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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 5 years ago
    How can we got American college graduates to be fully employable & middle & upper middle class socioeconomically at least?  How can we broaden the middle & upper middle class base in America?

    1. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Because of the structure of economic systems it can't be done. Economics is designed like a pyramid with a capstone on top of three that increasing in numbers the further down from it one gets with the biggest multitude at its base.

      Only an ecological based system of getting what one needs when needed will eliminate classes. It would eliminate wages while requiring everyone to perform some duty toward maintaining the system. It would be like the system the American Natives had before the European money based system was implemented here. Whenever something needed to be done whoever was available performed it was required of the whole tribe. Take a Buffalo hunt, everyone except the few who kept the camp went on the hunt and did something, including the chief who was chief because of his wisdom.

      The present system could work the same with wise people in leadership positions - wisdom comes by educating oneself since "edu" means to bring forth from within - who understands the Preamble of the US Constitution's to form a more perfect Union doesn't allow for classes. A perfected union has no classes, no gender differences, no ethnic differences, no handicap differences nor any others. We have been schooled while claiming it is educating and don't knows what the words of the constitution mean so we accept the class system brought from Europe as it's meaning. 

      That is the Bass Tactics with No Chaser!

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Looks like they have to clean house, then reboot.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    You assume we can broaden the middle class base and
    the upper class base as well.

    To isolate the difficulties we need to answer these questions:
    Who is "WE"?
    How big is the middle class base now?
    How big is the upper class base now?
    What kind of people make up the middle class?
    What kind of people make up the upper class?
    What party affiliation are these people:
    Are they mostly Republicans?
    Are they mostly Democrats?
    Are they from middle class homes?
    Are they from upper class homes?
    Are they from poorer homes?
    Are they from secular/ atheistic homes or religious/spiritual homes?

    If free choice is at the root of our society, how can students become more motivated from within to be successful.
    How can they be facilitated from without?
    Would free community college be helpful?
    Lower-cost universities?
    Would earlier graduation from High School be helpful?
    Would better education in sixth through Jr. High be helpful?

  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    My solution:
    Have a very tight educational program for sixth through tenth grade students. Let them out at 16 to go to trade schools, nursing schools or universities to begin college earlier and stay longer to absorb, grow and develop according to their field choices.

    I believe kids, early on, show their leanings and tenancies as far as what they would like to do in life. They have interests and intrinsic motivations which the adults can observe and foster through encouragement and mentoring.

    We adults need to become more sensitive to the needs of kids/our youth. Each child has individual needs and we at present time don't know and don't care.

    Teachers are all about LISTEN to MOI, rather than the child! But then, who allows them or encourages them to listen to the child? The administrators who are so concerned about their sources of FUNDING?

    Of course, parents wish teachers would listen to their children ... and parents wish they themselves could listen to them! Alas, both parents are busy earning their livings to make ends meet. Sadly, mothers are required to work in order to afford housing these days, (especially here in California; If mom is not working too, the whole family is on the streets.)

    Paradoxically, $$$$ is at the root of all our troubles. The very thing Gmwilliams wants everyone to earn is the very thing causing all the problems.

    What we need is for people to stop thinking of the money and start thinking of the role they would like to have in society to contribute, to benefit and to grow the greatness and joy of human life. Without joy, life is meaningless.

    Money is not as important as doing what what one likes and truly enjoys. Naturally, we must earn/accumulate money, but the primary focus should be doing what we love in work.

    1. The0NatureBoy profile image55
      The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      KLH, no offense intended but do you have a split personality? Those two posts appears to suggest you do?

      I will answer your "Who is 'WE'?" with "Constitutionally 'We' means every man who calls themselves citizens of United States of America and all people wanting it to their home." The rest I'll leave it up those of you who have made yourselves slaves to the idea that money has value and believe having classes and political parties is constitutional.

      Joyous Mother's Day to all off you mothers and expect to be.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe Kathryn is a Gemini.
        Sometimes I think I am talking to a complete different person too. Lol

        Kathryn, maybe your kids get two Mom's in one.

        1. gmwilliams profile image84
          gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          No, Kathryn is a Cancerian.  She emits Cancerian vibes.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image74
            Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Negative Cancer vibes can be gossipy, cliquey, isolated, passive-aggressive, hypersensitive, and overly competitive.

            My daughter is cancer, even with these flaws, she is still the love of my life

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    In short, we, as a society, need to become more human and less beast-like.

    To accomplish this task, we need to become more sensitive.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

      Happy Mother's Day to our Mothers who love, discipline, go to work AND run their households: cooking, cleaning, driving to schools, sports games and various activities and assisting with homework, etc., etc., etc. (On top of all this, some mothers are taking classes, as well!)

      Motherhood, today, is so hard! But, apparently, its work we love.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I think your layout would be too dictatorship like for me. Yet some of it can be noted. Two things we can both agree on  most importantly is work and love.

        GM I think is a great guy with one flaw, his love for money over all kinds of love.

        Love is the glue that connects the universe. Love makes two people or thing stronger together than apart. Love concurs and conquer all. Money is imaginary.

        Happy Mother's Day.


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