How do you know when it's time for a career change?

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  1. jagandelight profile image68
    jagandelightposted 13 years ago

    How do you know when it's time for a career  change?

  2. montecristo profile image79
    montecristoposted 13 years ago

    When you get tired of doing the same thing day by day.

  3. Muhammad Hamzah profile image61
    Muhammad Hamzahposted 13 years ago

    I just knew it!

    No matter how good the work environment is, I just feel a huge desire, a "call" to pursue other career.

  4. dtchosen profile image59
    dtchosenposted 13 years ago

    When you are not happy with it, consider a career change..

  5. Written By Jim profile image61
    Written By Jimposted 13 years ago

    Life is too short to be stuck doing something that makes you unhappy. If you dread getting up and heading into work each day, it is probably time for a change. Find something your really enjoy doing. If you find something that makes you want to go to work, then it really isn't work anymore.  Follow your heart!

  6. akuigla profile image60
    akuiglaposted 13 years ago

    When you start to hate your work.
    And when you have a lot of difficulties to reach your work place.
    I use to travel every day a few hours just to come to work.When I got up in the morning it was dark.When I went home from work ,day was over.
    That was it.
    Life is more than work.

  7. profile image31
    najiasalman1posted 13 years ago

    When you get better chance of opportunity and brighter future is in that, i think that will be the time for career change.

  8. TinaTango profile image70
    TinaTangoposted 13 years ago

    When you are completely bored of your career.  The same thing happened over and over again.  When you are no longer happy to go to work every day and it becomes very depressing.

  9. scall profile image70
    scallposted 13 years ago

    My grandfather always told me that if you can find a job you love, you will never have to work again. 

    If you are not happy - move on.  I have seen colleagues grow unhappy with their career but not really be aware of it as it happens slowly.  I periodically ask myself these questions:

    1.  Do I look forward to going to work in the morning or do I hit the snooze button repeatedly?

    2.  Am I keen on going back to work after vacation?

    3.  Have I gone as far as I can in my area - are there any challenges left?

  10. onenewbrazil profile image60
    onenewbrazilposted 13 years ago

    When you think is the right time in your life.

  11. skarup profile image60
    skarupposted 13 years ago

    I believe we'll have several careers in our lifetime.  When you find yourself not wanting to get out of bed and head to work.  When it becomes a chore and you only see the paycheck at the end of the today's world - one must really stop and think about leaving one career unless they already have another lined up. 

    I'm glad I love what I'm doing with my life, as hard as it may be.  I also appreciate all the knowledge I have gained during the "early chapters" of what I hope will be a very long read!

  12. U Dont Say profile image58
    U Dont Sayposted 13 years ago

    Hi There!
    I've been where you're wondering about, but had to be practical as to the timing because of my fed retirement credits still needed. I finished my 2 years needed to retire from Congress at the earliest official timing allowed, then made the jump to the television news industry at 54 years old (my strategic plan to lead to my ultimate goal). BUT - to your question, here's my reply:

    You may be hearing inside the call for change when...
    You have reached the pinnacle where you are, with no more growth, no opportunity to leverage, no learning of new expertise, and you are just 'marking time'; and if transition keeps calling to you inside and there is something different you really want to pursue (you can SEE it), it just may be that you are ready to go to the next level/next horizon in your Life Journey. Take careful inventory (of what's leading you). Don't confuse restlessness with a need for change. Bottom Line is this: If you thrive on challenges and have a thirst for expanding your base but it's not available where you are, then you are a candidate for change.  All of Life is Change, and that's where you find your personal and professional growth.  All else is stagnation.

  13. Jordan Riley profile image57
    Jordan Rileyposted 13 years ago

    i think when you are stuck in the same position for a decade... yeah

  14. mona.darwesh14 profile image52
    mona.darwesh14posted 13 years ago

    Doing same work day by day & not justified with your work

  15. 101Ways2Life profile image84
    101Ways2Lifeposted 13 years ago

    If you are "contemplating" a career change, then the change is overdue. One of my former colleagues used to say: "If yo get up on seven consecutive morning feeling that you don't want to go to work, then it's time for a change of job."

  16. profile image49
    miley..cyrus.....posted 13 years ago

    when you feel like it and if you  dont want to work there any more

  17. Edwin Chan profile image61
    Edwin Chanposted 13 years ago

    The moment you think you need a change. If you never think about changing, then you are doing something you are truly passionate about.

  18. Crissylite profile image77
    Crissyliteposted 13 years ago

    When you can not find any joy in what you are doing

  19. SweetiePie profile image80
    SweetiePieposted 13 years ago

    In this economy you are lucky to have a job, and should do what you can to make it more rewarding for you.  If you decide to quit, you might have a difficult time finding the job you want right away.  Make sure you have something lined up before deciding to quit just because you are not being stimulated.  If you are looking for stimulation, take up a hobby, or go back to school.

  20. chris eblana profile image61
    chris eblanaposted 13 years ago

    when you suffer everyday at work, you have no more to give, and nothing more to gain from...when each day become a chore...when it makes you miserable....when there are no future prospects...when you "just know"......

  21. Dawn-Rae profile image60
    Dawn-Raeposted 13 years ago

    I managed restaurants for over 20 years.  I was unhappy, did not want to get up and go to work where I was, I thought it was the place I was working, so I left the possition and found a new one.  When it came time to sign the contract for my new possition I just could not find any enthusiasm for it.  I ended up turning down the offer.  I decided to go sell cars after that.  I sold cars for 5 yrs and it was awesome.  Everything was new and exciting.  I was constantly expanding my knowledge.  Now I have changed again and given my age probably for the last time.  I now work at a bank in lending and investments.  I love my new career and can not see an end to the learning.  I always look forward to going to work.


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