What is a good blog hosting platform?

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  1. Mel Carriere profile image85
    Mel Carriereposted 10 years ago

    What is a good blog hosting platform?

    I love hub pages and will continue to work here, but can anyone recommend a good blog hosting platform that will let you incorporate your Ad Sense account?

  2. CraftytotheCore profile image74
    CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years ago

    To be honest, I had a personal blog on Blogger for years before learning about HP.  I found out it's much harder to get adsense there than it used to be, but I don't know what happens if you already have adsense.  I've heard that people can use it on blogger if your adsense account already exists.  I just don't know because I didn't have that luck.

    There is also wordpress where you can use luminate which is an ad sharing revenue that is posted to pictures.  So it's good for people who post lots of pictures.  I looked in to it but never signed up.

    1. Mel Carriere profile image85
      Mel Carriereposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Crafty, I'll look into that. I'm thinking about flying solo but hub pages is such a great platform I want to expand my work here as well.

  3. Sinbadsailorman profile image61
    Sinbadsailormanposted 10 years ago

    I have been using Blogger and Wordpress for the past three to four years now and they are both great Wordpress has quite a bit to offer you and You can get your own website and place your Wordpress blog upon it. I am still using Fatcow.com which has now integrated with Wordpress.org. Wordpress.org will cost you to use and maintain as were Blogger is integrated with Google and adsense. I use d them as my first Monetized site and it was free to do so as were with Wordpress you must be at Wordpress.org to monetize or have a large popular following at Wordpress.com. If you are just starting Out and do not have your own Website I would say Blogger is by far the better of the two But if you have your own website and Its hosting company is integrated with Wordpress I would "If" my budget allowed use them as they offer so many options to personalize an integrate with other social networks it would make your head spin. Now I use the Hubpages tools on my blogs and websites Too at blogger and Fatcow but certain monetized options are not available at Wordpress.com which I am still using but wish to transfer to Wordpress.org. And then integrate them with my other two Web addresses for my personal website; Poetry Writes & Other Stuff from Sinbad the Sailor Man; Dot Net and Dot Org. By Far these two Blog platforms our still my favorites. It basically depend on what you hope to do and become which I would start with. I have multiple Blogs at Blogger and only two with Wordpress.com But they are both equally important because they serve unique purposes within the scheme of my Traffic Wheel. Blogger will give you a good basic feel for Blogging structured website and It is gonna always be yours and Bloggers as where you can buy back your Blog or at least rent It from Wordpress.

    If you can find a new Hosting Company with A Blog platform of their own that they Offer as a perk to hosting with them then this might be the way to go today You must be able to buy out  the Host to make  large sums of money from Blogging. Make sure you read all Blogging platforms Agreements and policies as to who truly owns the content.

    1. Mel Carriere profile image85
      Mel Carriereposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great information. I definitely want to have the rights to my content.

  4. brblog profile image78
    brblogposted 10 years ago

    Both WordPress and Blogger are good options to look into. They can be free or if you want to pay some, they can be free-standing websites with your own domain name and both can be monetized. They can also be made to look more like a website and less like a blog – if you want that (they both allow you to create freestanding -or static- pages). I have used both and find Blogger easier to use. I think it is easier to use because it offers less options for customization. WordPress is a wide-open platform so there are many more options for themes, formatting and ad-ons. For revenue generation, WordPress also has more flexibility. You can also add other advertising (not just adsense) to a WordPress site. It might take you a bit longer to catch on to WordPress but you should not let that deter you. Since you can try free versions of either, I would encourage you to jump right in . . .

    1. Mel Carriere profile image85
      Mel Carriereposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent advice. Since there are free versions I suppose I could tinker with both.

  5. profile image59
    ElleBeeposted 10 years ago

    I have used both blogger and wordpress, and overall find wordpress to be a better host.  my wordpress site is new, so I haven't tried much adsense integration yet, but I would be very surprised if it wasn't compatible.

    1. Mel Carriere profile image85
      Mel Carriereposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      A strong vote for Word Press. I might have to try them both.

  6. Steve Burgess profile image56
    Steve Burgessposted 10 years ago

    Finding the best blog hosting website is very essential for any blogger and your selection majorly depends on your budget. Is free hosting right for you? If yes, blogger, WordPress, Blogdrive and Bloglines are very popular, yet free platforms.

    1. Mel Carriere profile image85
      Mel Carriereposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You've added a couple of new ones to my shopping list. Thanks.

  7. profile image50
    xftp7posted 7 years ago

    Use the Wordpress platform to get the best


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