Goal: 30 Hubs in 30 Days

Can I write 30 Hubs in 30 Days?
At the moment, it is unknown as to whether or not I can actually write 30 hubs in 30 days. When I first joined HubPages and read about the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge, I thought to myself, "Well, I am a busy mom of 3 who works full time and has a husband, so I will NEVER be able to do that." But I decided to try it because I am a HUGE goal setter and I feel setting goals is the only way to make sure you accomplish what you want to accomplish in life. So, I set out to give it a try. Plus, I love to write, so it sounded like something I will enjoy.
My first challenge was trying to figure out what to write about. I decided to make a list of the many ideas that popped into my head. When my kids were born, I wanted to be a stay at home mom but wanted to contribute to the family budget. So, I started dreaming up a lot of ideas on what I could do from home to make money. I did home daycare for awhile when my son was young...boom there's a topic. I then learned how to make crafts and started a craft business. I went out and did craft shows periodically to sell my clay jewelry...BOOM...2 more topics...making clay jewelry and doing craft shows. Then I learned how to save a LOT of money with coupons another topic, and started teaching classes on how to save money...AHHH, another topic. From there I was hired by a grocery store to be a Consumer Advocate, and that story was pretty inspiring since the owner of the store created the job just for me! I have also sold Avon, Silpada jewelry, and currently am the Career Center Director at a high school where I teach teens about getting jobs, how to fill out applications, job interviewing skills, etc...the ideas kept pouring out of my head based on my past experiences, and onto the paper. So, that was easier than I thought. All I had to do was get started. I put that off for a couple of days.
Finally, I decided just to jump in. I picked a very easy topic for my first hub. It was a review of Epoll, a website from which I earn free gift cards. The facts were pretty cut and dried. All I had to do was arrange them in a step by step order about what to do to sign up on the site, the types of polls offered to earn gift cards, and what types of free gift cards could be earned. It was easier than I thought, and I got it done quickly. I was glad I chose a topic that I could so easily write about because it got me psyched to keep writing. And keep writing I did! I am up to 10 hubs in 8 days and have lots more ideas to go. Plus, as I read other hubs from other people, it sparks new ideas.
Sometimes I will see a comment from someone who has commented on one of my hubs and welcomed me to HubPages. From those people, I have found articles about their experiences with the 30 in 30 challenge, PLUS some who have tried the 100 in 30 days challenge. That put things in perspective for me, and I am SURE that I will hit the 30 in 30 if other people can do 100 in thirty. The trick is to just keep at it every day. And to learn from other people who have completed the challenge. One person commented that I could go to the Learning Center and glean more information from that. Somehow I missed the information about the Learning Center when I first signed up with HubPages. PLUS there are lots of articles on HubPages already about people who completed the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge and how they did it.
So, yes, the answer to the question posed above is that I can write 30 hubs in 30 days and I can't wait to see the result! At this point, I don't even know what those 30 hubs will be about, but obviously, I do know the fist 10...oops, I mean 11 since this one will count. But I know I will accomplish them. And depending on how well I do, I may try to hit 60 Hubs in 60 days... stay tuned.
Epilogue...I DID IT! I did complete 30 hubs in 30 days and was SO happy with the result. There were days when it was tough, but I was able to persevere. And now, although I am not publishing hubs every day, I am still keeping up with it pretty well. I am even marking goals on my calendar for the future...each month I want to complete another 15 more hubs from now until July 15th. That is one hub every other day. Wow, sounds like a lot, but I am enjoying writing so much I think I can do it!
Copyright by Karen Hellier, 2012
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© 2012 Karen Hellier