Is it better to get two cats than one?

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 10 years ago

    Is it better to get two cats than one?

    I'm getting an adult spayed female cat and I'm wondering if we should get two cats so they can keep each other company.

  2. Dreamhowl profile image94
    Dreamhowlposted 10 years ago

    Do you know if the cat gets along with other cats? If you did get two they would have opportunity to socialize with each other (assuming they get along) and groom each other, making them cleaner and happier. They might also spend less time being destructive if they are busy hanging with each other. I don't have cats personally, but would consider getting a pair if I knew they liked other cats and had the potential to be friends.

  3. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 10 years ago

    Cats can go either way.  Some are very social and prefer the company of other cats and others are highly independent and don't want other cats around.  If you are adopting, I would ask the shelter or previous owner if the cat was previously around others before making a decision.   

    If you have a cat who doesn't like other animals, it can create a lot of stress for her trying to socialize her to another cat, especially if she's not used to being around other pets.  If you do decide to get two of them, start by acclimating them to the home one at a time and then bring them together gradually.  Have a place you can isolate them for awhile if needed to give them a break from the stress of a new home and new playmate. 

    We've fostered tons of cats - it's doable, even with cats that are not particularly inclined to like other cats, but it takes time and patience and a lot of work. Each cat has to feel secure and not threatened in the new environment for it to work.  So plenty of high spaces they can jump up on (cat trees are excellent for this) and a lot of individual attention.

    1. Camille Harris profile image86
      Camille Harrisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree. I think it's probably best to get them at the same time, if possible, rather than bring in a new cat after the resident cat has "marked" her territory. That way, as Christin says, they can equally acclimate to the new environment.

  4. lburmaster profile image73
    lburmasterposted 10 years ago

    Yes. When I only had one cat, he had to entertain himself any way possible. By having two cats, brothers, they keep each other company a lot better. The only problem is now I have two cats demanding lovings every day.

  5. WriterJanis profile image91
    WriterJanisposted 10 years ago

    I think it's better to have two. This way when you're not home, they will have each other. We used to foster kittens and cats while at the same time having out own and they all got along for the most part. With the cats we have now, some of them love to cuddle with each other.

  6. JohnGreasyGamer profile image76
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 10 years ago

    As someone who has owned multiple cats and a dog, I can say it really depends but in all, both will get used to each other. They won't fight, hiss or bully other pets in the home if they're from the same parents, but will instead be more prone to look after each other in ways like cleaning and playing. When my cat's sister had died and we'd 'replaced' her with a kitten, the original house cat was annoyed by the new addition, but didn't go out of her way to severely harm her. Beth - the first one - eventually got used to the kitten Smudge, and they got along together pretty well and shared toys, food and places to sleep. When Smudge died, my mum's partner brought his aged dog around which at first didn't get along with each other, but when Beth scratched her across the nose, it was clear she was tired of running in vain on a laminate floor. The dog was even scared of Beth and sometimes just wanted to play, but Beth constantly taunted her by brushing her tail near Cassie - the dog's - nose. And you're not the only one who feels suspicious if I say that Cassie later died, but Beth remained chubby and healthy.

    Just some anecdotes there for you. It really depends on the cat, but I don't know any that would bully another for a lifetime, especially if it meant separation and being forced out of the house for a short while while the other got attention. I'd recommend you get two because cats don't do that much when on their own - when they get older they moan a lot and just don't want to chase loose pens, small round object or string that much. Whereas with company they manage to stay quiet and occupy each other. I've noticed that having two cats lessens on the noise, because the other might distract the first if they're hungry, want to go out or just bored.

    I hope this helps! ^^

  7. LCDWriter profile image91
    LCDWriterposted 10 years ago

    If you have one cat, it may be lonely and in need of a companion.  If you are planning on getting one cat, consider going ahead and getting a pair.  Here's why you should become a multi-cat household. read more

  8. Zabbella profile image73
    Zabbellaposted 10 years ago

    I think it's a good idea. My boy, Harley, had been living with my mother-in-law.  He was  always around his mommy cat and a litter-mate.  When I got him, he was already a ONE year old. ( I also have a dog which was never a problem.)   I wanted to get another kitten for Harley to play with, while HE is still young  So, this summer, I adopted a six-month old male "Midnight"  It was a WONDERFUL idea!!!  Harley thinks he is his Mentor, and his Mommy!  He bathes the little one.  He has taught him how to wrestle without hurting anyone.  He also showed him how to respect the ALPHA male!!!  Oh and my dog is so very happy, because NOBODY bothers him!

  9. carolynkaye profile image95
    carolynkayeposted 10 years ago

    I have always had cats in pairs and it has worked out well. Plus, I don't feel bad when I'm out all day because they can keep each other company. I think it mainly depends on the cat's particular personality. There are some cats that just don't care to have another cat around. They want their space and your attention to themselves. As long as its a social, friendly cat, having two cats with somewhat similar personalities is probably a good idea. Like Camille Harris suggested, getting two around the same time is better. I adopted my second cat about 5 months after the first and there was more of an adjustment period because my first cat felt like he was king of the castle.


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