There are several stages of grief. How we move through them and process our grief is a personal journey. Here is a little peek into mine.
No-sew fleece tie blankets are a cinch to make! Getcha some fleece and some scissors and get started!
Abuse of any kind can be devastating at any age. I know from experience that it is life-altering and quite difficult to come to terms with. Read a small piece of my story here.
The easy answer is "nobody knows"...
Learn how to link your blog or website to your YouTube channel in just a few very simple steps. I have included pictures to help illustrate the instructions. Good luck!
Parenting adolescents is an incredible challenge. Tips from a single mom (for parents and teenagers) for easy, effective ways to survive puberty and the teenage years...again.
February 2013, Wichita, KS, experienced the second largest snowfall in the city's recorded history with 14+ inches of snow. Days later, the city was bracing for round 2, and I was in the middle of it!
On February 20/21, 2013, Wichita, KS experienced a record-breaking "Thundersnow".
Happy New Year from the Tiffany Delite Show!
Wondering how to vote on election day? Wondering about the voting process and where to vote on election day? I was too. Read about my experience at the polls.
Don't waste your time or money on anything less than the best when it comes to your bathroom cleaning needs!
Many people think that others should not wear pajamas in public because it seems trashy or lazy. But are they?
sur·vi·vor (noun) a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.
My personal account of the EF3 tornado that caused some serious damage in the southeast part of Wichita, KS in April of 2012. Includes miscellaneous tornado videos.
I quit smoking with the aid of a smokeless cigarette in 2011. This blog highlights that journey - both the forward and the backward steps I have taken - over time.
Using the Great Amercian Smokeout as a target day to quit smoking, this blog tells part of my story.
I used the Great American Smokeout as my target quit date for smoking. The nicotine withdrawals kicked my butt!
I took advantage of the Great American Smokeout to use as a quit date. This blog documents how I felt 48 hours later.
I used the Great American Smokeout as a target quit date since millions of others put down the smokes on this day. Read to find out why you should too!
This is from a paper that I wrote in college about the leadership versus management. It is my opinion that managers and leaders are at times one and the same.
Sharing my experience since joining HubPages. Lots of links to other great weblogs (or hubs *smiling*). Please come explore!