wear an Ancient Roman hairstyle? You could be sporting a classic Roman look right now but hadn't realised it.
One of the most beautiful buildings in the world is a monument of love. We know it as the Taj Mahal
The Ides of March, 44 BCE, an unhappy day for Julius Caesar but a good time to have an ancient Roman dinner
Do you make fruit mince pies for Christmas? Here's a medieval recipe, fit for a King.
These are vintage patterns for knit dolls' clothes that have been released into the public domain. I also share some vintage patterns you can buy.
In ancient Sumer, beer making and bread making were different sides of the same coin. They left us the recipe for beer, the oldest recipe in the world
The carnivorous Demon Duck was the biggest bird that ever lived. Luckily for us, that was 8 million years ago.
I have a passion for a handful of fictional detectives. Salvo Montalbano is one of them
I'd love to wear these '20s fashion styles today. Would you?
How satisfying it must have been to live in Ancient Rome in the first few centuries of our era. But only if you were rich!
A saga of magic, sorcery, murderous mayhem, bloody vengeance, relentless pursuit and a final act of treachery. In other words, a love story.
It's a long, long way from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the West Side of New York, but a mere 4000 years means nothing to young love.
Step by Step instructions with photos for making Steak and Kidney Casserole
The truth about Trolls is ugly. Yes, ugly. When you see a Troll run .. as fast as you can! And never look back!
In Australia, the Christmas holidays stretch over the longest days of our long summers. This article will break down some of our country's most treasured traditions during the happiest time of the year.
Salvete! Guests just love these Murder Games, make yours fabulous fun that will be talked about for years afterwards
Some of the best detectives do their sleuthing in togas.
Did ancient Romans spend their time indulging in lavish banquets? Not really. Ordinary people ate ordinary meals that were not very different from what we eat today.
Once Delphi was the very centre of the universe
Who doesn't know the story of Troy? It's been told over and over for at least three thousand years.
Was Arthur a real figure? The truth isn't really important, I just enjoy reading everything I can find on the Matter of Britain.
Odin gave up an eye for one sip from the Well of Wisdom
The portrayals of women in the stories of King Arthur tell us much more about the attitude of the storytellers than about the women themselves
Pets, Pals, Psychopomps, Guardians and Ghostly Hounds
Vortigern made a bad mistake, but surely it wasn't enough to be remembered as the Worst King of the Britons?
Where was Camelot? There are seven possible locations.
Zeus was mighty, glorious, awesome and mythology's most well-known philanderer.