What would cause an across the board Google Spike in traffic?

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  1. Bedbugabscond profile image95
    Bedbugabscondposted 12 years ago

    A little while ago I had a spike of traffic that came from Google Organic searches. Every single one of my hubs had a spike that day, then slowly my views plummeted. Each day there were fewer and fewer views from organic search. I still have a little bit of organic traffic,  but it is back to the pre spike level, which dashes my hopes of earning. What could that spike mean?

    1. Dale Hyde profile image66
      Dale Hydeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am not sure what would create that spike across the board. I don't think I have ever experienced that myself. I am going to follow this post however, as now I am curious myself. Hopefully someone with some insight will drop by and share.

  2. Lauryallan profile image70
    Lauryallanposted 12 years ago

    If you have added your account to google analytics then you could see what caused the spike to your hubs.
    Perhaps one of your hubs got to the front page of google but then slipped down again the next day. You perhaps got extra traffic to your other hubs if they are interlinked etc. This is just my best guess, the only way to really know is if you have your HP subdomain added to your google analytics account as it will tell you the search terms people were searching that reached your hubs.
    If you haven't added your subdomain to google analytics, I'd suggest you do. There's so much information that you can get from google analytics that can help you figure out how to improve and get even more traffic. Or it can help pinpoint where you are going wrong.

    1. Dale Hyde profile image66
      Dale Hydeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This makes great sense! I have some review hubs up as well and have seen similar spikes now that i reflect upon it.  I can see how something in the mainstream media would create an interest and therefore increase views for a short period of time. smile

  3. Helena Ricketts profile image92
    Helena Rickettsposted 12 years ago

    My guess would be that since it looks like all of your hubs are on bed bugs that there was a story about them released into main stream media somewhere that prompted people to search for more information on them.  I've had a few of my product review hubs spike and fall like that when something happens with the company that manufacturers the product and it hits mainstream media.  People get curious and want more info so they go to Google.

    That's my guess anyway.  smile

  4. Bedbugabscond profile image95
    Bedbugabscondposted 12 years ago

    Helena you might be right. I did check analytics and a bunch of keywords I was doing poorly on suddenly got more traffic, and now it is dying off. There was a front page story about a woman suing a hotel for millions, or something like that. I suppose that was what created the sudden interest.

  5. Greekgeek profile image76
    Greekgeekposted 11 years ago

    Helena is smaaart.

    I've got a page on solar flares that traffic spikes every time there's a major solar flare in the news. It's so accurate that I can actually use my dashboard traffic stats to tell me when to lug the telescope out and see what's cooking up there.

    You will probably enjoy the same periodic spurt of traffic everytime there's another bedbugs story on the major news outlets. Well done on picking a recurring-news niche. smile

    1. Dale Hyde profile image66
      Dale Hydeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I can relate to that for sure. I have a tropical storm/hurricane hub up, and while it is quiet like now in the Atlantic, the views drop, but once an area of investigation gains a number, such as 99L, then the hub starts to spike, when it reaches tropical depression static, up even more...once a hurricane, I reap the rewards. smile ....then all is quiet again, and down the views go, from steak to hot dogs. smile

    2. Helena Ricketts profile image92
      Helena Rickettsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL!  Thanks!

      I like it when companies screw up now.  It doesn't happen often but I can tell if they own something I've reviewed.

      When that TLC couponing show starts airing again, my couponing hubs spike for a few days then fall back down until the next episode comes on then they spike again.  When the show is between seasons, those hubs just sit there and do almost nothing.  It's crazy how that works.

      When I saw all of those hubs were about bed bugs, I figured that's what happened.  That's an excellent topic because it's been a problem that bounces in and out of the news.


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