How To Raise Your Hub Score
What Are My Tips and "Tricks"?
Recently I had a fan ask me how I managed to keep my profile score in the high 90's. They asked me for my "secrets" or "tips" on how I did this. This got me to thinking about my hubbing experience and about why did my scores stay up there in the nice high 90's range?
Well to begin with let me say that when I joined HubPages 10 months ago and I looked at the hubbers with the highest scores, I never imagined that I would one day be up there with the best of them. I was very intrigued by these writers who scored so highly and wondered myself "How did they do it?"
I had joined Hubpages to write, and once I found out how great the people here were, I was absolutely hooked. I wanted to write more, and I wanted to write better.
"Hubacholism" had set in...........
So Onto My "Secrets" of Hubbing
So you probably just want me to cut to the chase and tell you all my hubbers secrets.......
Well I hate to disappoint you but if I have any "secrets" to hubbing I am not aware of them yet. As far as I understand, all of our activity here goes into an algorithm that determines our profile score, and what exactly goes into that "algorithm" I have no clue nor do I care to know honestly. The only thing I do care about here at HubPages is writing, learning to write better, helping my fellow fans, friends and fellow writers in being better writers too.
So hmmm... maybe that would be one of my secrets if I had any - I genuinely like people and love to write - which I'm sure has added to my scores staying steady. I also like to write ALOT, and I work hard at making sure that what I write has been edited to the best of my ability (spell check - spell check - spell check!!) I also like to write not only about my life experiences but I also write about things that are of a controversial nature ( which may sometimes actually hurt my score if I piss someone off I suppose - they could thumb me down) But even if it did hurt my score I honestly woundn't care because I have written from my heart.... and for me that's all that matters. Nobody will always agree with everything you say - and wouldn't it be boring if people did?
I have to date now over 500 fans, whom I admire for trusting me enough to want to be my fans. Although I do not always respond to each and every comment (I'm working hard at doing that), it's not because I don't care what someone has said to me, it's more like I am an overwhelmed writer/teacher/wife and mother trying to keep up with life the best I canĀ (life is a tad hectic for me these days)
So I do try to be interactive with my readers - I think that's very important, and I do try to read others hubs as much as possible. Sometimes that's hard but I feel it's part of being a responsible friend and fan to read others writing, make comments and support other hubbers efforts.
Another thing I do is try to stay active in the forums. Forum posting is fun - there are some great conversations going on over there, and lots to learn. And if you really want to be a good hubber you need to give back of yourself - and help others.
The "Secrets" of Writing
My Latest "Converts"
Another thing I have done is invite others to write here at HubPages. Jen and Rose are 2 of my latest HubPage "converts". I am absolutely thrilled they are here because I know how therapeutic writing can be and I feel that all of us have a story to tell. There has been some joking camaraderie between us about who can get the highest profile score and like I have told my "girls" - hey if you can get a better score than me then "more power to you!" And I mean that. I would love to see them excel at what they like doing. My ego can handle it!
So as for my "secrets" to success here at Hubpages - well I suppose it would all boil down to some very basic things - write well and to the best of your ability, care about people, strive to be a better writer and participate. And always be open to learning new things. It's really pretty simple.
And I'll bet that rating algorthim is pretty much based on those concepts!
One of Jensters Latest Hubs
- Divorce...How it Effects Children Old and Young?
Growing up I had both my parents in my life, both my mom and dad. I think I was about ten and found out my dad had adopted me and I had another man out there somewhere that was my biological father. I...