Driving without Insurance

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  1. MissJamieD profile image57
    MissJamieDposted 11 years ago

    Ok, I live in Minnesota and the law says you must have auto insurance to be driving on the road. If you don't have it, you can/will be charged a fine and possibly jail time.

    I do understand how important it is to have insurance. If you're in an accident, it helps pay the victims medical bills, etc. That does make sense to me. But let me just ask.....I was in a predicament where I literally could not afford insurance, I had to feed myself and my child and put gas money in my car to get to work every day but I could not afford $100 for insurance. I barely made it paycheck to paycheck on the amount I was making, working full-time. So my question is, is it fair to charge everyone the same amount for insurance regardless of financial hardship? Of course everyone pays a different amount based on accident history and traffic history but outside of that, I don't think it's fair to put a single mother in jail or charge her $100's in fines and take her license away making it impossible for her to work and support her family. This happened to me, I don't know what to do. I have no way of driving or getting to work now because I live 15 miles from town so I'm unable to ride the bus or take a taxi. So, because the insurance companies have no care in the world for people who can't afford it, now my squeaky clean criminal record is tarnished with three of these tickets becauase I chose to feed my daughter and pay rent to keep a roof over my head. Is that fair?

    I know some of you are going to want to jump down my throat and tell me that I'm being selfish, yadda yadda. But I literally was stuck between a rock and a hard place and I know I'm not the only person out there struggling with this. They're locking people up in jail for no insurance but there are murderers and molesters and drug dealers all over the place, you can pick them out in a crowd much faster than someone who doesn't have car insurance. And I realize the dangers of auto accidents, there are millions a day across the country, but remember I didn't ask to get insurance for free (although it would be helpful for people who can't afford it) but at least give us some type of leeway especially in a case of a person with no traffic history or issues in the past, or very few issues. If it looks like a person has been a lawful, safe driver for most of their lives and now they're down on their luck, I don't see why it would be so hard to offer a lower rate and if there is an accident in this time, then you can raise the amount to help the victim. But insurance companies make billions of dollars a year I find it hard to believe that there's not enough to help out the poor people. I'm not asking for a hand-out but why should someone who's making $1000 a month, pay as much as someone who makes $4000 a month???? Taxes are paid by income, why can't insurance be? And like I said I realize the driving history must play a roll in the amount you pay but they charge ridiculous amounts in my opinion, especially if you're feeding your children and paying your bills and being responsible....am I wrong?

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    The short answer...

    Corporate America and government bureaucracy don't give a sh*t. As far as they are concerned, not their problem.

    I am sympathetic. Let me think about this awhile.

  3. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 11 years ago

    The number one concern of capitalist corporate conductors is the profits of the investors. That is what they get paid for. If you want cheap, have to have socialism. California has cheap socialist auto insurance, if you call two-fifty a year cheap.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      $250 a year is cheap, in BC Canada cheapest would be $700 a year

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    Follow up to my other post,

    The only plausible solution I see is having insurance subsidized as food (food stamps) and housing (Section 8 vouchers) are subsidized. Unfortunately, this country is already so broke...

    To add insult to injury, millions of people drive everyday without insurance. And never get caught. But you get caught 3 times.

    I have no solutions...

    PS While creating this masterpiece post, I saw knolyourself's answer. It is a good one. neutral

  5. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 11 years ago

    Masterpiece theater.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Btw..., unbelievable!

      I found what you were talking about.

      http://www.mylowcostauto.com/  <--- (the website for the California program)

      Their premium quote is $53 less than what my insurance company is charging me. And my premium is due in 5 days. I called my insurance company. They immediately put me in voice mail hell and required that I take a survey first before putting me through. Bad mistake on their part. I hung up.

  6. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 11 years ago

    "I'm not asking for a hand-out but why should someone who's making $1000 a month, pay as much as someone who makes $4000 a month????"

    Sorry, but a handout is exactly what you are asking for.  You are asking that someone else pay for the insurance you must have if you choose to live where you cannot walk to work.  Whether that "someone" is the insurance company (who will them pass that cost down to it's customers) or through the tax system (which will them collect more taxes from it's "customers") you are still asking someone else pay.

    1. Cook n Save Money profile image70
      Cook n Save Moneyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If a single parent is only making $1,000 a month chances are good that family is getting food stamps, medicaid, heating assistance, free school lunches, subsidized daycare - the list of aid is practically endless. All this public aid is freeing up money to pay car insurance if you choose to have such a luxury as a car and a commute. 

      The great tax windfall season for the working poor is also upon us, fear not young maiden!   More public aid is coming!

      If you had used your Earned Income Credit fueled huge tax refund to prepay your modest insurance costs for the entire year when you got your refund last year, you wouldn't be in this predicament.  You made some choices of what to do with your money, and unfortunately, sometimes bad choices - like driving around uninsured -  have consequences.

      1. MissJamieD profile image57
        MissJamieDposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I made too much to get assistance by just a few dollars and wasn't eligible for earned income credit....

    2. MissJamieD profile image57
      MissJamieDposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not everyone has exactly the same choices in life. I have no choice but to live where I live now, I barely make rent every month, how do you suppose I save up $1,000's to move into another place? Even if I chose to do that, it would take maybe two years to have that amount If I'm going to feed my kids and put gas money in my car to get to work. So either way I'm stuck, just like so many other Americans. I'm not just talking about my situation but everybodys.

      Are you saying that every citizen regardless of any circumstance, should be treated exactly the same? That's ridiculous. And no, it's not a handout when the government is financially raping us in the first place. If they weren't such greedy bastards this country wouldn't have the homeless rate it does. It's all about the guy at the top. This isn't just about insurance, it's about everything. Oil, food, water, air....we are even being charged to use air at the gas stations now....how ridiculous!!

      I don't think my idea is too far fetched. As I said, just like the IRS charges you more if you make more....so it should go. I'm not educated on taxes but I do know that you pay a percentage to the IRS no matter what you make, so why aren't other agencies able to use the same policy? After all, we work for our money, I'm not just sitting on my ass eating bon bon's.

      And Pscyheskinner--to me, that is sad that you had to go with only having a loaf of bread and peanut butter. We all sacrifice at one time or another for our children and I totally understand that. I've been sacrificing for my children since they were born, in many other ways.

      I only brought up the car insurance because it's something that recently got me. If you want to bring up your own topic about the same subject, please do.

      If you plan on bashing other people and the way they live.....stay out!

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        MissJamie, I'm sorry you took the post as bashing you - it wasn't meant to be that.  I'm sorry as well that you are having a tough time of it.  Most of us have "been there, done that"; I know there have been times when dishrag soup was on the menu in my home as well.

        What my post was directed at is the idea that if someone is having trouble making ends meet then someone else needs to step in and provide for them.  It seems generally accepted (and your post points it out) that only the government (paid for by your neighbors) or large corporations (paid for by your neighbors) will be the ones to provide the charity you describe but life doesn't work that way.  It is your neighbors, friends and family that will pick up the tab for the insurance you want for free - not the big corporations or the rich. 

        The US has become a nation of entitlements, with everyone wanting someone else to foot the bill but there are nearly always alternatives.  I don't know you, I don't know your circumstances, I don't know where you live or anything else about your particular situation, but I will guarantee there are alternatives.

        Move closer to work - it doesn't cost thousands to do so.  Get a job closer to home, even if it pays less - you'll save insurance, gas and maintenance.  Sell the car and buy a moped - no insurance.  Take a second job.  Work from home at nights.  Turn off the cable TV and scrap the 4G phone.  Grow your own food, reducing the food budget.  Turn down the thermostat.  Hit the thrift store, buy a sewing machine and make your own clothes.  Look for different insurance - $100 per month for liability only on an older car is pretty high unless past poor decisions have resulted in a high cost.  Take in a renter or roommate. 

        There are almost always options, but they do require effort and inventiveness.  Charity need not be #1 on the list.

        1. MissJamieD profile image57
          MissJamieDposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          First of all I will start by saying that what I'm asking is that the multi-billion dollar insurance companies give some type of waiver for a month or two if needed. Nobody else would be expected to pay. And don't tell me these companies can't afford to give up a few thousand dollars a day, after all every American is paying them hundreds if not thousands a year and I don't believe the claims made per year, totally equal that out. And maybe if they offer a waiver for a month or two, we'd have to pay it back in increments so that they're not really losing.

          And I'm a mother of 3, I was married for 15 years and was a stay at home mom while my ex didn't make that much money. I know how to save money and cut corners, I've done it my whole life. Right now I AM in between a rock and a hard place and it DOES cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars to move. I don't know where you live but in Minnesota you have to pay first and last months rent before you can even move into a place and some places charge a deposit as well. Even if I happened to run into the best case scenario, it's going to cost me several hundred dollars to move. Yes, I could save that much over time, but that doesn't help my current situation and it takes away from my current needs as well. I'm sure I will find a way around it. I've gotten through a lot of bullsh*t in my life, I'll get through this too, without a handout.

  7. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 11 years ago
    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      But...but...Obamacare is affordable!  If I only have $1 per month to pay for it, then that's what it costs.  Obama said so!

      Maybe we should have read it before voting on it?

  8. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 11 years ago

    We or I at least did read it, but I don't get to vote.

  9. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    Try to enter into a co-op relationship  Someone needs a car or rides that would be willing to cover Ins. costs.  Barter your way out.   Let them use the vehicle after you get home from work, give one or more people rides to their job.  Think outside the box. Do not be a victim, be a survivor.  Find a way to make it work, there are many.

  10. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    If you hit some really expensive car you could end up in debt for life.  Even at my lowest income levels I paid car insurance because of that.  And it meant some weeks I ate nothing but wonder bread and peanut butter and sold everything I could on Ebay.


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