Pet Overpopulation - Do you think spay/neuter is the answer?

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  1. Cat R profile image77
    Cat Rposted 13 years ago

    Statistically every 1.5 seconds a very adoptable pet is euthanized because a home couldn't be found!
    In the U.S. alone we euthanize between 6-9 million animals a year!
    Some say that mandatory spay/neuter would destroy the gen-pool!
    Some say that it would solve the overpopulation problem!

    While breeders and other private people talk about rights and business, rescuers see the sheer hell of puppy mills and animals facing death.

    What do you think?

    1. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yes, we need to control the animal population through spaying and neutering.
      It's tough to think about all those animals being killed.

      1. Dewette profile image60
        Dewetteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That`s a tough one. Breeders and the showing communities have a point and I`m an avid dog lover who has a puppymill rescue and I know firsthand how damaged he was when I got him. If people who don`t plan to show and/or breed would be responsible and considerate enough to spay/neuter and if people would turn to breed rescues and shelters for their family pet instead of petstores that would drastically cut down the numbers. I`m not sure I would back a mandatory anything, I don`t think it`s right for the government to have so much control over our rights. Maybe constant reminders of the numbers and the images of puppymill dogs being shown would help for people to wake up?

        1. Cat R profile image77
          Cat Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          What do you think would fix it?

  2. Little two two profile image84
    Little two twoposted 13 years ago

    Spray and neuter would ruin the gene pool, eventually, not right away. But it would prevent the birth of new cats or dogs. So, yes it would in the future help with pet over population. But will any of it help right now? No. No matter what the solution applied, if you do not address the core cause of the pet over population, it will continue to cycle. The core problem in my opinion with overpopulation are pet owners. Irresponsible, careless and even heartless pet owners.

    This neuter and spray argument opens a huge can of worms ...  at what point do we stop neuter and spray and allow the animals to live a full life, and thus have 'rights'? Which animals do we allow to breed or be bred and how do we determine who? As you stated many started to scream about their business and their money. Do we let the front line workers decide what animal is allowed to breed or do the money maker breeders (which quite frankly have a major conflict of interest in this argument ... ) decide.

    To tackle pet overpopulation, you first have to educate like 75% of the human population that owns animals. If cat owners understood the dangers of letting their tomboy run the roads (never mind my garden being turned into a litter box), and to neuter them before letting them run free. But many pet owners do the ostrich and bury their heads, concerning themselves with only their own backyard.

  3. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    Spaying and neutering of animals not owned by responsible breeders is definitely the answer.  That is how some states have virtually eliminated their unwanted dog problem.

  4. Cat R profile image77
    Cat Rposted 13 years ago

    So what should be done to get the problem under control in a way to make it financial possible and appealing for pet owners and not force the entire task to solve the problem on rescues and spay/neuter clinics?

  5. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    Ensuring only 'certain' breeders can continue to breed with permits and regular inspections (which require proper veterinary checks and breeding records to be kept), would go a long way to solving this problem. Too many dogs and cats are put down whilst 'designer' breeds continue to be produced by people only interested in making money. It should also be compulsory for the 'approved' breeder to check out the new home before selling the puppy or kitten, and there should be a standard check list they have to confirm was met, followed by a second visit 6 months later to verify the conditions of sale are continuing to be met. In the event the breeder fails to do this and a cruelty case results, the breeder should have their breeding license revoked in addition to a suitably heavy fine.


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