Need your advice about job application follow-up

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  1. Anolinde profile image80
    Anolindeposted 13 years ago

    Hi!  I am in the process of applying for a job (which I DESPERATELY NEED).  The thing is, I sent the application in early last month and received an email saying that they have received my application and that if I am among one of the final candidates, I will be contacted for an interview (I'm paraphrasing).  The email sounded to me like they're saying that if I don't hear back from them, don't bother contacting them since it would just mean that I'm not one of the final candidates. 

    Anyway, the application deadline for this job was last Friday (11/19).  It is now Wednesday evening (Japan time) and I have not heard back from them.  How long do you think it normally takes for the hiring manager to select those "final candidates" for an interview?  I am thinking that it really shouldn't take this long and the fact that it's been a few days since application deadline, it probably means that I'm not one of those "final candidates" sad  What do you guys think?

    Also, do you think I should email them back to find out (since the first email kinda implied that I shouldn't)?  What should I even say, exactly?  Or do you think I should just move on?

    This really sucks, though sad I really thought I might have a shot at this job, especially since my former boss (who wrote me a letter of recommendation) is a friend (and former co-worker) of this person.  And one of my ex co-workers (with a more relevant degree, but less job experience) is actually working there!  Anyway .... sad

    Thanks in advance for any input/advice!

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is a standard message.  Your job is to follow up within one week after the application is received regardless of what they say they will do.  Companies want to see initiative in prospective employees.   If you had a personal interview where your application was reviewed, you should not leave the interviewer without first telling him you definately want the job and will follow up within one week if you do not hear from them.  "Mr. So-and-So, I am very interested in this position.  Thank you for your time.  I will contact you next week if I do not hear from you before then."

      Don't assume that just because you are there at the interview or you sent in an application, that they know you want the job.  Many people send out mass emails and they are often simply disregarded.  Research the companys you want to work for and mention something about why you want to work there in your cover letter.  Yes, you need a cover letter.  This is the first thing they look at, not the resume.  Tell them why you think you would be a good fit for this position. 

      The fact that this position had an application deadline does not mean they were able to find a successful candidate.  Find out the number of the hiring manager and call him.  You have nothing to lose.  Ask to set up an interview to meet with him personally.  "Mr. So-and-So, I would like to meet with you personally to talk about my qualifications for the position of _____.
      Would tomorrow at lunchtime fit into your schedule?"  Lunch hours are free time for everyone and you stand a better chance of getting the interview.  He may pump you for information over the phone to see if it is worth his time.  Be ready and don't be intimidated.  When you get the interview, have some of your own questions prepared to show interest.  Who would I be working for?  Is this a new position?  Where was the person who had this position previously placed?  Why did they leave?  Repeat: don't be intimidated.

      1. American_Choices profile image76
        American_Choicesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Very well stated - "companies want to see initiative."  Excellent advise!

    2. J Sunhawk profile image69
      J Sunhawkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Write the employer a letter. Remind them you applied. Sometimes you need to be a bit aggressive to get a job.

      Good luck.

  2. thisisoli profile image79
    thisisoliposted 13 years ago

    I would be patient for now, definitely start exploring new avenues though!

  3. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    it never hurts to follow up, they may or may not respond.

    many companies send out those emails because they don't want to be bothered with many follow ups, but that doesn't mean you can't inquire.

    you could simply write that you're inquiring about the position you recently applied for, be specific, and express how you look forward to have an opportunity to discuss the position further. you could add, if the position has been filled, I hope you will keep me in mind for any possible job openings at abc company.

    I don't know how the employment culture is in Japan, but here in the US, you have to sell yourself by being professionally aggressive. Letting them know why you think you're the best candidate for the position. good luck.

  4. Urbane Chaos profile image94
    Urbane Chaosposted 13 years ago

    First, have you ever had a face-to-face meeting with the hiring manager?  If you haven't then I suggest you make time for one.  This is one thing that really sets you apart from other job seekers.  In today's internet economy, most people are content with sending out resumes and hoping that someone will respond.  90% of the time, the resume never makes it to the actual hiring manager.

    This is what happens:  Your resume/application is sent to the HR department (or the secretary if they don't have an HR department).  The HR department then pre-screens the resume to see if it's worth keeping.  Most of the resume's are weeded out here.  If your resume actually makes it past the HR department, then another manager will review it.  If they are happy about it, then they may send it to the actual hiring manager.  Very few resume's make it to the hiring manager in this way.

    Here is what should happen: You visit the company that you're interested in and ask to speak with the hiring manager.  If they don't let you then at least make sure that you get his/her name - you'll need that later.  If you do get to meet the hiring manager, put the resume directly in their hands, and explain why you would be a good candidate for employment.  The employer will then feel as if they know you, and will be more inclined to give you that ever-so-important interview.

    As for follow up, this is where you need the hiring managers name.  Call the company (or better yet, visit in-person) and ask to speak with the hiring manager.  Then, directly ask that person if they have had a chance to review your resume.  If they haven't, hand them another copy of it (or offer to send another copy via e-mail directly to him/her).

    Even if the position has already been filled, this is a great way to make yourself memorable.  The thing is, if you present yourself in a way that makes the company think that you're indispensable, many times they will create a position for you. 

    The key is to get yourself in a position to where you can talk with the person who actually does the hiring and bypass those neck-down's that don't have any real authority.

    There's an excellent book out there that will give you a ton of advice and some inside tricks to help you get a job.  Most libraries have it: It's called, "What Color is your Parachute", by Richard N. Bolles.  You can also visit his website at

    I wish you the best in this!

  5. Anolinde profile image80
    Anolindeposted 13 years ago

    First of all, thanks all for your replies!  Seems like opinions split on whether or not I should follow-up in this case since the email pretty much implied that I shouldn't.  I will be meeting someone who works at the place (this is actually a college and the position is for an ESL instructor, btw) this Sunday in a totally non-related event.  I'll introduce myself to him (or I'm sure the person organizing this event will introduce us) and maybe try to get some information from him or something (in a friendly, casual way) tongue  I suppose I could at least network!

    Anyway, I think I'll give it til the end of next week.  The position doesn't start til April of 2011, so perhaps the Director of the English Program is taking some time.  Thanks again, everyone!

    1. Urbane Chaos profile image94
      Urbane Chaosposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wish you the best of luck!  Hope you get the job of your dreams! big_smile

  6. Dale Nelson profile image40
    Dale Nelsonposted 13 years ago

    If I ever have an employment question, my first stop would be Patty Inglish thats for sure.Dunno know if she reads PM though, but she knows her onions by the look of her hubs.

  7. fdoleac profile image60
    fdoleacposted 13 years ago

    Network on-line through Facebook and LinkedIn and join groups relevant to the job.  Start discussion and interact.  You may obtain an intro to one of the decision makers in the job process.
    Employers receive so many applications and resumes so they do not respond like job seekers would like.

  8. LuisEGonzalez profile image78
    LuisEGonzalezposted 13 years ago

    Send them a "thank you for allowing me the opportunity of applying with your company for the positions of" letter.
    it should look something like this:

    Dear (name) thank you for allowing me the opportunity of applying for the position of(title). I look forward to a response from you at your earliest convenience. I am confident that I can perform the duties of (title) to your satisfaction. If you need further information or have any questions you may reach me at (telephone or email)


    (your name)


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