Quarterly Breakdown of Gratitude Highlights in 2012
Listing accomplishments, keeping a gratitude journal and writing down the times God's faithfulness made a way out of none and delivered you, are a few effective spiritual practices that will strengthen your faith, boost your spirit, soothe your soul and increase your joy upon regular review. I share my 2012 gratitude highlights and invite you to create a list of your own. I believe it can help you to fully realize and appreciate all that you do, as well as trust God on deeper levels for the more He desires to do in your life.
2012 First Quarter
- Joined Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ (AToJC)
- Shared message on 2/13/12 prayer call about the magnitude of God's love.
- Created resume that assisted client-friend in receipt of award and attended the award ceremony:
- Presented a message at AToJC Women’s Choir Saturday workshop about how to live a joyful life.
- Serviced client in publishing book and Social Media Management at book launch for “What Your Teen Won’t Tell You … but really wants you to know”
2012 Second Quarter
- Re-baptism on Good Friday at AToJC
- Ministered as Mistress of Ceremony for AToJC Women’s Choir program and shared my poetry
- Serviced clients in publishing books, “I AM: Affirmations for the Living” and “Journey to Greatness”
- Reconnected with High School classmate to partner in National Writers Union (NWU) book events and self-publish his book, which allowed me to receive and experience support on a desired new level in this area.
- Shared message on the 5/10/12 prayer call about turning the negative into a positive.
- Received free makeover (Make-up, Mani-Pedicure, Hair style, pants) at Sanctuary Fellowship in the Bronx
- Received first monthly payout for online articles, from examiner.com
- Received Pranic Healing Certification.
- Ministered healing mini stress-relief sessions at SPCBC health fair 6/16/12
- I substituted as one of the Wise Virgins in AToJC Outreach Ministry’s “Are You Ready” skit:
- Shared message on the 6/28/12 prayer call about a God view of self.
2012 Third Quarter
- Served as treasurer for Women's Ministry "Tasting at the Temple" fundraiser by First Lady's request.
- Abundant self-awareness, growth and development through a “mirror” relationship on a deeper transformation level
- Went with AToJC to Holy Convocation in Ohio
- Published client’s book, “Write from the Heart”
- Read my poetry at NWU Readers and Righters Summer Series
- Read my poetry at Brooklyn Book Fest with other NWU authors
- Completed 30-day journal challenge in authentic public power
2012 Fourth Quarter
- Ministered mini stress-relief sessions at Circle of Sisters’ annual Jacob Javits Center event:
- Shared message on the 10/24/12 prayer call about shifting to where you want to be
- Received 11/2 birthday prayers and love shouts on the Praise Report Friday prayer call
- Speaker for NWU monthly first Mondays meeting
- First Lady requested me to share one of my poems for AToJC Prayer Luncheon
- I finally learned the lesson of guarding my heart
- I reached my goal of 100+ articles/poems on hubpages.com
- AToJC Women Clergy served communion for the first time and First Lady invited me to serve with them
- Ministered healing mini stress-relief sessions at SPCBC health fair
- Ministered healing mini stress-relief sessions at Aiyetoro event in Brooklyn
- The various aspects of my purpose came into alignment and unfolded before me
Be blessed,