Anybody can help me on this?

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  1. emievil profile image64
    emievilposted 15 years ago

    We own 5 dogs in all, one Doberman, two terrier-maltese and 2 mixed-breed puppies. Our two terrier-maltese dogs always react negatively whenever they here fireworks or firecrackers going off. Last New Year, they almost destroyed their cage trying to get out and hide away from all that noise. Never really thought much of it but today, some people outside were kind of testing some fireworks. When our female terrier-maltese heard it she started whining and then shaking. I mean her whole body was shaking and it took my husband some time to calm her down.

    Anybody has a similar experience on this or can tell me how to address this? I'm worried what they'll do when December comes and these fireworks get more and more frequent. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    1. mandybeau1 profile image61
      mandybeau1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I had the same problem a few years back when I had three dogs, 3 cats  and lived in Town, they stupid little s... next door fired crackers off way before, Guy Fawkes Day, as we don't sell them to about a day before, they must have been leftovers fronm the previous year. 2 of my dogs stressed so much, that eventually I got fed up and walked up their drive with my chainsaw, I told the little creep Guy fawkes was over, and his big fat father didn't bother arguing. I really think that they should be banned every year its lost eyes, maimed faces and scared pets. What for to blow off a bit of Gunpowder, makes ya realise how mental Humans really are.

    2. profile image57
      theresa4leeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

         I can only venture a guess, which would be imagine  how loud fire works are to the dogs. Dogs can hear things that we can't here so I would think mabey it hurts their ears. We have a chow shephard mix who is the same way. Iknew my neighbors were going to set off fireworks on forth of July and I knew my dogs was deathly afraid of them so I asked them to let me know before they di it. Anyway they forgot and he took off and never came back until te followig morning. Of coarse I was so excited  to see he was back I yelled his name  and it scared him and he was ready to take off again, luckily he stopped.

    3. de'Arab profile image55
      de'Arabposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Aniamls are much more sensitive to sound than we do  so what may sound like an explosion in the not to far distance  to anmmals it would sound like it an explosion  in their ear.It is extremely painful to them and would most certainly  react in that way.
      The best thing to do is to unleash them in a widely spaced enclose area with no objects or debris by them selves. Thisb is to minimise injury to themselves and possibly  others. Ensure that the place is not in echo location cause that will only highten the severity of the situation.Make sure that there is water avilable to them because in times of distress like this they panic and exghaust themselves.

    4. Leslie1 profile image59
      Leslie1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That all really sounds distressing. I have a friend that gives her dog Benadryl to her large dog during thunder storms because she freaks out in the same way. I have a dog that gets upset when I leave and at thunderstorms.  I recently read about and purchased DAP aka Dog Appeasing Pheromone. This pheromone is detectable by dogs and not noticed by humans. They have plug-in diffusers and collars. 

      It works.  The products both deliver a pheromone into the air that is part of a pheromone dog's recognize when nursing on their mother.  It is very calming.  I also know groomers that put DA{ on their clothing to calm and distract nervous dogs while they are grooming, The dogs then constantly sniff, sniff, sniff away at their clothing and forget they are being groomed.

      I hope this product will help you. It can be found at

    5. profile image51
      KD Conversationsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I had a dog that was scared of fireworks, he really used to freak out every time he heard them, i used take him out on a really good walk just before it started to get dark so that it released all of his natural tention an then feed an water him, when the fireworks started i used to put him in his cage then put his blanket over the top, it acted as a den for him and calmed him right down.. maybe you could try that? Hope you sort it

    6. Aremone profile image60
      Aremoneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have 6 pitbuls but the only guy, who seems to be affected is my big boy, who is 6 with cropped ears. I went to the vet, who said that there are sound frequencies out side of out range(human), that are picked up by the dogs. He was prescribed some tablets to make him sleep but it sort of worked... I guess he got high and walks around wagging his tail, oblivious to all going on around him...LOL, try ear plugs, covering their eyes or placing them in a dark room with loud music, that does the trick too...

  2. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    Keep them away from the dogs best you can and maybe talk to your vet about a med for them. Our vet has us give our dog a benadryl when we travel to slow him down. Talk to your vet see what they say.

  3. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    fire works are very bad for dogs. You can't imagine how much they suffer. There are some drops you can give them a couple of hours before all that noise. and keep them inside the house if you can. Ask your vet.

    1. mythbuster profile image77
      mythbusterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey tantrum, since you supplied this answer, which looks like good advice, I'm wondering if you know anything about a similar situation:

      One of my friend's dogs totally FREAKS OUT when the train pulls through the city... it's bizarre... his behavior (the dog, I mean, not my friend lol)...he whines in a strange way but people stop sometimes and act like they think we've just beaten the dog...that's how strange and unexplainable his whining is. He shakes visibly, sometimes the whining turns to little howls that are the most heartsickening noises I've ever heard. I've been in tears before at his condition...

      Now - a different friend said that whistles are on all trains - wildlife don't like the whistles but dogs react differently... it's to scare wildlife away from the trains so fewer animals are struck...dogs aren't scared away but maybe my friend's pooch can hear this whistle? He sometimes seems excited and wants to drag us by the leash - over to the train - but his shaking, howling, etc is awful to witness!

      I wonder if you know much about this. I tend to think what my 2nd friend says is the truth because the last time my dog owner friend and I took the pooches out, a train came through at a crawl and the pooch barely reacted... for the first time EVER when we could visibly see the train moving through. (it wasn't moving fast enough to create extra noise?)

      Anyway - is there something that might help - do you think the noise hurts the pooch's ears or something? I've been going out walking with my friend and his pooches (2) for a few months now and everytime the train rolls through...

      Puppy madness

      1. Gonindunit profile image61
        Gonindunitposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Dogs have very sensitive ears and no two dogs are alike. 

        It sounds to me like he had something traumatic happen to him that in some way connects to this. We had a wonderful dog, Max, who was terrified of anything being carried near him. This was because when he was about a year old, a seat that hadn't been properly fastened fell back onto him. Since then he never forgot it and it was a phobia for him.

        1. mythbuster profile image77
          mythbusterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          but is there any way to lessen the reaction to certain situations for these dogs?

  4. emievil profile image64
    emievilposted 15 years ago

    Thanks sneak and tantrum. Those are solid advices. One of my friends just advised me to keep them inside the house but without the med, I don't think that will work too much. Will talk to my vet right away.

  5. Lee Boolean profile image61
    Lee Booleanposted 15 years ago

    I read somewhere that dogs don't just hear the sound, they actually feel the air pressure on the ear drums(which according to the article is why they rarely bark back at dogs on TV), so I guess keeping them indoors is where to start. Sorry, I can't remember the source of this info though.

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have a problem with indoors as we don't want them around because our house doubles as our office, so there are papers around. But I'll talk about it with my husband, maybe we can set up a corner in our house where they can stay. Thanks Lee.

    2. theherbivorehippi profile image65
      theherbivorehippiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      My dogs hear dogs on TV and they come running and press their noses to the TV so, sorry to disagree but they definately can hear.  I think it's squirrels that you're thinking of that feel the vibrations on the road of cars. lol My male has no fear of fireworks or any loud noise but my female does and I do also, like a few others, give her extra attention not attention like its ok to be scared but fun attention like playing.  I rescued her after being quite abused so she is a lot of work and scared of everything.  It also seems to help if I turn music or the TV up a bit louder then normal so generally during the 'season' if I leave the house in the evening I make sure to leave the TV up loud on one side of the house and my IPOD dock station on the other side.  That way I know if the neighborhood kids start up she has some sound barrier in the house.

  6. Magick Stories profile image38
    Magick Storiesposted 15 years ago

    I know how they feel. Just imagine someone putting that firecracker inside your eardrum before letting it explode is how a dog hears the sounds. To make it worse is it takes longer for the sounds to go away and the smells aren't very nice, either. It is an unbelievable sound and echoing effect in their ears and head.

    My friend Fire has nothing to do with fireworks and I don't blame her. Just remember humans can't hear as good as we can. That's why you like us around. Purr. We just stay away from the noises and haven't needed the meds, yet.

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL, I knew we should have taken in cats instead of dogs smile. But I've learned to love dogs and I hate to see them shaking. Oh well, Thanks magick.

  7. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    You can desensitize them to the sound. Get a recording of fire crackers going off. Play it softly and slowly when they get use to the initial volume, raise it a notch. When the dogs get used to that volume, raise it another notch. Don't raise it before they're ready, or you'll probably have to start over.

    You can do the same thing for dogs who are scared of thunder. It's not exactly the same as a real firecracker or real thunder, but it's been proven in many cases to work.

    Another more extreme option, that can potentially cause the fear to worsen is to flood the fear by basically making the dogs sit and listen to the firecrackers until they get over it.

    Just remember NEVER coddle and baby the dog and whisper, 'it's ok' and 'you'll be alright' in sweet, loving tones. You're telling  the dog it's ok to be scared. You may feel like you're trying to calm the dog down and relax him, but you're really telling her, 'good girl, whine and be scared of the evil fire crackers.'

    You can still tell them that it'll be alright, but do so in a regular tone that says basically, 'what's the problem? there's nothing to be worried about. get over it.' kind of deal.

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Whitney. Uh, I guess we did the wrong thing then because we always give her extra TLC when she's scared. I like your suggestion on desensitizing, maybe worth a try so that in the long run they will be 'cured' of their fear. Thanks smile.

      1. Whitney05 profile image82
        Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, the extra is telling them that it's ok to be scared and act crazy, keep it up.

        Keeping them indoors will help with the fear. I think it's something you should really consider in addition to what I mentioned.

  8. JulietduPreez profile image68
    JulietduPreezposted 15 years ago


    Try wrapping them up in a tight t-shirt or blanket. It makes them feel comforted.
    Rescue remedy could help
    Also, play the sound of firecrackers or lightning but start to associate it with something nice like play or eating.


    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Juliet. Didn't know I will receive such replies in a short time. I think I'll show the whole thread to my husband smile.

  9. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    I only ever had one dog that lost the plot when he heard fireworks. He was a mess, every year, October through Novemeber, until after the Guy Fawkes stuff was over and done with.

    He'd chew through anything in his terror. It was almost as though chewing was his way of smoking 60 a day. Only ever did it when fireworks were going off - but he was a big dog with a big jaw neutral

    Anyway, after a few years of trying to help him cope, I spoke to my then vet. He suggested an approach similar to Whitney's desensitizing idea. Over time, it took the edge off. He was never great but he was a lot more relaxed.

    Hope whatever you do helps emie smile

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey froggy, he sounds like my female dog, she chewed on their cage's door until she had a hole big enough for her to squeeze through and get of the cage. And then she'll run around like crazy.

      Thanks for the input. I'll just have to look for the same sounds to desensitize my dogs smile.

  10. rebekahELLE profile image83
    rebekahELLEposted 15 years ago

    mine was always afraid also, every holiday.

    here is an article from cesar millan, the dog whisperer.
    hope it helps.  smile

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the link rebekah. I bookmarked it so I'll know where to find it (this thread may get lost in a matter of hours). smile

  11. GeneralHowitzer profile image50
    GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years ago

    Sorry emievil I cant help you with this BTW  I just commented in your newest hub...

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yup, saw it GH. Thanks smile.

  12. NaomiR profile image70
    NaomiRposted 15 years ago

    Don't have advice, but my cat reacts the same way when there's loud thunder. I usually just stroke her until she calms down.

    1. emievil profile image64
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Same here with our dogs Naomi (and they're more than 2 years old already, but they act like babies sometimes). Hope it always works though, this is the first time I saw her really shaken. Usually she just barks and runs around or try to look for a place to hide. smile

  13. Meaningful Minds profile image60
    Meaningful Mindsposted 15 years ago

    I have and had dogs. One of them that is no longer alive, she was MORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTIFIED of any type of thunder, lightening, fireworks.  She would go bizerk, hyperventilate was bad....

    I finally took her to vet to see what they thought.  I guess it's just nerves/like a phobia, some dogs will try to attack the lawnmower, some try to attack the air!!!!

    They gave me some kind of muscle relaxer for her.  Generally if you know a thunderstorm is coming you will want to give it to your dog at least 20-30 minutes prior.  It totally maxes them right out, as in they can't even walk.  I think it's called Acepromazine it's called. Crush it up fine powder and put it in something they'd snatch out your hand like piece of bread, bun etc......or just pour it down their throat if need be. 

    Hope this helps.

  14. Meaningful Minds profile image60
    Meaningful Mindsposted 15 years ago

    I meant to also say, if it's fireworks, then do it before it starts and if you have a basement put the dog downstairs and turn up the radio.....loud enough they can't really diferentiate......

  15. RedSonja94 profile image59
    RedSonja94posted 15 years ago

    I had a Great Dane with the same problem.  I had to sit on the couch with him to keep him calm.  As long as I was right there he did fine...without me he whined and ran around the house.  I would definately see the vet and see if there is something they can give you to calm the dog.  It's terrible when they are that scared.

  16. TrudyVan profile image60
    TrudyVanposted 15 years ago

    Hello there, 
    During the season for fireworks, You should keep your pets inside or in a barn or the garage with the lights on and play classical music.  start of softly and slowly put up the volume as the fireworks grows louder.

    I perfer to have them in the house with me.

    It does work and you do not have to give them meds.  Why should they suffer.   Good luck with your pets

  17. profile image0
    sarah dawkinsposted 15 years ago


    Have you tried any remedies?  I use Bach Rescue Remedy for my dogs.  They are definately calmer, but it's not a cure.

    Hope that helps. x

  18. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 15 years ago

    Whitney is right. When I was helping train hunting dogs, we did something similar. We taught the dogs to associate a loud sound with something pleasurable - like eating. Start with a low sound and gradually increase it.

    When you coddle the dog for being afraid, you're reinforcing the behavior.

    A bird dog that's gun shy isn't much good for hunting!

  19. ThePartyAnimal profile image63
    ThePartyAnimalposted 14 years ago

    My Dogs will bark and go crazy as well - My older dog if outside will run as though she is trying to catch the noise - that is kinda funny.
    I like the advice on trying to get them use to the sounds while you are there and able to comfort them. If they are used to these noises than maybe when it happens it will not be such an issue.
    Good Luck.

  20. profile image54
    princessrose123posted 14 years ago

    why dont you  give them love and stuff like that

  21. profile image0
    Lecieposted 14 years ago

    the best way to solve this is to incorporate the sound into everyday life. record the sound and keep the volume low at first. don't baby the dogs just act like it's a normal day. if they hide at first that's fine. eventually they'll be less interested in the sound and more foccussed on you. they want to be with you so do the things you know they can't stand to miss out on. this may take a couple of weeks but when they come out of hiding reward them. give them extra love and treats.
    the next day turn the sound up. keep doing this until the sound is pretty noisy and they don't pay it any attention.
    i saw this method on animal planet. it's me or the dog, t.v. show.
    it worked for them so if you totally dedicate yourself and your time it should work for you. good luck and keep us posted.

  22. Paradise7 profile image68
    Paradise7posted 14 years ago

    Definitely the sounds are really hurting the poor dog's ears.  Try as hard as you can to isolate them from this noise; take them away from it if you can.  The poor dogs!

  23. west40 profile image60
    west40posted 14 years ago

    I had a golden retriever, she has since passed away from old age, that had the same issue.  It started out when she was young and gradually got worse and worse until, if we weren't home, she would break through glass windows to get out of the house and just run - that is all she wanted to was run, anywhere.

    After reading several articles I tried to distract her, believe it or not, by putting her on the treadmill - it worked great because she had to concentrate so much on what she was doing she couldn't pay attention to the noise. 

    Hope this helps.

  24. neoyyf profile image82
    neoyyfposted 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, the Maltese breed is extra sensitive to everything and anything, and there isn't much you can do. There are some CDs that you can buy that have recorded sounds of fireworks and otehr scary noises.  However, if your Malteses are anything like my Maltese cross, they will bark continuosly for as long as the CD plays, even if it is forever. 

    Comforting them would be the worst thing you could do whilst they are stressed and anxious.  By saying that it is ok whilst they are in that mood actually makes it worse because you are telling your dog that it is ok to be fearful of the noise.  Instead, ignore the noise, and prevent your dogs from escalting their unwanted behaviour by using dog psychology techniques.

    If you really want to learn some dog psychology, you should watch The Dog Whisperer featuring Caesar Milan.  He will be able to show you lots of ways to help calm your dog.  It will take a lot of work, and may take many months or years, but once you have mastered the techniques, you can greatly reduce (if not elliminate) your dog's anxieties for anything everytime.

  25. profile image0
    pastella13posted 14 years ago


    Fireworks are a nightmare for our pets and it makes it worse if they go off unexpectedly and we're not prepared for them. I wrote an article that gives some tips. You can find it here:

    Our dog used to suffer terribly, but now he's 15 his hearing is going, and he doesn't get agitated any more, which is the only advantage. … id=3091070

    I hope this helps.

  26. Dale Nelson profile image38
    Dale Nelsonposted 14 years ago

    Hi Pastella,

    I spoke to a vet last year about medication for dogs and found out a really interesting household remedy as we live near a light airport and have airshows on a regular basis.

    Our dogs are small but still just as sensitive to fireworks and load noises with high decibels.

    The vet advised of a stress pill specifically for dogs if you know in advance of the event.

    The home remedy to keep handy is the natural homeopathic called rescue as used by humans. They are in drop form and pill form and are proven to be safe for pets. This relaxes our pets within 15 minutes.

    1. profile image0
      pastella13posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dale

      I'm glad you found something that works. I know each pet is different and what works for one doesn't neccessarily work for another.  A colleaque of mine had a collie who was petrified of fireworks,and because the dog had a heart condition, he was really dreading fireworks. He used to take her out in the car to the other side of the island when he knew they were going to start, because when in the car and travelling away, she was fine!


  27. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    My GSD is afraid of thunder and fireworks.  I started putting on "Saving Private Ryan" the first part has a lot of explosions and bangs.

    I tell him the thunder and fireworks are just on the TV.  Which he has seemed to start to believe.

    Now all I have to tell him is "it is just on TV"  and he accepts it.

  28. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    I'm sorry I haven't read all through this whole thread - but are dogs naturally afraid of fireworks, or is it to a certain extent learned behaviour?
    I'm asking because I had a faithful border collie that LOVED fireworks, just like all the humans around him.
    On a similar theme, I have seen many children terrified of electrical storms, but only because their parents were too. Mine loved them, just like me and my ex.


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