Photographers.. why do you like photography?

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  1. nikki1 profile image60
    nikki1posted 15 years ago

    Photographers.. why do you like photography?

  2. wolfpack5 profile image60
    wolfpack5posted 15 years ago

    Hi Nikkli, I have a good friend that loves to photogragh any thing and everyone, and I think what it is for her is the reaction that the pics give.

                 I hope that helps.     smile

    1. profile image34
      shoppingluckydrawwinnerposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      i like  photography. I want to share with other people how I see the world.

  3. Missi Darnell profile image59
    Missi Darnellposted 15 years ago

    I love photography for many reasons, may not even realize all of them, a form of self expression, its art, you can "capture" a second in time and preserve it for an eternity.

    1. waynet profile image70
      waynetposted 15 years ago

      Because it has become far easier to take photos with a digital camera than any other type of traditional camera, I can just whip it out so to speak and take quick snaps of anything that looks interesting,fun or visually exciting.

    2. profile image0
      loriamooreposted 15 years ago

      Photography allows me express my creative side that I don't normally get to use in my job.

      Being able to see lines, curves, and angles in something ordinary and taking a photo that makes the ordinary look extraordinary is rewarding.

      Also, I enjoy travelling and my husband does not, so being able to bring back photo memories for him to live the trip vicariously through me makes us both happy.

    3. Peter Creighton profile image60
      Peter Creightonposted 14 years ago

      Now that's a damn good question. I like/ love photography for the following reasons:

      1) I love looking at things.
      2) I want to share with other people how I see the world.
      3) Like playing musical instuments, it helps release some of the emotions I carry inside (I often think of myself as a pressure cooker and art is how I release my emotions and stop myself exploding from the sheer volume of emotions inside. I don't mean just negative either.)
      4) It is one of the few things in life that combines artistic creativity with technical requirement.

      Hope this helps answer your question. Each point I made could be expounded on indefinitely but they summarise pretty much why I like photography I think.

    4. GiftedGrandma profile image60
      GiftedGrandmaposted 14 years ago

      I love photography because it freezes the beautiful moment God created for us to share with the whole world! Next..
      1. The discovery that everything at the click of a button is captured is so amazing.
      2. Love the feeling of instant capture.
      3. Sharing is a marvelous feeling.
      4. The surprise when what you snapped also brings an added delight you didn't see.
      5. Hoping that you aren't to delayed with the click of the button to capture what you expected..

      The list could go on and on

    5. leni sands profile image82
      leni sandsposted 14 years ago

      I am a writer and I love photography because every picture tells a story, if it doesn't you can always make one up.

    6. profile image0
      ghiblipgposted 13 years ago

      1. self satisfaction
      2. hobby
      3. release tension
      4. record my memory
      5. earn money

    7. hcachat profile image60
      hcachatposted 13 years ago

      I like different types of Photography for different reasons.

      Weddings - The love that you see in everyone's faces and in their eyes.

      Nature/Landscapes - The beauty of lines, shapes and colors.

      Portraits - Capturing moments and personalities. Preserving them for years to come.

    8. garyluther profile image39
      garylutherposted 12 years ago

      I like to take a photos for making your moments memorable because every moment tells a little story about your lives...

      For more detail you can go with

    9. Kellie Prowse profile image60
      Kellie Prowseposted 9 years ago

      I like photography because it lets me capture beauty in something or someone that might have otherwise not seen the beauty in themselves.

    10. jodigirl88 profile image81
      jodigirl88posted 7 years ago

      Hi!  I am a photographer, professional, and amateur. Ha!  I love it for one main reason, it is my happy place!!

      I get to capture a memory for families.  I get to capture a beautiful sunset, sunrise, beautiful flowers.  There's a ton of reason why I love it.

      Photo's help us with memories for the next generation when we are gone.  Now, that we've all turned to digital, it is easier to share our memories too.

      Editing the photo is one of the reasons also. I've been doing this about 10 years professionally, and I specialize in outdoor photography. I have done indoor, as well, but do not like it, and would rather capture the outdoor pictures.

    11. profile image53
      alophotographyposted 7 years ago

      i just started taking pictures of nature and editing them. it brings me peace and joy. check out my website

    12. LauraTallo profile image59
      LauraTalloposted 7 years ago

      I love recording memories. I love the fact that others will cherish what I produce for years to come. I treasure every picture that I have of my mom, brother, and grandparents.  We need to exist in pictures for the sake of our children and grandchildren. I do it because people are precious, and we should never forget them.

    13. leenairen profile image60
      leenairenposted 4 years ago

      I enjoy photography because it has allowed me to capture beauty in something and capture moments in my own life that I don't want to forget.

      Here are few quotes:


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