What advice would you give to someone adopting a new pet? (Weekly Topic Inspirat

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  1. Simone Smith profile image80
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    What advice would you give to someone adopting a new pet? (Weekly Topic Inspiration)

    What is the best way to go about adopting a pet? How do you help a newly adopted pet adapt to his new home? How can we reduce the number of newly adopted pets that are returned to shelters? Share your pet adoption tips as part of this week’s Weekly Topic Inspiration, inspired by Alexadry! Stop by our forum thread for search-friendly titles to use and community support: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/93255


  2. IzzyM profile image83
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    If you'd like some tips on how to help the stray and homeless cats in your area, please read on. Not everyone can offer a stray cat a home, but there are other things you can do that will help those cats and ensure they don't become  nuisance to others. read more

  3. formosangirl profile image82
    formosangirlposted 13 years ago

    My Cat Lounging  If you are thinking about adopting a cat and you live int Los Angeles, Kitten Rescue is a wonderful organization.
    All of their kittens and cats stay with foster parents until their adoption. Each animal has a personality card,... read more

  4. profile image0
    Catzgendronposted 13 years ago

    Dogs though man's best friend though sometimes man dosen't treat them very well. read more

  5. DzyMsLizzy profile image91
    DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years ago

    What do you need to consider when adopting a pet? read more

  6. Chatkath profile image71
    Chatkathposted 13 years ago


    What a great question Simone, one that I wish more prospective pet parents would seriously entertain before bringing home that irresistible ball of fur. In the past decade we have seen an increase in the adoption regulations from most local shelters, and I must admit that I have heard more than one criticism of this scrutiny, accusing pet shops, shelters and homeless pet advocates of being overly cautious, making pet adoption more difficult than adopting a child.

    On the other hand, there are those select few that somehow acquire a pet, only to get sick of it or tired of the responsibility once the baby grows up and the routine care and expense is not the novelty that it once was. So, these innocent animals are returned to the pound or worse, left to fend for themselves, living a very short tortuous existence, averaging 2 years, sick and hungry on the street.
    I say it's better to be safe than sorry! 
    The good news is that most families that consider adopting a new pet do so only after careful consideration, with the very best intentions and prepare their home accordingly.
    1. Make sure that you have the space for this pet and pet-proof your home so that there are no dangerous chemicals, plugs, etc that may harm them. Larger dogs need room to run and must be taken on frequent walks while cats are much more independent so you kind of have to let them run the show.
    2. Plan to isolate them in a smaller room at first so they can become used to you and their surroundings. Gradually expose them to the rest of your home as they are ready.
    3. Equip yourself with appropriate food, liter box. leashes, etc. Most pet stores are more than happy to help you prepare for your new pet's homecoming! There is also some great information online!
    4. If you have other pets, keep the new pet in another room and let them familiarize themselves with each other by smell for a few days. Swap their food mats and blankets so they can get used to the other pet's smell. This can take some time so take it slow.
    5. Spay and Neuter ALWAYS!!! You will have a healthier pet and this will reduce the number of unwanted and uncared for creatures in this world. I can't stress this enough!
    6. Have fun! Play, talk and have a blast with your new family member!

  7. Dubuquedogtrainer profile image61
    Dubuquedogtrainerposted 13 years ago

    Know your breeds and do your homework. Think about your lifestyle and what type of dog would fit into it - be very careful of the cuteness factor and never buy or adopt a dog on a whim! Also - make sure you consider the cost of training into your decision. The initial cost of the pet is just the beginning! Figure in veterinary costs, expected and unexpected, grooming, boarding, food, toys, cleaning products, a bed for your dog, crate, food bowls - and don't forget training!

  8. pharuk temmy t profile image38
    pharuk temmy tposted 13 years ago

    Well they have to see the new pet as a new born baby, so they have to give the best care they would give to a new born baby to the pet.

  9. mind2mind profile image56
    mind2mindposted 13 years ago

    I agree, you must do your homework on the breed. I took in a second rescue dog two years ago (  100lb Golden doodle) as a sibling to my 1yr old goldendoodle.
    To avoid my first dude getting territorial about a new dog coming into the home,I took my first dude to daycare for the day, while I collected the other dog. Then I dropped my new dude at the kennel, they both had a day to play together on  neutral territory, they were also placed in a pen for a couple of hours before I collected them at the end of the day and we all came home together, everyone was happy and there were no scraps. They've been best pals since. The change who is alpha depending on the situation.  Good luck.

  10. Raptorcat profile image71
    Raptorcatposted 13 years ago

    My experiences are with dogs (I am not a cat person).

    Since there have been some excellent answers already, I will try not to repeat them.

    An adopted pet is almost always a complete unknown, unless they are an owner surrender; and even then, it does not mean that the owners who surrendered them were honest as to why the dog was surrendered in the first place.  One thing to never do is, if the dog came with a name and the shelter/rescue group knew the name when they got the dog, don't change it, unless it is a very young pup and you feel like the shelter name is not a good one.  Dogs that are older or that are more matured pups already know their name and changing it will create problems for both you and the dog.

    What helps is, if you already have pets, that they be well socialized and friendly to other animals.  Our GSD loves other dogs and is smart enough to not push the Peke, a male and about the same age, past his limits.  In this case, our dog played a lot as a puppy, but it is unknown about the newest fur member of the family, as he is a rescue and was, very clearly abused.  It is also very clear that he never learned to play with other dogs and our female is trying to teach him.
    That is something that you will have to deal with as well......personalities of the dogs/cats that you adopt.

    You may have to learn some new tricks yourself, particularly in the case of a dog that has been abused by previous owners.  With dogs, do not be afraid to take the dog to an advanced dog training class.  It will help you as much as the dog.

    The main thing with an adoption is to show them lots of love and affection; make them aware that you want them and will not abandon them like their previous owners did (if it is an older youth or adult animal).
    Lot's of good quality treats are a good idea, too.

      Always do your homework and get good quality food (4stars or better rating) and never give them things that are bad for them.  Do the research on sites and in articles such as (and this is for dogs) these:

    http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/dog- … tings.html
    http://www.care2.com/greenliving/pet-po … foods.html
    http://www.care2.com/greenliving/top-th … -dogs.html

  11. Aya Katz profile image81
    Aya Katzposted 13 years ago

    I would suggest caution when using commercial dog food alone.

    http://aya-katz.hubpages.com/hub/Not-Fi … od-Dilemma

  12. jenniferrpovey profile image79
    jenniferrpoveyposted 13 years ago

    Here's one that's related - it's about how to keep from ending up having to surrender your dog.


  13. alphagirl profile image75
    alphagirlposted 13 years ago

    Know your own personality and match the dog to your lifestyle! Are you high main thence? Do you enjoy lots of walk? Do you work all day and hate to excercise? Are you an active family with kids? Do you allergies? are you willing to take 12 weeks daily to train a dog?
    So many dogs end up at the pound because people are short sighted about what they are willing to do to care for a dog! Training a dog means repetition! Keeping a dog on a schedule' my suggestion is training dog to be on your a schedule!
    We adopted a dog and it took 12 weeks! Patience positive, reinforcement! She is the love of our lives!

  14. catgypsy profile image71
    catgypsyposted 13 years ago

    First of all, be sure you want a pet. People too often get a kitten or puppy and then as it gets bigger, they lose interest. When you get a pet, it's for life...you must be willing to take that responsibility on. Second, give it lots of love and attention. Read up on what to feed them, and get a good vet. They are precious little beings and should be treated as such.

  15. rmcrayne profile image94
    rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

    Basic tips for adopting a rescue dog, and getting started strategies.  Questions to ask, medical records, basic supplies for home and travel, management strategies, and expectations. read more

  16. Victoria Lynn profile image89
    Victoria Lynnposted 13 years ago

    Need tips on cat adoption? Consider adopting an older cat. The challenges and rewards are worth it! read more

  17. alexadry profile image92
    alexadryposted 13 years ago

    Why are so many newly adopted dogs being returned to shelters? Often the dog is not given enough time to adjust at the new home or the primary evaluation was not extensive enough. Learn how to avoid bad decisions and returning a dog that may have potentially been your best friend. read more

  18. SmartAndFun profile image95
    SmartAndFunposted 13 years ago

    If you think because you're 'just one person' there's no way you can have a meaningful impact on reducing the millions of unwanted and abandoned pets in our country, you are mistaken. It truly takes a village and the cooperation of every pet owner and prospective pet owner to reduce the number of animals in our shelters, thereby reducing the number of pets who are, sadly, euthanized each year. read more

  19. rmcrayne profile image94
    rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

    A few things you might want to know before you adopt a dachshund.  Common in dachshunds- biting, burrowing, and back problems.  They are independent, stubborn, and irresistibly cute. read more

  20. Nettlemere profile image61
    Nettlemereposted 13 years ago

    Tips and advice for how to successfully bring a dog home with a smooth, happy transition. read more

  21. Chin chin profile image83
    Chin chinposted 13 years ago

    Hotel for Dogs is not just a comedy film for kids but it is also a dog movie that promotes dog rescue and adoption. Can adults accept the challenge to do the same dog rescue and adoption? read more

  22. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 13 years ago

    In our case, we have adopted two beagles and purchased a third, we did research on the kind of dog that would best be for our home. We had a Lab mix who had to be put down because of a brain injury and we had a Golden Retriever, who was just too much dog for the house--great dog, but a big dog.

    We studied breeds of dogs we thought we would like and the beagle won out. Almost the next day, the local animal shelter ran a picture of the dog that would become Hannah for us. She was followed by Annie, from the same shelter and then we purchased Sammy at, of all places, a flea market. We were looking for bookcases.

    My tips are to consider the following do you:
    Do you want and Indoor or outdoor dog or will it be free to live inside and roam the yard for exercise.
    Do you want a long-hair dog or short hair dog. Long hair dogs require more grooming and more baths.
    Do you want a pet, a hunting dog, a guard dog  or what. Beagles are great hunters, but I do not hunt. Beagles are great pets. They are not really guard dogs, but if a stranger approaches the house, they will let you know.
    Do you have the room for a dog, the time it takes to train and take care of him and --this is very important--the funds to feed  and to see that the dog see the vet when needed. Keeping a dog healthy can be expensive. They can get sick. They can get hurt. They need their teeth clean--can be a $200 job every couple years.
    Are you willing to take the time to get the proper tags and make sure your dog wears a collar all the time. I know Lassie never wore a collar, but all other dogs should.
    Finally, is everyone in the house OK with the idea of having a dog. If someone is dead set against the idea, you better off waiting until he or she warms up to the idea.

    Therefore, consider the older dog at the shelter. They are probably house broken and will only need a little effort to adapt to your routine. They will be grateful. Dogs have emotions--do not try to argue with me about this--I am not changing my opinion. Treat a dog with love and you will have a friend for a long, long time.

    If you get a puppy, remember there will be "accidents", puppy teeth are very sharp and they like to explore. Our third Beagle, Sammy came to us as a puppy. A Beagle does not lose his puppy habits until about 3 years  old.

    Just be prepared.

  23. brenda12lynette profile image80
    brenda12lynetteposted 13 years ago

    Adopting a pet is a lot of work. before you adopt a dog, make sure you are ready for the commitment. read more

  24. sholland10 profile image88
    sholland10posted 13 years ago

    If you are looking for a free puppy, going to Wal-Mart parking lot on a Saturday morning is probably the time and place to go.  Many people who have litters of puppies that are not purebread will take them to Wal-Mart to give them away because there are so many people there. read more

  25. RMfreelancewriter profile image60
    RMfreelancewriterposted 12 years ago

    I have written posts about this on my blog Kids and Animals.

    1. If you have other pets, let them meet on neutral territory.
    2. Watch for any signs that an existing pet is accepting the new pet
    3. If there is a difference in age, the older one may not want to play with a younger one.
    4. Never treat one pet different than another.
    5. It takes time for pets to accept one another.

  26. Nettlemere profile image61
    Nettlemereposted 12 years ago

    This article looks at why older dogs come into rescue centres - such as because their owners has died, or had to start working longer hours, or because they havn't adapted to the new baby. It considers the advantages and disadvantages of adopting an older dog, for example they are often accustomed to home life and house-trained, but may come with health conditions which need ongoing treatment and suggests where you might adopt an older dog from. read more

  27. Ashlesage07 profile image60
    Ashlesage07posted 6 years ago

    According to me, I suggest you buy a pomsky as a pet. It is adorable, intelligent and energetic. They are also friendly behaviour. I have a pomsky puppy and he is a part of our family.


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