We should regulate the stock Market.

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  1. brimancandy profile image78
    brimancandyposted 13 years ago

    This is just a basic idea. I think they should regulate the crap out of the stock market, including the ability for a wealthy company to buy the stock of a company for the sole purpose of eventually buying it and shutting it down.

    I think if such a company buys another company through a hostile takeover by owning all it's stock, they should be able to prove that they are going to make the company profitable, and sign an agreement to keep that company running as long as they own it.
    Thus stopping those companies from closing and firing their workers. This is where a majority of jobs are being lost.

    Also, there should be a permanent ban of all oil companies from
    selling stock in this country and foreign. Also any companies that have been outsourced to Mexico, china and abroad, should not be allowed to sell their stock on the american market, or at least put a cap on the amount of buying and selling those companies can do each day.

    Why should we allow people to continue to get rich off this tired idea? Especially when the people who are getting rich, were already wealthy in the first place. I also think we should also regulate the companies that buy and sell stock to foreigners. It seems like half this country is owned by companies outside the United States, with the sole purpose of making those companies weak, and killing our economy.

    I may be wrong. But, I am tired of paying more for things, because some rich bastard has done well playing the stock market and screwing us all. One of the reasons food prices are so high, is because companies who own stocks in food, are telling our farmers not to grow crops, so they can keep the prices of food high. Thank god there is no stock in farming in your backyard.

    But, you just wait, large food corportions will lobby the government to pass laws to ban it. So, that we have to buy their food, and food prices will go through the roof.

    I'm sorry, the whole thing just makes me sick.

    1. mom101 profile image61
      mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No, there is no stock in farming our backyard, but, what about a egg for breakfast, I live in the city and aint allowed to raise chickens, or if I wanted bacon, no way on the pigs either.

      Vegetables, now we can raise them.

      They got us, any way we turn.

  2. profile image0
    EmpressFelicityposted 13 years ago

    "One of the reasons food prices are so high, is because companies who own stocks in food, are telling our farmers not to grow crops, so they can keep the prices of food high. "

    That only makes sense if the companies you're talking about actually own the farms in question.  Otherwise why would the farmers take any notice?

    1. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Apparently you have never heard of the farm subsidy. Where our government pays farmers to not grow crops. Who do you think put pressure on the Government to come up with this subsidy? And, which  farms do you think get the subsidy money? It certainly isn't your local farmer.

      Your comment of the companies owning the farms, are the farms the companies are telling not to grow. Which are some of the largest farms in the United States. You will find that those same companies also are in the restaurant ans supermarket business, only you don't know it, because it is under their corporate umbrella, and not generally known by the public.

      I recently learned that Autozone is affiliated with Walmart. So, who knows who owns what in this country anymore. It is basically a small amount of people with their hands in everything, that have their thumbs on top of the business world. So, why be surprised that farming would be any different?

      One reason why the backyard farmer is becoming more popular every day. Like I mentioned in my other post, it's only a matter of time before the people at the top control everything.

      1. profile image0
        EmpressFelicityposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Re your comment about farm subsidies: I have heard of them and deplore them.  They're probably responsible for far more Third World and domestic misery than they're given credit for, which is why I think it's pointless for our government to be giving handouts to the Third World unless the subsidies are abolished.  (In fact, I say abolish both farm subsidies *and* government aid to the Third World... but I'm veering a bit off topic here.)

        I live in a country that's part of the European Union, which subsidises farms like it's going out of fashion (sometimes it even pays them *not* to grow stuff... how stupid is that?)  However, these subsidies are government subsidies not private ones, although it wouldn't surprise me to learn that some of our farms here in the UK were owned by - say - supermarket chains like Tesco.  I agree with you that this is truly scary.  Who controls the money and food supply controls the world.

  3. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    We should regulate the Stock Market?

    The Stock Market is already regulated. The problem lies in the fact that the agencies overseeing the regulations, do not seem to be doing a good enough job.

    These supposedly highly educated individuals who are in a position to prevent business from price gouging the consumer, are not as smart as they claim to be.

    The government agencies and the people doing their jobs are at fault for much of what "Wall Street" gets away with. If you really think about "Wall Street"- it's nothing more than an accounting scam and shifting of assets/debts.

    I mean, look at the Stock Brokerage firms themselves- they make claims to get good returns for their clients by trading stocks(pieces of paper) for money(pieces of paper). Things just have an assigned value, which is supposedly accurate? hmm

    I digress. It falls on the people doing their jobs. Corruption? Who knows.


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