Why is it wrong to keep exotic animals as pets? (Tigers, Lions, Bears oh my!)

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  1. thranax profile image71
    thranaxposted 14 years ago

    Why is it wrong to keep exotic animals as pets? (Tigers, Lions, Bears oh my!)

  2. profile image51
    kumkum8posted 14 years ago

    The problem is that those animals can be dangerous and also, it is not natural for them to be kept as pets. They are very hard to look after and need huge enclosures.

  3. profile image0
    FortunesTaleposted 14 years ago

    "The problem is that those animals can be dangerous and also, it is not natural for them to be kept as pets. They are very hard to look after and need huge enclosures." - Kumkum8

    I guess you have never seen a goldfish attack a full grown man... nasty, or a dwarf rabbit attack a teenager's ankles... so i guess it not a danger related thing.

    Now is it really 'natural' for any animal to be kept as a pet? I mean are they born into the world with a genetic inprint telling them 'you are going to be a pet, not a wild bunny of the wild hunting down the wolves on a large scale rodent revolution.'

    As for huge enclosures, over here in Australia quite a few people own huge blocks of land, more than enough to make a sutible habitat for almost any creature.

  4. Areydo profile image60
    Areydoposted 14 years ago

    As an owner of exotic animals, I say the answer is: It is not wrong. Responsible owners of most every type animal imaginable can be found. Learning an animals behavior, requirements, diet and needs for enrichment can lead to a very satisfactory experience in keeping exotic animals.

  5. wealthseeker profile image60
    wealthseekerposted 14 years ago

    I know you asked this question to thedarkestdarling but I wanted to share my views along with others.

    I think exotic or wild animals are best suited as pets as;

    1. They are wild, not tamed
    2. They might be tamable like dogs or farm animal are
    3. They need to live their life natural way in open space nature

    If you want pet, dogs are great as they are affectionate and caring if you cared for them right.

  6. thedarkestdarling profile image59
    thedarkestdarlingposted 14 years ago

    people can never fully know how to take care of exotic animals. There are some small ones (Fennec foxes, sugar gliders, hedgehogs) that are okay, but the big ones? they usually end badly. They can get violent quickly and people aren't ready for it.

    and though other animals can do the same thing, animals like dogs and cats and rabbits that are bred to be owned are trained to be more docile and are used to that life, when other animals like lions or tigers aren't ready for it.

  7. Manuvegeta profile image63
    Manuvegetaposted 14 years ago

    Because they can eat you and your neighborhood.

  8. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 14 years ago

    I don't think it's a matter of wrong or right, it's a matter of does it make sense.  Will you have patience in knowing and understanding that these animals are like real animals and it is in their nature to be wild.  SO you can't be mad at it if it decided to bite your head or hand off if you just so happen to be lazy and forget to give them their rare ala lamp chops.  I mean who wants that type of responsibility.  You're better off getting pregnant or adopting a child and be a great parent, mentor as well as instruct them into being fine adults.  That shouldn't be a challenge now would it?

    Vonda G. Nelson

  9. Pink Mingos profile image61
    Pink Mingosposted 14 years ago

    I think there are a lot of reasonable explanations. One example comes to mind and that is my mother found a tiny fawn in her back yard once. It was adorable and you really wanted to keep it, but since it is against the law here, the game warden was called.  The reason they said is because they're hooves are like razors and since they kick with them as a defense, they could easily kill someone. Of course this is after they're grown and stronger.

    On the other hand, I don't believe it's fair to most animals. There are so many that have specific needs and even nutrients that can't be found in human table food or livestock feed. (Hard to find Tiger Chow at Pets R Us these days wink

    Too, some people would grow bored with the pet or become too busy to offer the time and attention it needs.  Could you also imagine someone forgetting to close the door on their tiger's cage only to hear screams coming from the neighbors on the next block?

    All too often we read of pythons, etc running away from home, something they normally only do when hungry or neglected in some other way.

  10. Beege215e profile image57
    Beege215eposted 14 years ago

    What is the humane purpose of keeping a wild animal in a cage all of its life?  Because you are rich and can afford it? Because you think you are special and want a special animal that nobody else has? Animals don't belong in cages, but unless you can breed several generations down in captivity, always separating the older from their young and after many generations you might have a truly domesticated Tiger or Lion.  But why?  There is no why. Wild animals never fit the commonly held definition of "Pet".

  11. rebelfarms profile image56
    rebelfarmsposted 13 years ago

    Wild animals can can never be completely domesticated and they were born to be free.

  12. Dubuquedogtrainer profile image61
    Dubuquedogtrainerposted 12 years ago

    Yes, it is wrong. It is selfish. Wild animals belong in the wild where they can live the life they were meant to live, where their needs can be best fulfilled and they can be the most content. They do not belong in captivity, especially as pets. We have plenty of domesticated animals to select from to live with us as pets.


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