What are some tips for dealing with a neighbor's dog that barks all night?

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  1. CWanamaker profile image97
    CWanamakerposted 12 years ago

    What are some tips for dealing with a neighbor's dog that barks all night?

  2. Faithful Daughter profile image79
    Faithful Daughterposted 12 years ago

    Approach your neighbor politely and tell them that you understand the dog is doing his/her job in keeping a good watch but the barking is keeping you up at night, and if they could find a way to keep him/her quiet. If they fail to do anything about it or respond with hostility, it is best to keep it civil and contact your police/sheriffs' department and ask them what they can do. Remember, it is the pet owner's responsibility and fault, and not the animals’ fault.

  3. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    Dig a little hole under the fence late at night and to allow it to escape. Godspeed little dog.

  4. Larry Fields profile image68
    Larry Fieldsposted 12 years ago

    If you do NOT know your neighbor, do NOT approach him about the dog. He already knows that his dog is a neighborhood nuisance. His predictable response will be to say yes, and then do nothing. If he gets a visit from Animal Control, he may retaliate violently against you. You're safer if he doesn't know who turned him in.

    Instead call Animal Control. Ask for the name of the person with whom you are speaking. Ask for a Case Number. Then call once a week until the case is resolved. Be polite and be patient. The whole process will take months.

    First, Animal Control will investigate, and then send out a 30-day notice. If that doesn't work, they'll send out--gasp!--another 30-day notice. There's also an excellent chance that they will lose the paperwork.

    This was my experience.

  5. landscapeartist profile image60
    landscapeartistposted 12 years ago

    As a dog owner, I know full well that pets can be a nuisance.  I also know from experience that dogs don't bark at nothing.  There is always a reason. Lately, for me one reason is that my neighbor decides at 11:30 p.m. or later to walk his dog past my house.  I live beside a conservation trail for ski doos and such, so he passes my home on two sides with his dog.  This act is not in the best interest of us because there are other times that he could take his dog out and there is other directions that he could go where it is doesn't upset someones dog.  Also, I have neighbors who let their cats run loose.  They come into my yard and spot their territory. The felines get the dogs barking too. 
    So, letting the animal take off through a hole in the fence isn't fair to anyone, and, not approaching your neighbor about the noise is not good relations either.  Everyone deserves a fair shake.  The owner is probably dealing with issues of his or her own that are causing the dog to bark.  Wild animals, someones cat, another dog...
    So, approach the owner and talk to him or her.  Express your concern and allow them to explain why they feel the dog is barking.  The reason could very well be your cat or dog.

  6. Teylina profile image61
    Teylinaposted 12 years ago

    Have to speak up, landscapeartist, even if I'm wrong and you're right-- not all of us are daytime people. I've had dogs for years and my favorite walks are at not. I think many times the breed has a lot to do it, and it may be annoying (lLord, I've been ballistic over barking dogs, too! Maybe the owner and/or dog has issues--it's not a perfect world! Some times, if one is astute, we can tell if a dog is not being treated correctly. That's where Larry Fields comes into play. Hope you're not being serious w/your crack about digging a hole under the fence, as I imagine Old Empresario feels like I do--go for it doggie! You might be better off; however, like me, I imagine he's being a little facetious!

  7. wiserworld profile image74
    wiserworldposted 12 years ago

    Earplugs work like a charm for any unwanted noises at night -- whether it's a dog, cow or the ticking of a clock.


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