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Nathaniel Stalling Jr (Wehzo)

Joined 16 years ago from Detroit, MI

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    When Losing Is Winning

    2 years ago

    As a Christian, I see the most profound victory ever achieved at the cross. What Jesus the Christ accomplished at calvary was centuries in the making. One of the greatest lessons I ever learned was every loss does not mean it’s over.

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    Only A Man Can Redeem Mankind

    2 years ago

    In the bible, there are various covenants that God made with men. He made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12. Exodus 19 speaks of the covenant with Moses and Israel. Then there's the covenant with King David in 2 Samuel 7. Then there's the Covenant of Redemption.

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    God's Positioning Spirit

    2 years ago

    Have you ever been asked to meet someone somewhere and were only given general directions? Or given an address to a place in a city you weren't familiar with? Thank goodness for Google Maps. But even Google Maps has its limits.

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    Are There Two Separate Americas?

    2 years ago

    America has gone through great tragedies, a civil war, world wars, and pandemics before. We have always found a way to prevail. I am hopeful, like William Cullen Bryant when he wrote, "Truth Crushed To the Earth, Shall Rise Again".

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    Complete What Jesus Left Behind

    2 years ago

    Every now and then we should re-evaluate where we are in our professed faith. Are we growing? Are we bearing good fruit? Have we come to a place in our lives where we feel stuck? Are we beginning to doubt?

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    What You See Depends On Where You Stand

    2 years ago

    How many times have we questioned what we saw with our own eyes? Have you ever been called upon to verify something you personally witnessed? There are times when confirming what you saw could hurt the ones you love. Would you still do it?

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    Can I Trust The Vaccine?

    2 years ago

    There is a lot of anxiousness and distrust in the United States about these, seemingly, rushed vaccines for the covid-19 virus. The skepticism of their safety and effectiveness runs high, understandably. I, too, was one of the initial skeptics. What changed? I did some research.

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    Musical and Spiritual Harmony

    2 years ago

    Does music really have healing properties? Do music's harmonic chords have their origins in heaven? What does the bible say about music and its ability to heal? Believe it or not, the bible is not silent on this subject.

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    Is The Cost of Freedom Too High?

    3 years ago

    “The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.” John F. Kennedy

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    Lessons From The Daughters of Zelophehad

    3 years ago

    When society is confronted with a situation that is not properly addressed by tradition or the law what do you do?

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    Christianity's African Connection-Part 4

    3 years ago

    In the fourth century, the continent of Africa sent forth three of its bravest Christian soldiers to defend the faith against false teachers and all sorts of heresies. This posting is in honor of them.

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    Africa's Connection To Christianity - Part 3

    3 years ago

    Mark the Evangelist was more than just a follower. In many respects, he was a pioneer and trailblazer. He saw the advantages of a foundation that was centuries in the making and used it well. His leadership from North Africa took Christianity around the world.

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    Saint Mark - Africa's Connection to Christianity - Part 2

    3 years ago

    In part 2 of this African connection to Christianity we will see how Saint Mark proves to be the central figure. He is cited many times by the early church fathers. His fingerprints are still quite noticeable in Africa and Asia today.

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    The African Connection to Christianity

    3 years ago

    How the Christian mind was shaped in the first five hundred years is of utmost importance. It gives us a reliable precedent dating directly back to the writers of the Bible, and to those who carried this life-changing message to the rest of the world.

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    This Is No Time to Panic

    3 years ago

    There are many who believe the Christian faith is in peril. I am not one of them. There is nothing that is happening today, regarding the Christian faith, that was not expected. Don't panic, everything is as it should be.

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    Understanding Jesus at a Glance

    3 years ago

    Having a good understanding of scripture requires knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments. This hub, UNDERSTANDING JESUS AT A GLANCE puts us on that path. This series will open the bible up more fully.

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    The First Question God Asked Adam (Where Are You?)

    4 years ago

    The Christian faith requires us to answer the same question God asked Adam in the beginning. In relation to God and, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, 'where are we'?

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    Be Hot Or Cold

    4 years ago

    We need to be hot (healing, therapeutic) or cold (invigorating, refreshing), we can't be both. The Lord says being lukewarm is unacceptable. Complacency is equivalent to being lukewarm.

  • The Unifying Spirit

    The Unifying Spirit

    2 years ago

    The fellowship of all believers are evident in one unifying Spirit.

  • SAINT PAUL - The Thirteenth Apostle - Part III - Final

    SAINT PAUL - The Thirteenth Apostle - Part III - Final

    4 years ago

    I hope you have found the first two parts of this series interesting. This is the third and final part. There is so much about Paul and his ministry it couldn't be told in one part, so please bear with me. You will find this part most enlightening and fit for its conclusion. Not that this is...

  • Saint Paul- the Thirteenth Apostle - Part 2

    Saint Paul- the Thirteenth Apostle - Part 2

    4 years ago

    This amazing Apostle who was instrumental in ending one era and starting another is worth reading about. The first part was interesting enough, but now let us go even further into the life and ministry of this great man of God.

  • SAINT PAUL - The Thirteenth Apostle

    SAINT PAUL - The Thirteenth Apostle

    4 years ago

    The Apostle Paul wrote the majority of the New Testament, and is one of the most quoted of all the apostles. There is a reason why Paul stands out among the apostles, and I hope to bring that aspect of it to these writings. In Paul marks the end of one era, and the beginning of another. Come...

  • Jesus and His Kingdom

    Jesus and His Kingdom

    2 years ago

    "I tell you the truth; no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again". John 3:3 Visiting other countries can be exciting. Meeting new people, seeing new sights, and even learning new languages.

  • Ambassadors of Hope

    Ambassadors of Hope

    2 years ago

    “For in [this] hope we were saved. But hope [the object of hope] which is seen Is not hope. For how can one hope for what he already sees? But if we hope for what is still unseen by us, we wait for it with patience and composure.” Romans...

  • The Church - After the Apostles

    The Church - After the Apostles

    3 years ago

    You ever wonder who took over for the apostles when they died? Who helped the Church get its footing into the second century. The apostles entrusted the Church into fit and able hands. Who were they and did they keep the doctrines pure? Let us take a look at the Apostles successors.

  • Acts of Atonement

    Acts of Atonement

    2 years ago

    Meaning reconciliation, was associated with sacrificial offerings to remove the effects of sin, and in the New Testament, refers specifically to the reconciliation between God and humanity, effected by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus...

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    The Surpassing Glory of the New Covenant

    2 years ago

    "The time is coming", declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah". Jeremiah 31:31 NIV "Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with...

  • The Man, the Mission, the Messiah

    The Man, the Mission, the Messiah

    2 years ago

    How much do we really know about Jesus? Is he man? Is he God? Is he a fictitious character? These and other questions burn in the minds of many Christians concerning this ... Jesus. We would like to believe that we, above all else, know who he is....

  • Jesus Ancestor, the Prostitute

    Jesus Ancestor, the Prostitute

    3 years ago

    Who was Rahab? She was a woman so honored that her name is included in, what is considered by many as, the 'Faith Hall Of Fame', "By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient". ...

  • The Moral and Legal Impact of the Bible

    The Moral and Legal Impact of the Bible

    2 years ago

    Many of the laws we have on our books here in the United States of America mirror the legal tenets found in the bible. Let's look at how Judeo-Christian thought and practices have impacted our society. Personhood Everyone's person is to be...

  • What Ever You Bind on Earth...

    What Ever You Bind on Earth...

    2 years ago

    How much authority did Jesus really give us, and how effective are we using it? Are we understanding what it means to bind and loose? More of us get it wrong than we realize. Let us look at this profound teaching again and see what its really saying.

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    The Fingerprints of God

    3 years ago

    God often works in and through our lives in ways that we rarely recognize. His imprint can be seen, if we look closely, on His impact on us. This is what I call "His Fingerprints". There is no doubt in my mind that "His Fingerprints" are all over you as well.

  • When the Rains Came

    When the Rains Came

    2 years ago

    When the rains came the death toll began to climb like the temperatures in mid-July. A staggering number of suicides, homicides and, other fatalities began to pile up statistics on our national register. Truth - Reality - Fact = Rain A fourteen...

  • The Other Side - Part I

    The Other Side - Part I

    2 years ago

    Walking along on a city street I happened upon a childhood friend, Tom. We grew up next door to each other; attended the same schools, elementary through high school. Our parents went to a lot of social functions together. We even vacationed...

  • I've Been Tested ... and Am Still Standing!

    I've Been Tested ... and Am Still Standing!

    2 years ago

    The highway to happiness is ladened with many priceless gems; romantic dinners on an ordinary day, a bouquet of flowers, a walk in the rain, ...

  • The Incarnation

    The Incarnation

    3 years ago

    Why was the Incarnation of Christ necessary? Every (Mature) Christian should know the answer to this question. What if you encountered an unbeliever who was teetering on the fence of indecision, and he/she asked you about this ...Incarnation? How...

  • Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

    Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

    2 years ago

    Originally, Jesus birth was celebrated in the East during the 'Feast Of Epiphany' (January 6); but by 354 A.D, the Christmas feast had taken hold in the West and was observed on December 25. Some Eastern Churches still, today, celebrate Christmas...

  • To Be Satisfied

    To Be Satisfied

    5 years ago

    Satisfaction ., a thing to be sought, All the while ....... a battle is fought. I've sensed and felt it's presence before, only to be eluded once more. In fits of rage I've searched for this thing, I'd lie, cry, laugh and, I'd sing. There were...


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