Why do some people still have this dual relationship with their cats. Pet and pe

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  1. molometer profile image80
    molometerposted 11 years ago

    Why do some people still have this dual relationship with their cats. Pet and pest control.

    Many people love cats, it is true. We can see this from the almost constant flow of cat photo's on Facebook.
    We know that cats are good for keeping rodent populations under control. However recent research has indicated that the humble house cat, is responsible for the almost total destruction and extinction of many species. In the Galapagos Islands the cats have been exterminated because they caused so much destruction.

    It is not surprising that cat's have caused the extinction of so many other species, they hunt. The problem stemmed from humans introducing them. Do you still love cats.


  2. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Honestly, I wish my cats would keep out bugs or rodents. They don't do much of anything. And I'm a strict believer that cats should remain indoors only.

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Cats some would argue can never be fully domesticated. That is their appeal to many people.

    2. lburmaster profile image72
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Their ability to care for themselves consists as their appeal to me. However, cats who go outside eventually never come back. I would rather know the fate of my cat and allow them to live a long and healthy life.

  3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 11 years ago

    I LOVE my cats and all the stray and ferals in my woods.  It is not true that cats are the only ones to put many things in extinction.  Those people are only the ones who hate cats....period.  Other animals, snakes and birds will wipe out a certain population faster than a cat will.  There is another hubber on here that points out how pesticides also will eradicate species of animals too.  Owls and other predatory birds will kill off a mice, rat and even a cat population within months.  In my experience with cats over 30 years, if they are born outside many will only live outside and will never be totally domesticated.  Cats were not originally raised to live inside all the time but some do.  I have one that was a feral that is to be kept inside for her own sake, but when he escapes she reverts right back into her feral state.  She has been an inside cat for almost 10 years now and got out a couple of weeks ago and it took me 2 weeks for me to get her back inside.  It was as if she didn't know me at all.  So indoor cats are great an so are outdoor cats.  They all have their own personalities, likes and dislike, just as people, but they are not humans and should not be treated as such.  I also just read somewhere that flea treatments also cause cancer in cats and dogs as well.  If they are causing cancer to them then what else are they causing cancer to down the line?

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Lady Guinevere, you make some very interesting points that these animals are living with us. They do not need to hunt and yet they do?

    2. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is in their instinct to hunt.  Watch how they play and how they get ready to pounce on their toys.  Here is the link to the pesticides hub:  http://grandmapearl.hubpages.com/hub/Mo … elling-Us?

    3. Shaddie profile image75
      Shaddieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You mention owls and snakes "killing" mouse populations, but fail to realize that owls and snakes are a part of this and most places' natural ecosystem. They are supposed to do that. Cats, on the other hand, are not. They were brought here by us.

  4. Rosemay50 profile image60
    Rosemay50posted 11 years ago

    Not sure why you seem to be blaming the cats for all the distruction.  Dogs are also being blamed. Goats too are being eradicated because they are eating all the vegetation that other species rely on. The giant tortoise is almost extinct because of the goats. Fire ants too attack other invertebrates. Cottony cushion scale is destroying vegetation so the bring in the lady bug to eat those.  And so around it goes.  They will be complaining when they are over run with rodents again and they will be... rodents will sneak off the ships that port.
    Give me a cat over a rat any day

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Rose,
      It certainly is a mess, but it does appear that cats are killing millions of birds every year too.

  5. macteacher profile image80
    macteacherposted 11 years ago

    I have 3 indoor cats and they are wonderful pets.  I also feed two colonies of feral cats in the Bronx.   The overpopulation of cats is due to human stupidity and irresponsibility.   People do not spay and neuter their cats.   In many places, when people can no longer take care of their animal they dump them on the street where they produce more cats, and they produce more cats and so on.  Many humans have devoted themselves to the human practice of TNR - Trap, Neuter, Return.  Which is a humane way of controlling the overpopulation of cats. 

    Stray cats are the result of human neglect, and as such blaming the cats and exterminating them is once again a horrendous human solution to a problem that humans created in the first place.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes and people are stupid.  My neighbors have told me that they don't care about controlling cat pop. Maybe they should be spays to stop more stupid people.  Hahaha..that's a joke.

    2. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have seen the same thing. People 'love' their cats until it is time to move or the animal becomes a pain and then they just dump them.

    3. Lady Guinevere profile image65
      Lady Guinevereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We had a neighbor move and just left 13 cats to fend for themselves.  The pound came and got them but I think they put them down.

  6. Theophanes profile image95
    Theophanesposted 11 years ago

    All domestic animals have had bad effects on the environment in one way or another. It just comes down to responsible ownership. If you don't want your cat hunting things to extinction keep it in the house and let it hunt feathers on strings. It is not the cat's fault it is a predator. Besides I have had cats who hunt and I have had cats who won't even eat raw meat when it's offered. It all depends on their breeding. In many cases certain breeds of cats have been bred to be more domesticated - that is, with poor hunting abilities because they're more pets than pest control these days anyway. Just look at Persians. Can they hunt mice? Of course they can but their lack of a face makes it pretty difficult, they have to slam their head into the floor to get it. I am betting most probably wouldn't bother. The same goes for furless cat breeds... they are not going to be putting on parkas to go hunt birds in the snow. Having had a furless cat before I would say they're more interested in cuddling up on a warm lap than finding a live dinner.

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have seen that as well. Not all cats are interested in hunting and some are plain hopeless.

  7. Nicole Winter profile image60
    Nicole Winterposted 11 years ago

    I was discussing this recently on another board (enviromental / political,) where the idea of enforcing a spay / neuter / release program for feral cats and a no-introduction policy for owners.  In essence, (I believe this was in NZ,) they would round all the feral cats they could find, spay / neuter them and then re-release them.  The idea was that eventually the feral population would cease without being able to breed.  The no-introduction clause was basically something along the lines of cat owners being required to spay / neuter and then once their cats died they would no longer be able to own / buy more.  Anyone coming into the country would not be allowed to bring a cat in.  Basically turning NZ after a course of years into a "cat - free" zone.  Lady Guinevere, you and I agree on a great many things, but I have to call you out, (just a little bit,) I love cats.  The majority of my family, they're all dog people, so I've spent years defending the loveliness of the feline... but I have to say, yes, cats do cause a lot of destruction.  Yes, goats, dogs, and even bugs cause just as much, but I would argue there are some places that are just too precious to introduce goats, dogs and cats to.  (Bugs, well, really there's nothing one can do about them.)  Truth is, we're the ones that introduced these species, there should be a policy or a sense of responsibility, at the very least, in HUMANELY attempting to control their population and ownership.

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't agree with you more. We really do need to stand up and be counted if we wish to continue to have such potentially destructive 'pets'.
      There are several countries that are doing similar things to NZ in terms of controlling alien species.

  8. benashiraz profile image58
    benashirazposted 11 years ago

    I love all sorts of animals, especially cats. Even if I find a dirty cat somewhere outside I'll want to rub it and give it food and take it home, which is not healthy but I really can't care. Being a loner, I love animals, they make one feel they've got somebody. I can never say no to pets.

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is commendable that you help our fellow creatures. Why did their irresponsible owners throw them away?

  9. Shaddie profile image75
    Shaddieposted 11 years ago

    I like cats, I can't wait to own another one (though it will be an exotic), but I am wholeheartedly against letting any pet run free unsupervised. This is detrimental to wildlife, annoying to neighbors, and just plain indecent for the pet. I want my pet safe and happy indoors or in an secured outdoor pen, but never roaming.

    1. molometer profile image80
      molometerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not all owners share your view. They feel that their cat is a free spirit that should have it's freedom, to come and go as it wishes. I understand your point though.


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