How to Create Backlinks to Help Search Engines Find Your HubPages
How to Create Backlinks
Your Hubs Won't Make Money if Search Engines Can't Find Them
Backlinks are very important when it comes to making money on HubPages. Why? Backlinks are road maps that lead search engines to your HubPages. By building links back to your HubPages you are giving search engines instructions on how to get there. If your content is optimized with keywords, you may end up at the top of a search engines results. How do you accomplish linkbuilding that produces top placement results? There are many different sites that can be used for linkbuilding. I'm going to start off with the easiest forms.
- RSS Directories RSS feeds are used by many to keep up with certain topics. Many bloggers and journalists subscribe to certain keywords to receive fresh content throughout the day. Submit your hubpages rss feed to as many rss directories as possible. Most of the top rss directories have a high page rank. The best part is you only need to submit your rss feed once. However, be sure to ping your hubpages feed after publishing a new hub. The rss directories will pick them up soon after your ping.
- Social Bookmarking Sites Social bookmarking sites are a great way to share content with people that share similar interests. You also benefit from site's page rank. They also help your new hubs be indexed very quickly. Unfortunately, you have to submit them regularly. However, you can automate your social bookmarking which is a huge time saver!
- Forums There are hundreds of forums on the internet. Find a few forums that pertain to your hub's topic and link to one from your signature. Make sure you use the keyword as your anchor text. (This is why I always recommend you link your similar hubs to each other. That way, you only need to link to one of your hubs. The reader will easily follow your inbound linking to find the rest).
- Social Media Sites These are the easiest ways to share your hubs and get a link. Sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and FriendFeed will help your hubs get indexed almost immediately. I have all my social media accounts linked to each other, so that I post on all my accounts from one place. (I will be writing a hub about that time saving site. Look for it soon!)
- Article Directories These sites have high page rank, but most importantly Google LOVES them. Their favorite articles directories are, goarticles and articlesbase. The beauty of these sites is that other people can copy and paste your article on their site, creating another backlink. You can get hundreds of backlinks from one article! (The down side is that you have to write more original content.)
Creating backlinks to your hubs is not difficult. It is a process that will become easier with time. Don't forget, creating links is the same as creating a map that leads search engines to your hubs. Take action and make your hubs more profitable today!
I hope you found this information useful. Please, consider rating this hub and sharing it on your favorite social bookmarking sites. Thanks in advance!
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