Our kitty hospice is over

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    RIP Patty Cat (aka Patricia Felina)
    5.21.11 at 21 plus 1 month.

    I'm undecided. Is it easier or harder to have your pet euthanized?
    This time around we decided to go the natural route and let our old girl go out at home (although we did administer pain meds).
    As a result we had 3 intense days of sitting with her, holding her, loving her, feeling her slip away slowly as she became too weak to stand or sit, stopped eating, then stopped drinking.

    It's been a surreal experience but worth it.

    Anyone else had similar? Or care to cast your vote on assisted pet death vs. natural?

    1. recommend1 profile image59
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have 'administered' for four dogs, two cats, and three horses.

      I have no doubt that euthanasia is the best route as the animal does not know what is happening in the way that we do, they are not aware of their own existence they just are.  To spare them the pain and fear of it all is a blessing.  I only hope that someone has the courage to do it for me if I get to the state of the animals I have had to 'put down'.

  2. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    I'm so sorry, MM.

    We let our own kitty go at home, administering liquids via an IV to keep him more comfortable.  As you say, holding and loving him, lifting him onto our lap when he could no longer get there.  A very painful experience.

    I really think that euthanasia is the better way to go.  He was just so sad, looking up at us and then staggering by as he knew he could not get onto that lap way up in the air anymore.  As Recommend says, they are not aware the way we are, and I will give the next one that final gift prior to his last days.

  3. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for sharing your experience, recommend1 and wilderness.
    I was definitely in favor of euthanasia.
    But she had been with my husband since she was days old. "His" cat so he got to make the call.
    We talked about how animals don't know what's happening to them.
    Good point about the fear.
    Patty would not close her eyes. I think she was afraid if she did that would be the end.

    I do hate to see animals suffer.
    People, too.
    Yeah, I also hope that someone has compassion on me at the end, too.

  4. DIYweddingplanner profile image68
    DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years ago

    MM, so sorry to hear about your cat.  They can certainly worm their way into your heart.  I've only had one animal put down, but it was just as painful to me as letting one die natuarally, but the poor creature was suffering and I couldn't stand to watch it anymore. If I had it to do over again...would have to be a case by case situation.

  5. Jenne Joy profile image60
    Jenne Joyposted 13 years ago

    I'm torn on this topic. I have 3 cats and 1 dog; my childhood cat (who lived with my mom until this past wednesday) was brought into the vet because of reoccurring seizures and was subsequently put down. It turned out he had cancer that had spread throughout his entire body and the vet was amazed that he was even still walking around. Blackie (my childhood cat) was very much in pain but still trying his hardest to be a loving, playful cat regardless of everything going on.

    My husband and I, about 3 years ago, had adopted a siamese mix rescue kitten. At 6 months, the kitten became very ill and we brought him into the vet. He died overnight at the vet from a rare disease. In both cases, I wish I had been there for comfort but I couldn't.

    So I guess I'd prefer my pets to pass away at home where they are comfortable in their environment. I'll probably end up looking for a vet who can make a house-call or something of the like. I feel awful knowing that my childhood cat and the cat my husband and I had adopted, died at a veterinary hospital. Well, rather our kitten died overnight with the vet (a very, very compassionate woman who sat there all night with him trying to keep him alive) whereas my childhood cat was put down with my mom there.

  6. lovelypaper profile image56
    lovelypaperposted 13 years ago

    Oh, this is so sad to think about.... my sweet dog, Peanut is fourteen and still pretty active for her age but I know the time will come too soon to let her go. I think I would probably euthanize her because it's quicker. I just don't know until that time comes. I don't want her to suffer. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet and my heart goes out to you and everyone who is having to go through this now.

  7. FloraBreenRobison profile image60
    FloraBreenRobisonposted 13 years ago

    My cat is old and just starting renal failure. She was old when I got her. I don't want her to be in pain, so I would choose euthenasia when the time comes as my family has always done. so sorry MM.

    1. Dwizard profile image56
      Dwizardposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yea, our cat had renal failure, too. Changed to wet cat food and other stuff to add more liquids to her diet. In the end euthanasia was the right thing to do. She held on for 2 year after onset though and was fairly happy and active.


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