Research and my own experiences convince me that Sybil Ludington's efforts in 1777 were suppressed by chauvinistic behaviors of men in the past and of some men and women today.
In November 2023, Ohioans voted overwhelmingly to make recreational marijuana legal throughout the state. They expect many positive results from this passage of Issue Two, but some negative results may also occur. Do positive outcomes outweigh the negative results?
Reports of children and youth harmed in PE classes to the point of hospitalization and death seem to be increasing. Why?
The following states have some good features that attract new residents and businesses, but they have scored the absolute worst in the category of Life, Health and Inclusion.
Keystone XL's parent company cancelled two pipelines, while the XL was blocked several times until June 2021. Investors pulled money from banks funding the XL, other banks listened, and protests ramped up.
People, famous and non-famous, die during the Blackout Challenge, making this an international public health crisis. What can be done to change this?
America may open a mixed-use business space station by 2030AD, but the public is concerned about money wasted in outer space without any useful outcome. This controversy shines a light on aerospace company rivalries and predatory marketing.
This art house, comedy-horror film has been panned by both famous and lesser-known critics and moviegoers, but is destined to become a cult classic.
During the 21st century, many Americans called for the dismantling of statues that commemorated Confederate leaders in the American Civil War. In 2019, the federal government helped rebuild one in Columbus, Ohio.
The found footage of "Moon Shot" goes behind the scenes of the Apollo 11 mission, but also includes accounts from the many women engineers and calculators who made the moon landing physically possible.
Looking for something interesting to do in Detroit? Love history? Descendants of the Tuskegee Airmen preserve the history of their brave ancestor pilots as well as a historic fort in the heart of Detroit. America may have forgotten these places, but Detroit honors them.
First noted by the U.S. medical system in 2012, the mysterious acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) became a growing concern until a Midwestern medical school and public health college involved their professionals to seek answers.
In a world full of chaos that could use some good music to lift our minds and hearts, we lost another great musician.
The real detective was a longhorn cowboy who began his law enforcement career as an animal control and child truancy officer. He saved many animals and children and went on to become the detective with the most arrests in the Honolulu Police Department - using a bullwhip instead of a gun.
Donald Trump is the most unusual president in American history and among the most provocative and controversial.
Have you chosen your destination after life on Earth is complete or is a choice even a possibility? A talented author and a carriage driver offer several suggestions.
The expensive costs of retirement in some recommended cities are far above the budget of most Baby Boomers retiring today. Some "Best Cities" lists turn out to be ads for rental properties.
For those merrymakers who think August has no holidays, here is a pleasant surprise! As it turns out, the month is full of occasions to celebrate, even if some of them are obscure or downright bizarre.
The U.S. space program has chosen a second group of astronauts to fly to Mars. In June 2017, NASA had 20 adventurer-scientists training for the journey. It is an exciting time!
The first physician in Columbus was already a Doctor Without Borders in 1805 and the War of 1812. His legacy includes the first city park and many stories.
One of my favorite states to visit for historic preservation sites, unusual shops, and sporting events, Maryland is looking toward a rich future in new jobs and growing local economies.
America's national flag enjoys its own park and trail, commemorating the flag though history and the people who have supported it and the freedoms it represents.
"The Carriage Driver, Volume 2" offers 27 more stories about diverse personal views of heaven and how to get there. It's a kind of "Window on Main Street" with Robert Young driving a magic carriage.
A wide mythology surrounds the origins of Watch Night, often called First Night in America. However, the beginning of the celebration is more fascinating than mythology and much older.
The early US Space Program was all male, but the USSR had a female cosmonaut. Since the 1950s, so many women have been involved in aerospace activities that they have their own museum in Ohio!
Not only is humanity headed for Mars, it is also beginning a country on a space station in low-Earth orbit. I am Citizen Number 12,247.
Science fiction as a discipline has told us for decades that we can make replacement parts for human beings. In the 2010s, we began to accomplish this by 3D printing biological materials.
Health conscious friends need to be careful of too much sugar in the diet. Here are a few chocolate recipes that taste great while using good-tasting alternative sweeteners.
Nearly 1,500 in Ohio need healthy lung transplants annually, but there are not enough donor lungs for them all. That's changing now because a leading university hospital can fix damaged lungs fast.
An effective resignation letter can help grow a network of business and employment contacts that can advance your career in the future. Fumbling the resignation or walking out can hurt you long-term.
Predictions of enormous increases in aviation-industry jobs began in the mid-2010s. Trucking-industry predictions then mirrored those forecasts. Both predictions were correct.
Would you vote for a candidate in any primary or general election who abuses others physically, mentally, or verbally?
One of the largest freshwater inland seas in the world, Lake Erie offers a tour of breathtaking landscapes, vineyards, beaches, famous shipwreck sites, parks, and unexpected First Nations settlements.
Moon Express lobbied the federal government to land on the moon in early 2017. They received contracts for three separate launches to the moon to start mining, all with help of the Google X-Prize.
Both solid and insubstantial reasons exist for seeking and accepting employment with a new employer. Some of the very best reasons are included here.
Memorial Day is the kick-off to summertime fun, but June offers bushels of holidays to prevent boredom and create good memories.
Selected international countries are partnering with the US in projects for Mars, but several other little known related items of interest are also strange but true.
On the 50th Anniversary of our original "Star Trek," we remember the first ST: TOS convention and celebrate the fans of yesterday. A Galaxy Quest parody is set for TV in the near future -- is this good or bad?
A unique author sharing his stories on HubPages shows magical growth in depth and breadth of content over time. If body or spirit needs refreshing, these are the places to visit, any time of life.
Controversy surrounds the etiology of Zika, especially how it is contracted & spread. Public interest rivals that of the Zombie Apocalypse. Brains of some newborns are actually partially missing.
A variety of tasty nuts and vegetables are healthy in the human diet. If you want a change from the same meats used day in and day out, try these recipes that provide interesting flavors & textures.
The Ukrainian tradition of New Year's Eve and Day is certainly a lengthy one, taking up most of the month of January with fun, good food, and excitement!
When spending Christmas Day alone, where do you go? McDonald's is open, and the movies are nice, but a better, friendlier place might be the United Dairy Farmer's store in your neighborhood!
What a wonderful time to be alive and witness the advance of unmanned drones for Search & Rescue and various deliveries. They need remote pilots as well, so - more jobs for us!
This is the story of a lovely apple, that some people do not often recognize. I compare it to another apple, that cannot appetize - -It decorates!
Tennessee and Alabama are home to some of America's finest dishes. Here are a few recipes I've picked up on vacations. Happy New Year!
These three cranberry fruit recipes will add zip to your holiday table and create tasty memories for your guests.
As US States approve medical & recreational marijuana sales, will the industry fall into the grip of a wealthy monopoly? The monopoly in Ohio includes the famous as well as some of the unsavory.
Some hate groups use outdated material and even new misinformation to denigrate families and perpetuate myths in personality determination.
Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols survived a near-shooting in the womb by Al Capone and recovered fully from a 2015 stroke to be a flying Astronomy Ambassador. She went to space with NASA that September.
Actor James Getty was a superb living historian. He spent decades portraying Abraham Lincoln full tilt for many visitors to historic sites in America's Civil War. Only Daniel Day Lewis matched him.
Two weeks' work in October 2015 may have led to long term employment as a Major League Coach for the first woman to hold such a job. That's a good internship!
During 3rd Quarter 2015, China ordered almost $40Billion of new aircraft from America's Boeing Co., complicating the new Space Race as well as international business and economy.
Demand for nurses is high, and the pay and perks can be quite good, but long hours lead to increased stress that prevents nurses from doing their best and thriving in their careers.
A large nation of Native Americans died in war and from disease, but revived and was awarded their own recognition day. Modern history is adding many facts to the public knowledge of the Chicora.
Bethesda is a city that is not a city, but it is an important hub of medical practice and American History.
As another native village erodes into the Chukchi Sea, Ohio legislators cry FOUL, because an illegally named mountain will revert to its original name, bestowed by the People who were there first.
Not all McDonald's can absorb the cost of raising Federal Minimum Wage to $15.00/hour, but are McRobots the way to go? Can this result in 25,000 more robot restaurants for the flagging chain?
Financial Examination and Forensic Accounting account for over 50,000 job vacancies in America at any given time. The field is exciting, especially in the aspect of cybercrime and prevention.
In trying times, a poem can be uplifting and inspirational. Garrison Keillor has found this especially true of American poetry as he shows us in this collection.
From Native American poetry to Classics, songs, and graphic novels, how can we not be proud of America's literary development? Come celebrate literacy and literature of all sorts in DC this September.
Why is money so important to people & society that we see it mentioned in dozens of song titles, lyrics, poems, short stories, and novels? Will we use money on the moon and Mars when we settle there?
Do you believe in female superheroes? We have a group of 12 in the Middle East that mean business against terrorism.
Organs have been stolen for decades and proof exists. Anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes has dug deep into the problem from 1980s to the 2010s, but I also investigated in the 1990s. Here it all is:
Greendale in the Heartland of America has "backward houses", a fine tradition of hearty cuisine, and the most cookbooks in one place in our nation.
Possible issues in psychology related to interrogation tortures revealed in 2015 were compounded by release of films and news about human experiments of the past that did not follow legal protocols.
Does the American Psychological Association advocate torture? Probably not, but evidence of collusion alerted the leadership to act immediately and they did so. They are to be commended for that.
Why do Minions make laughter? Are the French known for slapstick in animated humor? Slapstick, yes, but with layers of wit and sophistication that bring us back to laugh again! See why --
Have you ever thought about Elvis as a Bounty Hunter in a big Midwestern city? He is doing a good job there.
The record-breaking author of this book passed the bar exam in California without completing high school or attending college or law school. He studied hard on his own. From there, he soared.
Few Americans know we are scheduled to return to Luna circa 2018. Plans & schedules to Mars and iron & water-rich asteroids lying beyond it are real. Novelist Dan Brown wrote about it in 2001!
Five cities and five US States recovered from the Great Recession faster and more fully than any other areas of the United States. Have a look here to see where they are and what they have to offer.
A Disney film surprised audiences by asking if they are Dreamers and whether they will help ensure that Tomorrow arrives.
Matthew McConaughey's recent film was booed loudly at Cannes, but dozens have been hated there. Many became moneymakers - including one by Martin Scorsese. Others became cult classics. Sensational!
What keeps a WWII Veteran going 70 years after the end of the war? -- Probably a number of things, but the appreciation of the nation he or she defended is primary.
If you would like to try a fast and easy recipe for chili that is good in the spring and summer, try this one!
Suicide rates have changed by age and gender since 2008 and the beginning of the Great Recession. The greatest increases do not appear in the cohort of workers, despite loss of jobs and homes.
The buffalo jump became easy and wasteful after the introduction of horses and guns to First Nations by Spain. We forget that Spain claimed lands all the way to Canada on the West Coast.
Fast food restaurants cycle from simple to highly complex & labor intensive, back to simpler times. This time, the basics help McDonald's to pay new Minimum Wages!
In the 1980s, many young Japanese women made the conscious move to abstain from marriage and childrearing in order to demand equality in the workplace. The plan worked, producing a shortage of males.
Drones are the subject of jokes & business proposals as well as fear & welcome among people in the United States. In 2015, colleges and the Ohio Aerospace Industry began to create 100,000 drone jobs.
The maypole and its various celebratory dances have a long history, religious and secular. They were also put into celebrations of communism in 1917.
If you really want to work in a good career, then try these jobs that have tens of thousands of openings in the USA at high pay rates and good chances for promotion and perks.
A horror story for the modern age, UNFRIENDED tackles the monsters of vast seas of technology, teen sexting, cyberbullying, and losing one's popularity.
Since the Great Recession, additional American Senior Citizens have become homeless or found they need to return to the workplace. Retirement ages are increasing, so what is a Senior to do?
Cuba is relatively small, but provides 250 greenspaces for conserving native plants and promoting sustainability. This thrust includes anything from orchids with the scent of chocolate to medicines.
This authentic recipe comes from a Hungarian community in my state, whose members celebrated holidays with good food and good company after WWII. I hope you enjoy it.
Only 66 years after the Wright Brothers showed humankind that we could fly, we landed on the moon. In another 50 years, our GPS was set for Mars. Next is Jupiter.
Emergency Room staff and Adult Education instructors and aides have told me from time to time about their fears of violence at work. Can we find ways of preventing violence against these workers?
In the USA, anyone can open an MA studio. We've no regulatory/legal standards for instructor training, belt rank, costs, etc. - 1000s of long-time, as well as new/independent federations decide.
NASA's Glenn Center in Cleveland is working on teleportation, warp speed, and the Tricorder, but a Belgian beat them to McCoy's machine with his Scanadu, named for Xanadu, and it works!
Pipestone Monument is the historic photographic site used by George Caitlin and a place that Indigenous Peoples still harvest stones for ceremonial pipes. Few places can compete with it for interest.
The film 50 Shades of Grey is not everyone's favorite, despite it making gobs of cash at the cinemas. It has a good cliffhanger though. Still, you might prefer one of these two films on relationships.
At least eight cities in separate states are named for Christopher Columbus, and each one has a personality of its own. The railroads helped them begin, but American Highways made them blossom.
Come along on the Superstition Freeway and you might find a highway of dreams in Arizona. Legends of lost gold and the Baron of Arizona are only the beginning and the east end of the highway is grand.
As the Internet accumulates data, not all of the business content is the best in terms of offering advice for obtaining employment. This article points out some time wasting pitfalls to avoid.
You may be a person who needs to move to another US State to find substantial employment and you may need a few tips to help you in that journey. Here are some pointers that work.
A favorite time of my life involved practicing martial arts patterns in winter on a hillside among pines. It was otherworldly. This piece is a response to a Hub Challenge posed by Ms. Jackie Lynnley.
Latin parents smuggle 5-year-olds into USA, thinking they are providing a better life. By their teens, the kids are unable to work or attend school and take the legal rap for documented siblings.
The EEG "flat line" has indicated death, even when other organs function. In 2013, medical researchers discovered in coma patients a deeper level of (un)consciousness at which brain activity re-starts.
The second largest collection of US government files was begun by a 17-year-old in 1996 after two years of preliminary research. The website that resulted has grown to contain nearly 1.4 million items.
Located just west of Chicago, Glencoe offers more affordable housing as well as mansions, good transportation, easy access to visitors' attractions, and a wealth of high paying jobs.
Some web information contrariwise, our brains form frontal lobes in the womb, with massive growth at 1) 35 - 40 weeks' gestation and 2) infant ages 6-12 months, on average. Then, they grow more!
The Flu epidemic of 2014 - 2015 began early and was set to rival that of the Spanish Flu of 1918 - 1920. What links the two epidemics and what can we do to stop future outbreaks? Family history helps.
Cornwall is a land of crop circles, Stonehenge, and public gardens, including the gargantuan and beautiful Eden, which opened one fine St. Patrick's Day. The entire region is as lush as a rainforest.
On the Eve of normalization of USA-Cuban relations in 2014 - 2015, we hear about an authentic Cuban Menu for Nochebuena, Christmas eve.
February features special days to remember presidents and astronauts, but during one February in recent history, we recognized some HubPages writers as well.
Since 2014, over 900,000 openings for truck drivers have consistently been advertised in America, many for long-haul work but increasingly in local delivery after 2019. Other openings are posted with truck driving schools as well. The job will increase by 5% through 2028.
America's space hero Buzz Aldrin has been emphasizing the Arts as a a useful addition to STEM classes for kids & youth. Arts and music help brains to make math and science work! Buzz is another hero.
Nunavut has cotton flowers, a fish with legs, a military post, stone sculptures, totem poles, icebergs, whales, muskox, narwhal & more. Only 33,300 people live in a land the size of Western Europe.
Whether you are looking for alternatives to Commercial Christmas, or just need a different sort of weekend getaway, try celebrating one of these holidays or hold a themed party.
Statistics show that these two cities are the worst, but they still have many amenities and attractions that could make a retiree - or anyone - happy.
The Wilds Conservation Park helps to breed global endangered species and preserve native prairie plants. It also furnishes scholarships to youth in poorer counties and provides science internships.
Will you see Toy Story 4? Original marketing suggested cameos by President and Michelle Obama, along with other White House insiders. However, the completed film seems to take a shot at the 2019 White House and candidates for Election 2020.
Some US States can offer a job opening to every unemployed person who wants to work. However, are they jobs that people can and want to do?
Two modern Sherlock Holmeses shared roles of Doctor & The Creature on stage. Jonny Lee Miller (Elementary) & Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) changed roles nightly, with Miller's a grander Creature.
The Northwest Territories glitter forever - lights in the city, the Aurora Borealis, gleaming white snows in winter, and diamonds. East of good neighbor Yukon, the NWT is the Diamond of the North.
Cancer-Specific ER Care is new. Ohio State has the first integrated ER for cancer patients, with Oncologists & ER pros, anti-cancer food gardens, a park seen from every patient window - and miracles.
Several First Nations or Native North American groups have been living in the Canadian Yukon for many centuries. See what they are doing now!
Walruses have hauled out of the sea to rest on shore and ice for millennia and in times of smaller ice floes, more of them gather on land. In 2014, the last 250 people of a nation adopted a huge herd.
Starting in a corner of an office in Dayton and opening in one quonset hut in 1963, The National Museum of the USAF is our largest aviation & aerospace facility. The Wright Brothers are well honored.
In October, you might become a Pearly King or Queen or enjoy Mad Hatter Day with it's own rap song. There is just so much to do during Pizza and Popcorn Month!
What would pizza be like if it were served over pasta in a bowl? This recipe is a tribute to such a dish that existed for only a short time long ago in a pizza restaurant of the 1970s.
A film and a book proclaim M.C. Mary Kom's five-times World Championship and Olympic Medal, but she is vital to stemming the crime of child abduction in India. Husband & three children are delighted!
A young man in the Civil Air Patrol and his team are ready to put a lander with a camera on the moon in the Google LunarX Prize competition. His team is making good progress as funding increases.
The Jerry Lewis Telethon has been gone since 2011, but we can still use the great recipes we prepared for eating during the show!
Can the Russian Space Agency really block America from the International Space Station when the USA has three space taxi companies of its own?
The De Le Salle Spartans in Concord won from Autumn 1992 into the 2003-2004 season. Their training allowed no hazing or insults and their lives were miracles, until one was shot and killed.
Michigan has five state and national parks featuring tall sand dunes, with several sites that contain smaller dunes and quality bird watching. Miles of sand seem to encompass the state perimeter.
A real Federation of Planets-type coalition forms on Earth and eyes the Moon, Near-Earth Asteroids, Mars, the Asteroid Belt beyond, and all the garbage we've put in space. The garbage is the rationale.
If you take advantage of all the free apps for Android and Apple handheld devices, you can save a lot of money on school and office supplies.
The Top Five Us States where people can expect to live longest has changed during the Obama Administration, but Hawaii is still Number One.
A 2001 research book shows that the apples John Chapman planted were all useless, except for making alcoholic cider. The book and a 2015 traveling exhibit in Ohio offer a few other shocking facts.
As global population increases, more people are taking to the air and space in order to find new places to live and resources to sustain life on Earth. A Mars colony full of pioneers is now legendary.
The USA has a competitive national women's baseball team, with three regional tryouts leading up to the final selection trials every August. It's a world class team!
The remastered film is a sharper black and white production with a humorous story line. If you did not see it in 1964, then see it soon. Several generations of your family might enjoy it.
Formed on 12-1-1941, CAP is a volunteer group that helps in Search & Rescue, Aerospace Education, and in WWII, defense. In 2013, a Congressional Medal of Honor was designed for CAP members in WWII.
Historical movies like "Lincoln", filmed in Virginia, are incredible! Now, new director Meg Ryan films the award winning William Saroyan's "The Human Comedy" to add to the state's repertoire.
Traditional coleslaw is delicious, but a variety of vegetables can make it fantastic! Balsamic mayonnaise adds an extra zing.
Today's resume needs a common sense approach with techniques proven successful over time, but integrating new best practices. In the end, a resume is individual, but resumes can share common ground.
While CEOs and Doctors make the most money in the US, how about high paying entry level positions that do not require experience? Some of them are high-paid as well, with benefits, perks & incentives.
Although advice column writers alert the public to jobs not requiring a 4-year degree on entry, in the real world, many employers require that very diploma. Job Candidates need to be alerted.
At one end, you see a ghost ship in the river and at the other, a magnificent wildlife preserve on 22 islands & 360 miles of waterways. See it all by car, kayak, paddleboat, train, bicycle or Segway.
Kids voted and the CBC said they subtracted duplicate, phony, and adult votes. Nominations were based on book sales, but Rush donated 15,000 - did they count? Another fine right-left fight!
The Blacklist is interesting because of exciting characters, odd criminals, and a group of writers that might change story lines, relationships, and back stories. They give us a few clues, but...
As the human lifespan continues on past the current estimate of the official Maximum Age, new gadgets, gizmos, and lab-grown or printed organs will be our friends. Other sci-fi miracles are waiting to happen.
From 2003 - 2013, the Maternal Death Rate in America increased, with higher rates also for only seven other countries worldwide. China & UK do better. Younger women 20-24 die most. What went wrong?
Some Alberta Provincial leaders and constituents have long considered leaving the Confederation with or without British Columbia. Quebec has also considered secession, but without income from oil.
Dozens of unusual holidays fill May, in addition to Mother's Day and Memorial Day. See what else your family and friends might like to celebrate, with fodder for theme parties crowding all 31 days!
Here's insider information about Big Mac invention and prep in restaurants with ingredients, times, assembly, holding, etc.; with some interesting facts about rivals and local food wars.
Several business analysts have listed the Top 50 Best Companies in America, but The People's vote shows these 10 as Best for Equality in the workplace.
Those old theories about the moon turned out to be the truest when looking for the origin of Luna. Meanwhile some old misinformation is pretty funny. Visit Google Moon for a closer look at Luna.
The final volume of the Hunger Games Trilogy was filmed as two separate movies. For those who did not first read the books, the events were surprising.
Since the 1980s, needed focus has been given to Alzheimer's in research, prevention, treatment, and support for caregivers. Now, gender differences operating in the disease are targeted.
Some popular employment-type sites occasionally buy content that manipulates statistics to discourage people from looking for well-paid work. The content says there is "no work out there." Incorrect.
As grocery store prices increase beyond affordability and endangered and seafood species dwindle, the people are becoming upset with "worst practices" and waste in the commercial fishing industry.
Two comedy stars switched TV shows one April 1 and the result was hilarious. Meanwhile, we celebrate sports, astronauts, ferrets, birds, laughter, libraries & fantastic autism awareness.
The events and feats of Paralympians in Sochi left spectators with gaping mouths and eyes stuck open so wide they could not shut them. Athletes of adaptive sports could easily qualify as X-Men.
Paralympians achieve results in Olympic events that are unthinkable to many who have never heard of such competitions. Our world's Wounded Warriors are some of the athletes who benefit the most.
Dean Koontz's clairvoyant short-order cook, Odd Thomas, translates to film and mesmerize viewers who love the Odd books - and some who have never read them! He attracts famous spirits and ghost dogs.
Ohio lost many passenger trains in recent decades, but a number of scenic railroad lines and museums are available for us to still enjoy today!
Some of the world's smaller nations by population placed among top ranking medal winners in the 2014 Olympics. Was this because they are cold-weather countries with more winter sports experience ?
Some expressions may sound strong and important to article writers, but such words are deadly. These expressions are trite and bristly, annoying one's readership into the pages of other writers.
St. Patrick's Day is joined by some very interesting celebration days in March, including PIG DAY that is perfect for Cincinnati. Choose a few to enjoy while the snow melts: week-at-a glance options.
Health hazards and possible economic advantages of the Keystone XL Pipeline clash amid blockades and legislation. What we do know is that tar sands cause cancer.
Diagnosed in Aug. 2013 with cancer, Tom Brokaw had useful treatments, displaying few/no outward symptoms. Announcement of treatment in 2014 was a surprise and a boost to research and info-seeking.
Some interesting things about Lima in the 1880s make the city interesting again in the 2010s. It's also one of the few places to earn a degree in High Performance Motorsports. You may also see a ghost.
One Olympian lives out of his vehicle and another cannot purchase Olympic gear or clothing. How did this happen? It shows the dedication of people who have goals.
The hero who saved the Columbus Zoo spoke out on local Columbus news radio about Marius the Giraffe.
Before the Slopestyle Showboarding began, one Olympian was already paralyzed. Bullies attacked champions criticizing the course, but those standing firm triumphed. Bullies should always lose.
Texas populations grew 2009 - 2013, but new arrivals flooded the state in 2014. The lack of State Income Tax was an incentive, but some called for limits on relocation.
The world has only one entertainer with a Paul McCartney marionette and several sets of Beatles puppets. He lives in Central Ohio and performs several months a year on tour, nationally and locally.
These recipes feature sweet tastes, but can be adjusted to savory needs. The sauce and dip can be used in a variety of culinary scenarios. -- Enjoy some while reading our eerie food history...
Sochi, Southern Russia may be a place of political unrest, but it is host to 12 new Winter Olympic individual and team events that will grab your interest in new ways.
Politics, prejudice, bombs & money created headaches before Russia's Olympiad. The news filled with vitriol as though this were a US Presidential Election. Still, victories brought joy to our hearts.
With 100+ food trucks, Central Ohio is not among the Top 7 Food Truck Cities in the USA, but we should be! We even have Food Truck Festivals and Taco Truck Courts full of busy chefs. Come visit soon.
Rooftop restaurants are awesome places, especially those that rotate to provide a citywide view. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant hanging from a crane in the sky?
Are you ready for a library with no books and looks like an aerospace Mission Control room? Visit this one in southern San Antonio - 5,000 sq. ft. of flat screen computers, iPads, and Trekky decor.
Have you seen a blue jay lately? The bird may be changing habitats. Interbreeding with other species, they coincidentally remind us of the Hunger Games' Mockingjay bird.
Few of the best writers of the Golden Age of Science Fiction are still alive, but their works are even more compelling & applicable today than yesterday. Fred Pohl also started the sci-fi fan craze.
Does Ohio have an Underground Railroad operating today and involving Hispanic immigrants? Some Ohioans believe this is true.
Ground Hog's Day may lead up to Mardi Gras, but there are many other fun holidays in February. Enjoy them as you go snow skiing and wait for spring!
Teleportation and Time Travel are real projects studied in NASA facilities around Cleveland, Ohio in the 2010s. However, back in 1941, Robert A. Heinlein had his own ideas.
Online experts tout 5 traditionally women's jobs to 18- to 24-year olds as the best that can be supplied by two-year degrees. However, Engineering Techs are more highly paid and in higher demand.
Some Native North American events have remained controversial, adding additional famous events each decade. Artifact sales and objections to oil pipelines are among the most visible and interesting.
Slip and fall injuries are the second major cause of accidental death in the USA. Purposeful preparation for going out in winter can make the season safer by reducing injuries and fatalities.
Yearly broken January Resolutions can add to the after-holiday blues setting in by the middle of the month. Mardi Gras is too long to wait for festivity, so here are some days for fun in January!
Missouri is filled with caverns that are tourist attractions. However, another underground cave system is home to some of America's largest businesses. It is also the subject of conspiracy theories.
We know about the jobs in the USA that can most often kill workers, but which occupations make the most employees sick most frequently? Do these workers die from disease, stress, or something else?
The college football rivalry between OSU and U of M has resulted in everything from burning cars and sofas in the streets to players abusing spectators. Audiences and reporters love it all.
Workin the Logging Industry has supported a reality show pointing out the multitude of obstacles and dangers taken on by death defying lumbermen and women. Danger is offset by excitement and profits.
Has reconstruction of Dealey Plaza obliterated important pieces of evidence in a Presidential assassination? Revitalizing a tourist mecca raises questions as media outlets back the Magic Bullet.
Some media outlets raced to accept the Magic Bullet as the murder weapon on the murder's 50th Anniversary. Scientists with robust evidence to the contrary were shut down by TV and the FBI. Why?
Absurdity Day is a time to celebrate the illogical, the nonsensical, and the surreal.
A sense of freedom has imbued downcast areas of Detroit, moving people to cut grass in parks, create films & art, plant crops, and provide fine dining in pop up restaurant in art galleries. Stunning!
If you enjoy living history museums and New England, you might like getting away for Thanksgiving in the Cape Cod Bay area of Massachusetts.
In the Victorian Era, ideas of pilgrims, women, and turkeys at Plymouth were created by one widow in her ladies' magazine. Her 40 years of campaigning changed Thanksgiving for the next 150 years.
Every day in November is recognized as at least one holiday in the USA and some days count as two special days. There are enough things to celebrate to keep family & friends busy until Thanksgiving.
A Hubber, Bishop CD Holmes-Miller, has published a memoir that punches through prejudice and pride to reach the heart of the importance of honoring our differences.
Central Ohio companies and hospitals have devloped viruses to treat adult and pediatric cancers, along with matrix-grown replacement organs that use one's own stem cells rather than pig powders.