Drawing Instructions? What To Draw?

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  1. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    Just what to draw for those who don't know?!!

    1. profile image0
      GermanDelightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      First get a bucket of hot soapy water :-)...that is my husband first answer to just about any question.
      No really, if you are drawing something for someone and they don't know what, then you would have to sneakily lead them to an idea you came up with.

      1. waynet profile image69
        waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Er... yes sneaky wins the race!!! er maybe??!

        1. couturepopcafe profile image60
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          What do you want to draw?  Your question is rather open-ended.  Decide what you want to draw than go get a book that details the steps on how to draw that.  Faces, hands, feet, bodies, bodies in action, trees, streets, perspective, wildlife, landscapes, whatever.  Get a book.

      2. keemackme2 profile image60
        keemackme2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol very funny ..  the  best way to start drawing is to  draw simple things  you  love  too draw then that leads to other  thing you or found of like  cartoons, landscape, animals etc

      3. profile image52
        Nio Agerwalposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    2. JenSet profile image60
      JenSetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Organic things in nature are the easiest to start with because they don't have to look perfect! Start with a plant, or ocean or mountain scenery...it's a good way to practice your drawing without having to get every detail right. Get comfortable w/ drawing with different materials before you worry about your first masterpiece! Good luck!

      1. June McEwan profile image61
        June McEwanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What about starting with a doodle - a simple wiggly line, a circle, a spiral. Add an eye somewhere and watch the picture grow as you add another eye, a mouth...hair, tail, clothes...is it a monster, a witch, a beautiful woman, a wee dog....
        You can make this into a game with a friend, this forces the picture to go ways you cant control. And it's fun.

    3. profile image49
      inkdropsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Are you talking about drawing something for a commission?  I always ask them first if they want rural or urban.  Then, colorful or more subtle? Walk thru the twenty questions, animal? street scene?  They obviously love your work and will be happy with whatever you come up with if you figure out what  the basic subject should be.

    4. profile image52
      Nio Agerwalposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Your ability to draw things and - even more important - living beings in motion is an important factor for creating lively and natural pictures. The base for drawing people in motion is the line of action. This is an imagined centre line of the body and maps out the general direction of the movement of the body. Getting it right will make the character convincing. If the character is standing it’s a straight line from top down, but if the character is moving it's most often a curve, sometimes an s-shape. Keep it simple, if the line of action goes in too many directions it will not only look unrealistic but could also be very confusing for the viewer as it’ll be hard to see what is really going on in the picture.

  2. rickzimmerman profile image67
    rickzimmermanposted 13 years ago

    A great training tool for beginning artists: Draw anything and everything your eye alights on: your toes, a doorknob, a reflection in your glass of ice water, your parakeet, a cereal box, etc. In that way, you learn the discipline of drawing and the means of extracting meaningful line and color and form from blank paper. You'll find that after 20 or 30 or 40 drawings, your work consistently improves and shows insight.

  3. WebbyAvatar profile image57
    WebbyAvatarposted 13 years ago

    Drawing curves, straight lines and circles using pencil but without using any other tools will be good practice for beginners.

  4. Purple Perl profile image49
    Purple Perlposted 13 years ago

    Pick up a drawing pencil and paper and just draw lines, shapes. It will lead you to knowing what is possible,then get some drawing books with designs.Start simple and pick up from there.

  5. Michaelmas profile image61
    Michaelmasposted 13 years ago

    Learn to 'see' as an artist. Look at angles and negative space (Space between legs in a chair, or open space). Look at the general shapes of things and work with that.
    Start small, draw some stuff you see around you and see what you like best and what you want to work on. I like to carry a small sketchbook and pencil with me everywhere I go. The more practice you get the better.
    Once you get an idea of what you like to do you can try building on that by trying different media such as pens, pastels, watercolor, charcoal, oil paints, or whatever else seems interesting. Drawing is fun and experimental. Use your sketchbook as your experiment folder and see what you like the best.
    Don't worry about how other people do or what they're good at. Art is all about interpretation. If you sit two people next to each other and give them something to draw you'll get two different drawings. Even if they use the same vantage point. Dont try to judge yourself by how other people do their art. Your own drawings are all yours
    You can look in your library for further info as well. There are some great books out there. The one I like is "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" it teaches you to see shapes and space which will help you greatly as an artist.
    Just pick up a sketchbook and some pencils and go to town. Have fun and keep at it and you'll do very  well. Good luck


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