Calling all Dog experts. Can you please offer advice?

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  1. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    Calling all Dog experts. Can you please offer advice?

    Help!  My 8 year-old, neutered male Cocker Spaniel has been "messing" in the house on a regular basis for the past 3 months.  I can't think of a single reason for this happening out of the clear blue.  He KNOWS it's naughty and I've tried everything I know.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!   He wets AND the OTHER!

  2. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    There are multiple veterinary medical reasons that dog may be simply unable to control urination and/or defecation.

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      psy.....Thanks 4 ur input. He had a complt physcl 2 mos. ago w/ blood & urine specimen.  Doc says he's in great health. other symptoms. I'm at a loss......and getting impatient..

  3. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 10 years ago

    Since you've exhausted medical treatment then I would look at environmental. New animal in home? Do the neighbors have a new animal? Do you have a new nest of birds in a tree? Have you started mopping with a new cleaner? Are y'all on a different schedule? Did he go somewhere just before this started? Is he going to the bathroom on anything particular?Are either of you seriously stressed? New food? With dogs you really have to look at everything. The best bet at this point is to have him going outside every 30 minutes just like a puppy for a few days. Then slowly go to an hour, 2 hours, and so on. He should catch back on quickly. If not I would consider going and having him rechecked.

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      peeples..your list is great.! no new animals. don't have near the woods..birds all the time..he loves birds cockers are "bird dogs" NO to cleaners, schedule & he goes nowhere except 4 rides w/ me.No to stress or new food. MYSTERY

  4. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 10 years ago

    If you have ruled out medical issues, which would be the most common reason for accidents in an adult housetrained dog, you need to figure out if there are any new stressors in the dogs life.
    New person at home, new dog or cat, new dog next door, or are you working outside of the home now? If you have changed the diet, or if anyone is giving him new treats or food that does not agree with him, maybe he cannot help it. Some dogs will have to urinate at the same time as they have to defecate, even if they do not want to.
    Whether or not you can figure it out, at this point you need to re-housetrain him. Is he going in only one spot, or all over the house? If it is in one spot, do not allow him access there anymore. If it is all over, you need to keep him confined when you are not able to watch him and then let him out to do his business as soon as you come in. When you take him out and he urinates or defecates, give him a lot of praise and a treat, just like you would when training a little puppy.
    Training an older dog is not as easy as a puppy, but it can definitely be done. Good luck with him. (Handsome dog, by the way!)

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      DrM...Thank U so much. Oddly enuf..I am rearranging around do precisely what you suggest. The baby gate is up again & we're reverting to house training. Shall see what happens! All suggestions so far have been GREAT!  He KNOWS he's hands

    2. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I saw Peeples post after I sent this-good advice there.Since the food is the same, have you considered food allergies?Is st loose, like colitis?If food allergies are involved, need to try prefer raw for my dogs,lots of good info

    3. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      not loose.  Perfectly formed, healthy looking stools....Did i mention he's a HUGE baby....Mama's boy?  "looks" so ashamed, but obviously doesn't matter.

  5. profile image58
    DJ Andersonposted 10 years ago

    You are getting some great advice from fellow hubbers.
    However, the first thought that comes to mind is to call
    your dog's veterinarian.  They not only understand health
    issues but have years of experience in animal behavioral

    This can be very frustrating for a pet owner.  Before you exhaust
    your efforts, find out the true nature of the problem.  He is a beautiful
    dog and deserves better than a guessing game to find the root of his problem.

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, he is a beauty and I love him......made an appointment.  I'll keep u all updated.  Everyone has been so helpful.

  6. Kaili Bisson profile image88
    Kaili Bissonposted 10 years ago

    Hi there,
    If you have already taken him to the vet to rule out infection or other problems, he may be stressed. Have things changed in the house? Another pet introduced? He may feel threatened by something.

    If there isn't anything "new", you will need to try puppy training again. Take him out regularly and reward him when he goes.

    They are funny creatures but we love them  :-)  Good luck!

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Kaili....Thank you so much.  Everyone has been so sweet and helpful with suggestions on my baby's recent "issue"....I am taking all of these suggestions into consideration...especially the "re-training." I think he'll respond to that.

  7. Angela Blair profile image68
    Angela Blairposted 10 years ago

    Had Cockers for many years -- the last being my "Jake." I found two things that promulgated  your problem for my Cockers. No. 1 -- it took years to discover that Jake could not process protein properly -- and couldn't help his "problem" as it passed right through him. This was finally solved by many tests and changing diet to Hill's Science Diet (the primarily lamb food in a can). No. 2 -- my Cockers were prone to get ear infections -- very deep and not visible by discharge on the underside of the ear -- and as will any infection -- it promulgated the problem you refer to. The last thing I'd mention (which is nebulous but Cockers are a strange breed) -- anything that changes in their environment they notice immediately -- like a sack of groceries on the table waiting to be put up. Seems any change revs up their nervous system -- even if momentarily -- and can cause these problems. Regardless of the problems we encounter with our Cockers they will always be a cherished and delightful breed of four-footeds to me.  Good lluck!

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Angela...Good to see you!  Thanks so much for the special education on Cockers. You've given me much to look in to;  "They" are a nervous dog, I'll admit and hyper sensitive. This makes solutions even more difficult! But I'm determined.

  8. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    To all of the sweet helpful people who provided me with such useful advice with my Toby's issue:
    I'm sure you'll be as relieved as I was to discover that my baby is not sick.  My Vet in fact is pleased with his health.  Of course, this only makes the problem we're having all that more perplexing.....So..........The Vet asked me dozens of questions and I answered as best I could.
    A few of you asked me if I had brought a new pet into our home, which I hadn't.  My Vet asked me some of the same questions.  Finally he asked me if "another dog" ever came to visit.  The light bulb went off!!
    For the past few months, when my son stops by to visit, he brings along his female Boxer, "Miciah".......She and Toby romp around and play for a little while and in a few minutes, they've said "Good-Bye" and left.
    Suddenly I realized that Toby began his naughty behavior right about the same time that Miciah started visiting.    BINGO!!   At least I understand the WHY now.
    I've been doing the "RE-training" routine as a couple of you's coming along slowly.
    Do you all think that THIS is why Toby has the issue...and do you think I'll be able to break him of it??  I sure HOPE so!
    Thanks a million to all of you for your advice!!   Peace, Paula

    1. peeples profile image94
      peeplesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great to hear there's a clean bill of health! Yes! That could trigger his behavior. Time to mark the territory or maybe he's feeling lonely when she leaves. Depressed dogs often revert to old or bad behavior.

    2. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Makes sense, peeples.  Something so simple that just got past my radar.  Bad, bad mommy!

    3. profile image58
      DJ Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sure glad that Toby is not sick.  Did the Vet explain why Toby would have this reaction to Miciah's visit?  Is this behavior specific to a Cocker Spaniel?
      Does it have something to do with territorial marking?

    4. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi DJ !!   Yes to a fierce jealousy where I am concerned.  Naturally I am loving toward Miciah (my grand daughter  LOL!) and I can tell you for certain that Toby HATES that.  I just did not put it together.


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