Do you have a favorite memory about your very first car?

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  1. Genna East profile image91
    Genna Eastposted 9 years ago

    Do you have a favorite memory about your very first car?

    I think we all remember our first “clunker,” or sometimes think back to the days and the travels of our unbridled youth.  I’d love to read some of your anecdotes about the relic you drove (well, many of us drove ancients), or any interesting tidbits or stories you’d like to share.

  2. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 9 years ago

    Age 16, a used light blue VW Beetle.  Loved driving that little thing and sure wish I had not been so stupid as to give it up!  At 18 I rolled it on a wet curved country road and then let others convince me it wasn't safe.  Way too young to appreciate the need to drive it as safely as I should've, or to hang on to it as I should've!

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your answer.  I remember those cute cars.  I think we fondly referred to them as pregnant roller skates.  I think we were all too young. :-)

  3. chateaudumer profile image81
    chateaudumerposted 9 years ago

    My first car was a 1957 Mercury way back in Chicago, Illinois in 1960 when I was a graduate student at the University of Illinois. I bought it for $500 and used it for 2 years. I will never forget my first car as long as I am still breathing here on the planet Earth.

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      A '57 Mercury?  Wow!  My first car was an ancient Rambler.  i called her Bessie.  Like you, I will never forget her.  Thanks for that great answer.

  4. partschick12 profile image61
    partschick12posted 9 years ago

    I have such fond memories...I wrote a Hub about it. My 1978 Honda Civic. "A love called Honda CIVIC".
    I actually have turned my passion derived from this first car experience into a business. Which I believe just inspired another Hub! Thanks for posting your question!

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi there.  I also created a short story titled, "Bessie" about  my first "clunker."  Now, I drive a Honda CRV, so I can understand your fondness for Honda's.  I will definitely read your hub about that '78.  Good to see you.  :-)

  5. connorj profile image70
    connorjposted 9 years ago

    The idiot speaks; I wrote a hub about my first car and at minimum I did learn from my colossal unfortunate event... … of-America

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Connor.  (I just read and commented on your story.  I wrote one as well.  "Bessie.")  I love that photo.  The age of 17 is like no other.  I think it marks a turning point for many of us.  Thanks for that great answer.! :-)

  6. FatFreddysCat profile image85
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    I didn't have my own car till I was 24 years old. I got my first "real" job and was able to afford a down payment on a new 1994 Chevrolet Cavalier. It was metallic blue, it had a spoiler in the back and it had a totally bad-ass stereo.
    My favorite memory was driving home from the dealer, I had brought a tape by the 80s metal band Keel, cued up to their song "Speed Demon," for the stereo's inaugural play at appropriately obnoxious volume. It was a great day!!

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Freddy.  How wonderful -- a brand new car.  That must have been a great day.  And I know what you mean about the sound.  My first priority on my beloved clunker was to make sure those speakers worked.   Thanks for the answer.

  7. CrisSp profile image68
    CrisSpposted 9 years ago

    Well, it wasn't my first car but the family's...a red Volkswagen Bug. My Dad, however, told me that it's gonna be mine when I turned 18. I was 16 and I don't know what went to my head, I persuaded my brother to steal it and we sneaked out with it while popsy was enjoying his siesta. We broom-broom and bang, smashed the wall of the church (few kilometers away from our house) with our beetle. Next thing we knew, we were of course grounded! smile The good news, no one was hurt but the beetle. I still got the car on my 18th and have since learned to drive with care.

    Now, my dad would only laugh about it whenever we re-tell the story. smile

    1. Genna East profile image91
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That is quite a story!  The things we do in our teen years.  I think we often look back at foolishness with laughter, fondness, or the realization of how lucky we really were, and how much we learned.  Thanks for that great comment.  :-)

  8. The Examiner-1 profile image59
    The Examiner-1posted 9 years ago

    It was a '65 Chevrolet and as close as I could get to my favorite year at the time. The one that I wanted ('55-'57 Chevrolet) cost too much.

  9. ijdmtoy profile image40
    ijdmtoyposted 9 years ago

    I had a beat up Toyota that I drove up the curb a month after I got my license. It was absolutely horrifying, but a great learning experience.


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