What would you consider to be your dream career? In which occupation are you cur

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  1. Anjili profile image62
    Anjiliposted 12 years ago

    What would you consider to be your dream career? In which occupation are you currently employed?

  2. maryhoneybee profile image64
    maryhoneybeeposted 12 years ago

    Currently unemployed, looking for work, brainstorming ideas to be self-sufficient. Dream career definitely would be being able to survive entirely off of writing. smile

  3. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    My dream career is as an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist. I'm a full-time student achieving my bachelor's in psychology with a minor in criminal justice.

  4. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    I am actually currently living my dream career. I make my living with writing and transcription, though what truly makes it my dream career is that it's allowed me to have the lifestyle that I want -- I stay at home with my three kids, and my husband stays home too. The work can be done anytime, from anywhere as long as I have my computer and at least intermittent access to the internet. Best of all, it grows with me -- what started out as "selling hours" just to make ends meet is slowly evolving into a business with sufficient recurring income to allow my husband and I to eventually work a minimal amount. This will allow us to focus on homeschooling our kids, as well as traveling or staying home for humanitarian work. While we're still a long way away from this stage, we're seeing definite progress on a daily basis as our lives are becoming more and more free to do what fulfills us and helps others, rather than simply pays the bills.

  5. alancaster149 profile image76
    alancaster149posted 12 years ago

    I went to Scarborough School of Art (now part of the Yorkshire Coast College) in the mid-1960's. The course I did was 'Commercial Art', i.e., producing designs for advertising material - flyers, newspaper ads, record covers, posters, calendars etc - and lasted three years, two of which included doing GCE studies, English Language ('you can't do advertisements if you can't spell' was the reason for this, not that I objected), English Literature (we did 'Macbeth' and 'Pickwick Papers' for the exam in 1964), History, Geography (my two favourites) and Art History as well as the basic Art practical. I felt I had an aptitude but didn't get a commercial art job until 1969 in the Advertsing Department of the Nottingham Post & Guardian. A 'misunderstanding' with the manager saw me back in the Classifieds within a few months, although the people around me disagreed with the decision. I'd been put with a member of one of the Graphics unions to okay my work for passing on. The 'misunderstanding' was about 'white space', concentrating copy in the centre of the ad to attract attention. It worked, but the manager had the final say, telling everyone that if you do that the customer will buy less space. Ex-army officers didn't study Advertising Psychology at Sandhurst, I don't think.
    I went on to other pen-pushing jobs 'in the Print', but after redundancy from the Daily Telegraph in '94 was footloose and fancy free until taking a job at Royal Mail until taking early retirement in 2008. Now I write - check out my RAVENFEAST page.

  6. bravewarrior profile image81
    bravewarriorposted 12 years ago

    My dream career is to once again write for a living.  Although, rather than write something for someone else's gain, I'd like to publish my works and keep going.  Currently, I'm Accounting Manager for a 3rd generation family owned construction management/design-build company.  I would love to leave corporate America and work for Bravewarrior - in my PJ's and set my own hours.


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