HubNugget Historical Time Travel
A typical day
The day started as most days do...the sun came up, coffee brewed, emails were checked, small household chores done, then out the door to run errands. Nothing spectacular was planned, just the usual Friday gathering at the clubhouse to go over this weeks HubNugget Nominations. We had elected to car-pool, just in case 'Old Man Winter' decided to surprise us with another early snow fall, as we all had holiday errands to run and as much as we didn't mind being 'snowed-in', we knew it would play havoc with our busy schedules...and let's face it...this time of year everyone has busy schedules!
Divide and conquer
We had split into groups according to designated drivers and location - not as difficult as you might imagine, and had agreed to meet at the clubhouse by lunch. This very effectively killed two birds with one stone. Not only would we get the Nominees sorted out, we would also have the opportunity to gorge ourselves on Christmas goodies!
As Gals and I were close to Maddie, it was a no brainer that we would travel together. RedElf, ladyjane, and Simone made up the next group, and Jason, Patty, and ripplemaker finished off the trios. As it happened, we had divided the categories between the three groups, and we thought that the additional time spent together would help us get a jump start on the sorting process. I didn't know about the rest of the team, but I was definitely looking forward to the goodies!
After insuring our cell phones were turned on, just in case, we hit the road.
Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore...
We had just turned onto the Interstate Highway, heading for the clubhouse and chatting about the Sports and recreation Nominees, when Maddie pointed out an ominous looking black cloud in our path. Rain pelted the vehicle so thick and fast that the windshield wipers couldn't keep up.
"I can't see a thing!" Maddie said. "Hang on, I'm pulling over till this passes."
She pulled the car onto the side of the highway and we waited for the rain to let up. Within seconds the deluge had stopped and the sun was shining. The only problem was, there wasn't a road! The car was sitting in the middle of a courtyard leading to a peculiar looking house with a tall turret that sat perched atop a large bluff. Behind us, a narrow, rutted wagon trail wound its way down the hill to the valley below.
We clambered out of the car and stood looking up at the house. Suddenly the door burst open and man wearing a puffy hat, pantaloons with knee high socks and floor length coat motioned us towards him.
"Well, don't just stand there," he said. "Come inside and see my latest invention!"
I looked at the others, who were just as confused. "When in Rome..." I muttered.
Gals grabbed Simon's hand and led the way. "Come one Enelle," she said. "You always like an adventure!" Turning to the gentleman who had answered the door, she said, "Excuse me sir, would you tell us your name?"
"Why, my name is Galileo," he exclaimed, closing the door behind us. "Are you not here to see my telescope?"
"Galileo? Telescope?" Maddie echoed. "What year is this?"
"What an absurd question! It is 1621 of course. I have just received notification that my patent has been approved for my latest invention. There it it not a thing of beauty?"
There, in front of us sat a long, nondescript tube that looked exactly like a "new" old style telescope.
"Here," he said, thrusting the contraption into my paws. "Look for yourself!"
I squinted through the tube and saw a huge black cloud blowing toward the bluff. "Oh, my goodness," I squeaked. "We have to go! Thank you for your hospitality sir. Your invention is amazing, but we really must be leaving!" I said, handing him back his telescope.
I dashed through the door with Gals and Maddie hot on my heels. The black cloud appeared to be speeding towards the bluff at an amazing pace. "Quick!" Maddie hollered. "Get in the car!"
The three of us clambered in with no time to spare! Blinding rain pelted the car as we huddled inside. Again, within seconds, the rain stopped, and blue sky peeked through the dispersing clouds. This time, however, we were sitting on the side of the Interstate behind several other cars that had apparently pulled over to avoid the storm.
Which one of this week's Sports and Recreation nominees is your favorite?
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The Sports and Recreation Nominees
- Honing the Body to Hone the Mind
An article on martial arts and the effect it has on the mind above the body. As well as a brief history of the introduction of martial arts into America and the misconception Americans have of these ancient practices. - My Flying Lesson
I have a fear of flying. There are certain "key moments" of fear when I fly. Probably the first is when the flight attendant closes and locks the door after the last person boards. Then I'm thinking "Now I'm doomed — there's no escape!” The...
Meanwhile, in the next car...
RedElf and ladyjane snugged their seatbelts and Simone eased out of the driveway, pointed the nose of her car towards the Interstate, and set off toward the clubhouse. Everyone was chatting about the Arts and Design category, and no one noticed the black, storm cloud racing to meet them.
Hail the size of peas pelted the unsuspecting trio. Within seconds, the hail had turned into a full on white-out and visibility was zero!
"Hang on girls," Simone said. "I'm pulling over!"
"Where in Heaven's name did this come from?" ladyjane asked, to no one in particular.
"You know, I've been in white-outs before, but this one has to be the worst one I have ever seen!" RedElf said. "I hope this stops soon," she continued, "...or we won't make it to the clubhouse for the nugget picks!"
As if by magic, the skies cleared and the sun broke through the dispersing cloud cover.
"Umm...ladies?" Simone murmured. "This doesn't look like our exit..." ...And indeed, it didn't! RedElf rolled down her window and gazed up at the building beside the car.
"!" She breathed. "This is the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. Girls, we're in New York City!"
"Aren't we technically in Manhattan?" ladyjane asked.
"Yes, but many would argue it is part of New York City. ...Oh, let's go inside," she said, and zipped out the door with Simone and ladyjane struggling to keep up.
A large yellow playbill announced to everyone passing, that Tennessee Williams' play, "Streetcar Named Desire," was opening that night. "Didn't this debut on December 3, 1947?" Simone asked.
The door swung wide and the trio nearly collided with a dark haired man wearing a suit and tie. "Pardon me, ladies," said the man, as he adjusted his hat, "...but the theater isn't open for rehearsals. You'll have to come back after the show."
"Mr. Brando? Oh, my God...may I have your autograph?" RedElf purred, as a pen and paper magically appeared in her paws. "If I may say, your performance is amazing!"
"You caught the rehearsals?" he said, signing his name.
"You could say that," RedElf replied, tucking the pen and paper away, just as ladyjane tugged on her tail.
"We gotta go now!" She yelled, pointing at the huge black cloud that swirled toward them at an alarming rate.
The trio raced for the car as hail began to fall. Reaching for their seat belts, they managed to buckle in just as everything went white. Moments later, the windshield wipers cleared away the last of the hail, showing a long line of cars, all parked along the side of the Interstate highway.
Which one of this week's Arts and Design nominees is your favorite?
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The Arts and Design Nominees
- Autumn Brilliance - Beautiful Colors Picture Gallery
A brief but Beautiful Glimpse into This Year's Autumn in Colorado. Musings on the beauty of the autumn season. - How to Make Fabric Gift Bags:Holiday Gift Idea for Wine, Cider, Oils...
The holidays are right around the corner, the party list is growing, and you know that it is impolite to attend a party empty handed, so what are you to do? Well, make some fabric bags that can accommodate any bottled gift. - Sunset photography
Sunset photography is very peaceful, both for the photography while they shoot the sunset, and for the viewer of the finished photos. To pay attention to sunsets is to pay attention to the moment, noticing how light plays over the scene, how details
"This little Patty went to market..."
Patty and ripplemaker hopped into Jason's SUV and the three of them headed for the freeway. Patty was already nose deep in the papers ripplemaker was sorting, and Jason was busy threading his way through traffic.
The three of them were in the midst of a lively debate about the Fashion and Beauty nominees, when Jason slammed on the brakes to avoid a collision. All around them, cars were screeching to a halt and heading for the shoulders of the freeway.
A split-second of puzzlement turned to one of panic as he saw the tornado directly in their path. Swerving onto the shoulder, he managed to holler, "Hang on!" and a brilliant flash of lightning hit the ground in front of them, missing them by inches! When their eyesight returned to normal, the little group was shocked at the sight that greeted them.
Instead of sitting on the shoulder of the highway in the throes of a tornado, they were parked in front of a long rectangular building that sported the Stars and Stripes, and were surrounded by uniformed, military personnel who all seemed to be heading inside.
Someone banged on the roof of the car and called, "Hurry up, you don't want to miss this!"
"Ooh, an adventure!" Patty grinned. The three companions jumped out of the car and raced up the steps. Quietly threading their way through the sea of uniforms, they reached the center of the room. A group of officers in full military dress were presenting a woman in uniform with a legal looking document.
Jason nudged the uniformed man beside him. "What's going on?" he whispered.
"Regular Army, Colonel Hallaren, has just been sworn in and appointed Director of WAC by Army Chief of Staff General Dwight D. Eisenhower, himself!" the soldier whispered back. "Colonel Hallaren is the first woman ever to be sworn in as a regular army soldier."
"Hmm, beauty and brains!" ripplemaker whispered.
"Umm, can you tell me today's date?" Jason asked.
"Sure, December 3rd."
"What year?"
That question elicited a strange look, but the soldier obliged, saying, "1948...of course!"
"There's enough Brass in this room to outfit a marching band!" Jason said, under his breath."
"I hate to pee in the pickles," Patty said, "but that storm is on its way back. If we have any chance of getting home, we had better hurry!"
Pushing through the crowd, the trio made a dash for their car. They wrenched the doors open against the howling wind and tumbled inside. Once again, a brilliant lightning bolt stabbed the ground a mere inches from the vehicle. The next sight the three team members saw was the Interstate-turned parking lot, as a sea of cars pulled onto the highway and resumed their journeys.
Which one of this week's Fashion and Beauty nominees is your favorite?
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The Fashion and Beauty Nominees
- Great Nails: Decorating Tools For Nail Art
Creating your nail design can be fun and liberating as well as money saving. But before you can decorate, you will need today's top tools to help you paint the path of gorgeous nails!
Timing is everything
As if everything had been orchestrated by some unknown element, all three vehicles arrived at the clubhouse at exactly the same time. We tumbled out of the cars, and everyone yelled in unison, "You won't believe what just happened!"