Do you buy products because of advertising?

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  1. Seckin Esen profile image79
    Seckin Esenposted 10 years ago

    Do you buy products because of advertising?

    1. majestyscam profile image38
      majestyscamposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      No way, I buy products because I need them.

    2. prepawan profile image70
      prepawanposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. If I like the advertisement then I search for the product and if I like it then I make an order.

  2. liesl5858 profile image85
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    No way, I buy products because I need them.

  3. myefforts profile image61
    myeffortsposted 10 years ago

    Repeated advertisements do affect the decision when buying something. Though sometimes it goes the opposite...

    1. PawzWorld profile image60
      PawzWorldposted 4 years agoin reply to this


  4. thomasczech profile image38
    thomasczechposted 10 years ago

    I never buy anything because I see it advertised or because it is on sale. I buy what I need and when I need it.
    I have a friend who continually buys stuff because he has seen it advertised, or because it looks cool or because it is on sale. This friend also complains about his financial situation.

    1. profile image0
      sheilamyersposted 10 years ago

      I won't say I run right and buy things I see advertised. However, if I'm planning on buying something (a new vacuum, a car, or whatever), I tend to pay more attention to those which are advertised the most. Then I go on-line and do some comparisons among what are said to be the top brands and usually buy the one with the highest ratings.

      1. craftybegonia profile image61
        craftybegoniaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Sometimes. But it really depends of the kind of advertising. If it presents the benefits of the products more than trying to win over the customer with fluff, if the presentation appeals to me because it solves a need, i would say YES.

    2. Gchyipmonitor profile image60
      Gchyipmonitorposted 6 years ago

      yes, if it is promoting all social media

    3. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 6 years ago

      I read lots of reviews after seeing something advertised on rv or the internet.

    4. wikifx profile image60
      wikifxposted 5 years ago

      If I need it, I think I will.

    5. Alvina Martino profile image48
      Alvina Martinoposted 5 years ago

      it's depends on need

    6. Raja Nauman profile image59
      Raja Naumanposted 5 years ago

      Offcourse, most of the times - like the most of people. Advertisements are not only telling us about some product but these days it usually contain subliminal messages which encodes our minds to create an urge of buying that specific product when needed

    7. profile image52
      bennymooreposted 5 years ago

      advertisement sometimes is useful as well, allowing you to remember that you need those things and giving you a new options if you are not satisfied with the first one.

    8. superstarseo1 profile image40
      superstarseo1posted 5 years ago


    9. profile image0
      hubber8893posted 5 years ago

      The advertisement has an effect on the decision to purchase the goods bu the final outcome is strictly personal. There are many other things that come into the mind before making a purchase like
      How the product has been packed?
      The channel that is selling it. Does it has some reputation and Is it fair in dealing with the customers?
      What do my friends and known-ones say about the it?

    10. Arya Putra profile image60
      Arya Putraposted 5 years ago

      No, not at all, I buy product after reading lots of review, asking people to various related forums who already used that. I am really not a believer on advertisement.

    11. samkhan161 profile image79
      samkhan161posted 5 years ago

      more than 80% of the people buy products because of reviews and testimonials.

    12. ironwindow profile image61
      ironwindowposted 5 years ago

      Yes, sometimes I do. But for many products and services, I do read reviews. Phones, Hotels, etc fall in this category. But, for airlines, etc where there is a lack of many options, I cannot be choosy.

    13. profile image61
      StephenCookseyposted 4 years ago

      Yes, I buy Products because of Advertisements & Needs.

    14. Kyler J Falk profile image85
      Kyler J Falkposted 4 years ago

      I don't think I have ever bought something online because of an advertisement, unless you consider digital coupons on a store's main site, a store I can visit physically with the coupon, buying because of adverts.

      Honestly, when I see an ad on a site I just assume there is malware, viruses, and other malicious intents on the other end. Thus, I rarely ever turn off adblocker.

    15. kchak profile image43
      kchakposted 4 years ago

      I buy things if I need that after reviewing its feedback.

    16. carrie Lee Night profile image82
      carrie Lee Nightposted 4 years ago

      Most of the time if I buy a product based on an advertisement, and the advertisement is convincing, the end result is disappointment.  There are exceptions though.  Most of infomerical products that are as seen on tv do not do remotely of what they say or its half truths.  So now I read reviews first on products that cost more than 30.00.

    17. Gregory Omondi profile image61
      Gregory Omondiposted 4 years ago

      Most of the time when I see an advertisement that interests me, I often check out the products and services. I don't immediately make a purchase, but  I use the product as a baseline as I engage in research to review other similar and cheaper substitutes before making a purchase decision.

    18. Anthony onyilo profile image60
      Anthony onyiloposted 4 years ago

      For me advertisement plays a vital part of every product. Information about the product is most times made knows. If this information meets my needs, I will surely purchase the product.

      1. Jul Zyw profile image61
        Jul Zywposted 4 years ago

        I happen to buy unnecessary things


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