Writers Tips and Advice for Hubbers at HubPages
100 Writers Tips: My 100th Hub
I've learned a few tips and have some advice for writers here at HubPages - some of these are tongue in cheek but as you know in some jokes, there are also elements of truth. All kidding aside, there are some valuable tips you can glean from my hub here.
So in In honor of my one year anniversary here at HubPages with over 100,000 page views...and drum roll....this being my 100th hub...I offer up these 100 things I have learned about writing on the Internet (and almost 100% of it I have learned right here at HubPages)
Without further ado....
Dorsi's 100 tips on writing here at HubPages:
More Writers Tips
100 Things I've Learned as a Writer
1. Be nice. If you can't be nice be funny. Ask Mark Knowles about this.
2. Keep checking those hub scores. If you stare long enough at the screen you may reach a profile score of 100.
3. Make sure you have the right publishers code for your affiliates. Nothing could suck worse than someone else getting paid for your work.
4. Don't get mad at all the sexy sarai Indian woman hubs. Get even. Hubbers are sexy too.
5. For a really sexy picture for your hub, Misha has some great ones (refer to item 4)
6. Don't be jealous of top hubbers. They wrote their way to the top. (better than doing something else...umm...ummm)
7. Spell check. Spel check. Spell chek.
8. Write, write and when tired, write some more.
9.If you get writers block, just think about something funny, like something another hubber said, and voila...you're off and writing again.
11. Don't get too fancy smancy playing with the text either. After all, hubs are meant to be read.
12. If you can't write about sexy hubbers write about your sexy cats and dogs.
13. If you don't agree, write about it. Controversy can be fun.
14. If your son gets shot in the head, write about it. It can and will relieve stress. Hubber friends are great cyber-hand holders.
15. If your husband makes you mad, write.
16. If your kids make you mad, write.
17. Write even when the cat is climbing on your laptop. This is called conditioning yourself to write under all circumstances.
18. If the weather is nice outside, get out of the house! Go do something productive! Your laptop will still be there when you get back. Honest!
19. If you can't sleep, write. This can be the most amazing time to write. Clear heads=clear thoughts. Just don't tell your boss that I told you this.
20. If you're house is under construction, make yourself a cubby and yes...write.
21. When your Adsense says you've only made .03 cents, don't despair. This could take forever you know. (I am really doing pretty good so please don't get discouraged!)
22. Visit the forums and make friends. Hubbers make great friends!
23. Be nice to Maddie (she's a moderator here you know)
24. Make sure you get to know DJ Funktual. Nothing like a DJ to brighten your day.
25. Recruit fellow friends to write here at HubPages. You can be a gloating parent all over again.
26. Don't agree to write a 100 tips on a hub that will end up being 100,000 pages long......
And with that final note.....you will have to look for the next 3 installments of 100 tips for hubbers. This took up way more room than I thought it would....
(Dorsi Diaz is a freelance writer here at HubPages and writes on many helpful everyday topics. For those writers that came here for some tips and advice for writing here at HubPages, I hope you can relate to these "tips", maybe got a chuckle or two even - and perhaps gained some insight into how you can be a better writer. Good luck and have fun hubbing!)