Is SHARING worth the effort?
A tribute to SHARING
After relentlessly trawling hub pages in the middle of a seven week hubpages addiction, I noticed regularly stumbling across the words 'SHARING' in many hubbers comments bar. Deciding to take matters into my own hands and research this topic myself, I discovered numerous hubs. Namely 'Do you like to share?' Let’s help everyone get more readers’ by Brett.Tesol. After reading and absorbing the advice included in this hub, I decided to give this SHARING idea a go.
After only a few days of adopting this into my daily hubbing routine, I saw an increase in traffic to my pages, not to mention numbers in my followers list! WOW. A gradual excitement came over me which led to a near underwear wetting experience. Hence why you are reading this now! This, not so secret hub recipe, seems to actually work, even after only a few days! I must take my hat off to this knowledgeable, hub savvy and thoroughly friendly entrepreneur! What a fantastic idea! Congratulations sir.
Brett.Tesols’ idea looks to have really taken off. This has been complimented by an elite hubber (and seemingly all round good guy, J.S. Matthew) who wrote a tribute hub to his idea, ‘Why do I keep seeing thanks for SHARING in many great comments on hubs lately.’ As a seasoned hubber of 2 years and someone who evidently is in the hub know how, I’m not going to argue! Although I won’t go into detail on how to SHARE here, you will find details provided in the links mentioned above (after you are done here of course!).
Is sharing worth it?
Is sharing a useful method to use in hubpages?
To SHARE or not to SHARE?
I can see how such an idea only benefits the whole hub pages community. It looks as though many hubbers have already benefited with the idea being passed around the hub community for around 5 months now.
People who are now SHARING are doing so to help others! It seems to me that Brett has assisted in unifying an online community who are willing and active in helping people that deserve it! Not to say that this didn’t occur beforehand, of course not. In his tribute hub J.S. Matthew, suggests it is “a great idea that seems to be going viral on HubPages.” SHARING has been spreading like wild fire!
A realisation dawned upon me that there is an amount of fun and pleasure to be been gained throughout the process; you are broadening your horizons by educating yourself, forging friendships, helping others in the community whilst also potentially increasing your traffic and earnings! Again, WOW. Another aspect as to why I am paying homage to the idea here!
SHARING Sensibly
You obviously don’t want to be commenting on unnecessary content that has no relevance to you. That is not the idea behind SHARING. This is highlighted by Brett where he writes, “as a note, please only pick quality hubs ...we want to support the writers that make an effort here and spread the words of articles that deserve it.” I’d second that, it’s not a good idea to SHARE every hub you read. He continues to add “When you make a comment, make it interesting and relevant ….. you do not want to look like or be a spammer! Otherwise you will lose your followers! Your comments say something about you, and show if you have actually read the article.” Evidently sound advice that everyone should take note of.
Now, if like me, you are new to Hubpages are looking for a head start, you will find these hubs especially helpful. However, advice and ideas are not limited to these experienced hubbers! They are just a couple in a hub sea of thousands and I apologise if I have missed anyone here. Make yourself known please!
Another aim here is to discover useful hubs for new and experienced hubbers. The internet is a constantly changing place and us, as hub dogs, are all needing to learn new tricks! If you have any suggestions that you feel will help the community or know of any Hubpages success stories, please feel free to SHARE below. Please remember though that Hubpages frowns upon self-promotion. This is not the aim here. The collective goal is to help fellow hubbers, learn a thing or two and create a positive experience for all along the way. What a truly inspirational place,I'm sure you'll agree! Brett.Tesol, thank you for SHARING!
© 2012 livingabroad